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author:Northeast Net

Breast hyperplasia is the most common breast disease in women, and its causes and pathogenesis are related to endocrine disorders and psychiatric factors. Excessive estrogen and too little or incongruity between the two hormones, as well as excessive sensitivity of breast tissue to estrogen, can lead to hyperplasia and poor recovery of the breast parenchyma. Let's take a look at what are the causes of breast hyperplasia?

Causes of breast hyperplasia

1. Endocrine disorders. Decreased progesterone secretion and relative increased estrogen are important causes of breast hyperplasia. Such as ovarian imperfection, menstrual irregularities, thyroid disease and liver dysfunction.

2. The influence of mental factors such as emotions. Mental stress, emotional agitation and other undesirable mental factors are easy to form breast hyperplasia, often stay up late, lack of sleep, etc. will also cause breast hyperplasia, and these adverse factors will also aggravate the existing breast hyperplasia symptoms.

3. Human factors or bad living habits: female infertility at an advanced age, sexual dysfunction, abortion, marital discord, non-breastfeeding and other reasons, resulting in the mammary glands can not have normal, periodic physiological activities. Wear an overly tight bra or wear tight underwear, etc.

4. Unreasonable diet structure, such as high-fat, high-energy diet leads to excessive fat intake, drinking and smoking and other bad habits will induce breast disease. In addition, now people's diet is good, there are many people with high blood pressure, hyperglycemia, these are also easy to make women endocrine disorders, resulting in breast hyperplasia.

5. Long-term use of health care products containing estrogens and contraceptives. Long-term excessive intake of estrogen in the human body will lead to endocrine imbalance, and now some fast-growing foods, artificially raised aquatic products and poultry use feed also contain hormone components, and long-term consumption will also lead to the occurrence of breast diseases.

What are the methods for diagnosing breast hyperplasia

1, b ultrasound examination: because of its convenient, economical, non-invasive, painless and other advantages become a more commonly used clinical means of examination, with the development of ultrasound imaging, the application of high-frequency ultrasound, greatly improving the resolution of ultrasound, can find tiny lesions in the breast, especially the identification of cystic and solid tumors, is difficult to replace by other imaging.

2. Breast x-ray examination: breast x-ray examination is an important means to find early cancer and micro-cancer, but it is not necessary to repeatedly check in a short period of time, especially in adolescence, pregnancy and lactation of the breast is sensitive to X-ray, excessive exposure will increase the incidence of breast cancer. Generally, a molybdenum scan should be done at least once before the age of 30, every 2-3 years at the age of 30-40, and once every 2 years after the age of 40. Tests for microcalcification are incomparable to other imaging tests.

3. Breast MRI: Breast MRI is highly sensitive and moderately specific. Because of its relatively high price, long inspection time, and relatively narrow and closed space, it is not popular at present. It has great advantages for breast x-ray plus ultrasound-negative micro breast cancer, postoperative review, prosthetic implantation or injection of breast augmentation, nipple discharge, screening of high-risk groups, etc.

The dangers of breast hyperplasia

1. Breast pain: often swelling or tingling, can affect one or both breasts, one side is more common, the pain is not touchable, and even affect daily life and work. Pain may radiate to the ipsilateral armpits or shoulder back; some may present with sore or itchy nipples. Breast pain often appears or worsens in the days leading up to menstruation, and the pain decreases or disappears significantly after menstruation; pain can fluctuate with mood changes, exertion, and weather changes. This pain associated with changes in the menstrual cycle and mood is a major feature of the clinical manifestations of breast hyperplasia.

2. Breast lump: the lump can occur in one or both breasts, single or multiple, and generally occurs in the outer upper quadrant of the breast. It is manifested as flakes, nodules, cords, etc. of different sizes, of which flakes are more common. The borders are inconspicuous, the texture is medium or slightly hard, there is no adhesion to the surrounding tissues, and there is often tenderness. Most breast lumps also have the characteristics of changing with the menstrual cycle, with the lump enlarging and hardening before menstruation and the lump shrinking and softening after menstruation.

3. Nipple discharge: a small number of patients can have nipple discharge, which is spontaneous discharge, mostly yellowish or light milky white, and there are also fewer people who can see the overflow of the nipple after squeezing. Caution is required if a bloody or coffee-colored discharge occurs.

The main measures to reduce breast hyperplasia are:

Keep your mood comfortable and emotionally stable. Emotional instability inhibits ovulation function in the ovaries, and a decrease in progesterone occurs, resulting in a relative increase in estrogen, leading to breast hyperplasia.

Avoid creams and medications containing estrogen. Some women use creams containing estrogen for a long time in order to beautify the skin, which can induce breast hyperplasia over time.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are a physiological regulation of breast function, so timely marriage and breastfeeding are beneficial to the breast; on the contrary, women over 30 years old who are unmarried, childless or breastfeeding are prone to breast hyperplasia.

The mammary gland is the target organ of sex hormones and changes periodically due to the influence of the endocrine environment. When the "sexual" environment expands and the chance of sexual stimulation increases, it can promote the secretion of "esosterone", resulting in an increase in estrogen and a relative decrease in progesterone, resulting in breast hyperplasia. Therefore, maintaining a harmonious and regular life of husband and wife can eliminate factors that are not conducive to breast health.