
Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

author:Pippi Films

丨This article was first published in the Pippi movie

Phi Phi Movies / A great movie recommendation every day

Let's talk about the recent wave of hit "Dunkirk".

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

The Douban score quietly climbed from 8.3 before the release to 8.6, of course, many fans expressed disappointment after watching it, and the word of mouth was a bit polarized.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

As for the box office, the total box office of the 6 days of release so far is about 250 million, but after all, it is Nolan's new work, and it is not so brilliant to tell the truth.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

Pigo also watched the film for the first time after the release of the film, and compared with the tweet before the release fully recommended that everyone go to the theater, Pigo tends to be selective today.

It should be said that "Dunkirk" is still an excellent historical and war-themed film engraved with Nolan's distinctive label, but everyone's preferred film style is still different.

The main praise is that the film is more realistic, the cruelty of the war is vividly presented, and the Nolan structural complex (suspenseful editing, complex narrative, adherence to traditional photography methods, etc.), even if it is not too much to give full marks.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

Of course, another part of the fans will also feel that the story line is too much and too complicated, the timeline is compressed together, the perception may not be smooth enough, not to mention that part of the history of domestic film fans is not too familiar. The theme and pattern are also too grand, and an hour and a half is a bit compact. The film as a whole is also too depressing, and the tone is a bit of a "Manchester by the Sea" feeling, or to put it bluntly, the viewing is not strong enough.

In short, the advantages that this part of the people say may be the shortcomings that another part is not satisfied with, or it depends on personal preferences. Therefore, before considering whether to buy a ticket, you still have to carefully refer to these evaluations.

Of course, if you decide to go to see it, Pigo still recommends watching the imax2d version by all means! The regular 2D version is just too disappointing.

Most of the fans are buying tickets for the director, or recommendations from friends and self-media, and the reason for the recommendation is mainly because of the director Nolan.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

A brilliant director can indeed directly determine the fate of a film, even in the shooting stage fans will look forward to it.

There is also James Cameron, who simply does not give you the slightest opportunity to question and deny, as long as it is filmed, it will definitely be a box office hit and leave a famous film history. It's just that the work is really slow, dragging on for a year, "Avatar 2" has been scheduled for 2020, but no matter how long Pige will be willing to wait.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!
Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

Is there such a director in China? At first, Pi Ge thought it was Zhang Yimou, but the last time "The Great Wall" seemed to be unsatisfactory at the box office and word of mouth.

At present, it seems that there is only Xingye, and if Xingye returns to the screen as an actor again, the box office is even more unimaginable.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

South Korea also has a similar director who is highly anticipated every time a new work comes out, saying that the two domestic film fans are most familiar with, one is Kim Ki-duk, the other is Park Chan-wook, and Pi Ge always adds a prefix such as "ethical film master" before recommending their works.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!
Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

However, Kim Ki-duk has not done much in recent years, but Park Chan-wook is still so fierce, especially last year's cult film "Miss", which can be described as stunning, and Pigo has recommended it no less than 5 times so far.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

He graduated from the Philosophy Department of Sogang University in South Korea, but he loves movies and has changed from film critic to director. Whether it is a hobby or a professional demand, it is destined to have a huge number of films watched by Park Director, so he can learn from the language of the film. Because he is a fan of B-grade films and cult films, coupled with the accumulation and precipitation of the early stage, his personal style has gradually matured.

Exquisite soundtrack, exquisite composition, although the rhythm of the film is generally depressed, but it does not lose its ornamentation, the plot is also good at setting foreshadowing and suspense, in the last moment of the film let you sigh its unique concept.

He is praised as a "master of ethical films", obviously because the stories in many of his films are always related to ethics, but each one can make the viewer have an unsyerprising inner touch, so the title of "master" is also fully deserved.

But Park's films, especially those related to ethics, are difficult to explain exactly what kind of theme is expressed, let alone social significance. For example, "Stoke" once recommended by Pigo, the plot can be summarized as a girl killer cultivation record, and it is not until the last moment that all the story lines are completely sorted out.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

Basically, a series of incest emotions caused by the male protagonist after returning home are revealed with a hint of human evasion and fickleness, but the moral of the story is actually not very deep. But the characters are extremely fully portrayed, each shot is also very beautiful, and the treatment of each sound is very meticulous. Can the film be made like this, can't it be, is the main idea still so important?

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

Seeing the end, you will suddenly realize that this is indeed a thriller, but only low-level thrillers will scare the audience with blood plasma, and Park has already surpassed that realm.

But Park Chan-wook's favorite fan of the film is the "Revenge Trilogy" - "I Want Revenge" (2002), "Old Boy" (2003), "Kind Gold" (2005).

This is a revenge series, and Pigo has recommended it to everyone many times, but if you make a comparison in the series, although they are excellent, it is obvious that "I Want Revenge" and "Old Boy" are more brilliant in the processing of the story and the use of the camera.

Three films have also been recommended by Pigo before.

The first film, I Want Revenge, came out in 2002, and the concept was introduced and laid out before it developed into the "Revenge Trilogy", and it was this film that laid the foundation for its iconic personal style.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

The multi-threaded hierarchical narrative process, intertwined clues and editing, the silent scene composition and images, the wave after wave of black irony and political criticism, the film from design to execution can be perfectly described, and it is achieved in the unexpected moment of step by step.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

The drama of "I Want Revenge" is that all the vengeful people in the film are just a pawn, and when they fight each other for your life, no one knows that there are ugly and obscene faces outside the chessboard, which is the culprit that makes them enemies.

But if you will agree with many fans after watching the trilogy, "I Want Revenge" is more like an ending than a beginning.

"Old Boy", which came out a year later, should be the most well-known part of the trilogy, for most fans, may not have seen the revenge trilogy in its entirety, but "Old Boy" must have seen or heard of it.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

This film can be said to use the incest element to the extreme, the ring is tightly linked, and when you think that you have just left the ethical sin and are lamenting for the characters in it, you do not realize that in fact, you have already fallen into another ethical entanglement.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!
Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

On the day of his daughter's birthday, the male protagonist accidentally disappeared and woke up imprisoned in a secret room. There is also a TV in the secret room, which is everything for the male protagonist, in addition to mastering the time, but also knows the outside world.

After 15 years, he finally dug through the wall and prepared to escape from prison, but he was suddenly released, and the other party hiding in the shadows pointed out that the male protagonist wanted to find out the truth about his imprisonment.

While exploring the truth, the male protagonist also holds a firm belief in revenge and vows to eat his life imprisoned for 15 years alive.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

As the mastermind behind his imprisonment appears, the suspense of the story changes from why he was imprisoned to why he was released.

Of course, all the suspense of the story is also revealed at the last moment, and combined with all the plots in the previous paragraph, you will be amazed at the design of the "revenge" story, which is so painstaking.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

Released in 2005, "Gracious Gold", this time it is sm-style collective revenge.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!
Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

Compared with the first "I Want Revenge", the last two films obviously present more dark and violent aesthetics, the soundtrack is more elaborate, and the camera skills are used more.

Don't because he is a master of "ethical films", these movies you will "go to the flowers"!

Of course, many fans also can't agree with Park Chan-wook's ethical films, especially the perverted plot setting, although it is to express self-redemption after revenge, but some plot design is still intolerable.

This is a matter of opinion, and Pigo does not comment much.

However, if there is a trilogy that you have not yet watched, or if you have just walked around and passed quickly before, then Pigo still recommends that fans and friends can find out again and take a serious look.

Park Chan-wook's ethical feature film really can't just look at the picture.

This article is original, please indicate the author and "Source: ppdianying".

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