
Sun Duan, the first secretary of Fulou Village, Bujiang Town, Tongbai County: Hard work and sweat in exchange for the happiness and smiles of the people

author:Throughout the news

  In March, walking into Fulou Village, Bujiang Town, Tongbai County, the gratifying changes brought by the poverty alleviation attack to the village could not help but be eye-catching: in the office hall of the spacious, bright, clean and tidy Party and Mass Service Center, from time to time, there were people going to the door to handle business; The poverty alleviation workshop at the head of the village and the mushroom greenhouse present a busy production scene everywhere, and people cultivate their own happiness with diligent hands; On the square of the village's mass cultural activities, flowers and trees, cultural bookstores, fitness equipment, etc. are readily available, and bursts of laughter and laughter are heard from time to time...

Sun Duan, the first secretary of Fulou Village, Bujiang Town, Tongbai County: Hard work and sweat in exchange for the happiness and smiles of the people

Sun Duan (first from left) preaches poverty alleviation policies to the masses

  When it comes to these changes today, the villagers can never avoid a person, who is Sun Duan, the first secretary of The Nanyang Supply and Marketing Cooperative, stationed in Fulou Village.

  Fulou Village, where Sun Duan is located, is located in the northeast of Bujiang Town, Tongbai County, with a village area of 3.9 square kilometers and an area of 2965 mu of arable land, under the jurisdiction of 6 natural villages, 8 villager groups, 556 households and 1912 people in the village, a total of 229 poor households and 839 people, once a well-known poor village.

  "The masses are not rich, the key is to see the branches", at the beginning of the village, on the basis of visiting each house and thoroughly understanding the village conditions, in view of the imperfect leading body of Fulou Village, the lagging infrastructure and public welfare services, the narrow way for villagers to increase income, the large number of people and the land and the hope of the harvest, the weak collective economy of the village, and the single industry. Sun Duan and the task force set plans, strengthened the team, sent policies, ran projects, grasped two industries, and continued to play a combination of punches to solve a series of development problems in the village. Sun Duan ran in many ways, fought for projects in many ways, helped Fulou Village build a 400-square-meter standardized party and mass service center, coordinated the donation of 170,000 yuan from the municipal supply and marketing cooperative, and donated more than 10 sets of office computers, printers, copiers, air conditioners and other equipment, which greatly improved the service function and work efficiency. Actively help the village to build a cultural square, build a big stage for the people, use loudspeakers, movies, poverty alleviation publicity teams and other ways to publicize poverty alleviation policies, add public fitness equipment, so that villagers can enjoy wonderful literary and artistic feasts at their doorstep, and greatly improve the overall cultural literacy and happiness index of villagers.

  As the first secretary, Sun Duan gave full play to the role of the "bellwether" and focused on strengthening the construction of grass-roots organizations, selecting the "two committees" team of the village. In May 2018, the "two committees" of Fulou Village elected the new two committees of Fulou Village, with Li Jian, the leader of the disabled and rich, as the village branch secretary, the village director Zhang Rongshan, and the village supervisory committee director Liu Zheng composed of the new two committees of Fulou Village, realizing the strong combination of the old, the middle and the young, and the combat effectiveness and cohesion of the new team were significantly enhanced. Sun Duan paid attention to giving play to the pioneering and leading role of an example, and actively assisted and cooperated with the propaganda department at a higher level to fully excavate the advanced deeds of Li Jian, secretary of the one-armed village branch, who was successively awarded honorary titles such as "National Model of Self-Improvement" and "National Model of Labor", and was cordially received by party and state leaders.

Sun Duan, the first secretary of Fulou Village, Bujiang Town, Tongbai County: Hard work and sweat in exchange for the happiness and smiles of the people

Sun Duan (first from right) helps the masses to cultivate the land

  Sun Duan gave full play to the role of the support unit, and he "built a bridge and lead the way" to promote the pairing of the party branch of the municipal supply and marketing cooperative organ and the party branch of Fulou Village to build a "hand in hand" and led the cadres of the two village committees to the South-to-North Water Diversion Institute to carry out the educational activity of "not forgetting the original heart and keeping the mission in mind". In terms of building strong grassroots organizations, Sun Duan took the lead in organizing the "three meetings and one lesson" education and monthly party day study activities; Help the village "two committees" to establish and improve the "micro-power list" of village-level affairs, standardize the "one matter, one discussion", implement the system of organizing life meetings, and help the secretaries of village party branches to do a good job in publicizing and educating on party building.

  "If you want to be rich, first build a road", the careful Sun Duan found that due to the large number of natural village groups in Fulou Village, the population is relatively scattered, and the travel problem has always plagued the villagers, due to the restrictions of traffic, the mountain freight in the village cannot go out, and the merchants outside cannot come in, resulting in the masses getting rich without a door, and realizing the village communication, the group communication, and the household communication is the urgent desire of the villagers. It is easy to build roads, it is difficult to raise money, and funds have become a thorny problem in front of Sun Duan. Sun Duan said: "As long as the thinking does not slip, the method is always more than difficult!" To this end, he has repeatedly traveled to and from the original unit to strive for funds, and the municipal supply and marketing cooperatives have successively helped Fulou Village to implement a series of project construction projects such as village roads, connected roads, joint household roads, production roads, and industrial base service roads through policy inclination and project support, accumulating 18 or 8 kilometers of newly reconstructed rural roads, and all 8 villager groups in the village have realized group access and cement roads for households. Focusing on the party and group service center of Fulou Village and the industrial base of shiitake mushrooms, golden pears and poverty alleviation workshops, in accordance with the standard of "beautiful villages", we have focused on creating a standardized, beautified and greened "four good rural road demonstration circle" on the main trunk road of Fulou Village, which has greatly met the travel needs of the whole village, and built a number of "people's livelihood roads, industrial roads, and rich roads", and "the masses do not step on mud when they go out, and do not take off their shoes when crossing the river" has become a reality. With the efforts of Sun Duan, people's livelihood projects such as the party and mass service center, safe drinking water, teaching buildings, standardized clinics, power grid transformation, and farmland irrigation have also been successfully completed.

  Once the road is open, how to lead the masses to get rid of poverty and become rich has become a realistic problem facing Sun Duan. After combing the industrial development of the whole village in detail, Sun Duan found that fulou village is mostly hilly slope land, the soil is loose, and the villagers have the custom of planting golden pears and other fruit trees. The establishment of farmers' professional cooperatives, the cultivation and expansion of new agricultural business entities, combined with the actual situation of Fulou Village, encourage large and capable households in the village to develop various types of professional cooperatives, and encourage poor households to actively participate in various forms such as capital shareholding, land circulation, and migrant work, which not only reduces the development risk of poor households, but also increases income. Sun Duan actively consulted with the Tongbai Jinfurong Ecological Farm and the Tongbai Benxin Cattle Breeding Cooperative to attract poor households to participate in the production and operation activities of the cooperative, drive the poor people to work nearby, and increase economic income. Under the active guidance of Sun Duan, as of now, Fulou Village has set up 4 professional cooperatives, and the new Yugang Bioenergy Company recycles waste such as peanut shells, which provides 20 jobs for villagers while improving the living environment.

  Five years of hard work and sweat in exchange for the happy smiles of the masses, today's Fu Lou under the leadership of the first secretary Sun Duan, the smooth and clean road in all directions, the farm courtyard is spacious and comfortable, the golden pear, shiitake mushroom, sweet potato industry planting base is in full swing, the village stage is singing and laughing, a harmonious picture of village beauty and industrial prosperity shows the happy life of villagers in the new era, and the former poor and backward Fu Lou village has a new look. Sun Duan himself has also won the honorary titles of outstanding first secretary of the city and county, outstanding communist party member and so on. (Yang Yuhong)

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