
Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

author:Number one cinema

The number one cinema understands Miss (topcinema original, strictly prohibited to reprint)

Monday's American entertainment headlines were dominated by a 40-year-old black male star.

Just in the early hours of last Sunday, black actor Kevin Hart was in a serious crash on the Mulholland Drive Highway in Calabassa, California.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother
Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

The 1970 Plymouth Barracuda sports car he was riding in was driving out of control and he and the male driver in the car suffered serious back injuries and another woman in the car was slightly injured.

According to the exposed photos of the scene, the vehicle has been deformed and basically scrapped.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother
Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

This car accident reminds many people of Paul Walker, another "quick shock" actor who died in a car accident in 2013. The speed and passion in the movie are cruel in reality.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

Just after the news of Kevin Hart's injury, several superstars, including Dwayne Johnson and "Breaking Bad" old white actor Brian Cranston, cheered him on.

Dwayne Johnson said through social networking sites, "Brother, don't make me feel bad anymore. We will continue to laugh together, I love you, be strong. ”

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

Brian Cranston, who plays "Breaking Bad", said: "Let's all bring him positive energy and healing." He's a good guy. Hurry up and get well, bro. ”

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

Some people may wonder, who is Kevin Hart?

The name, which is unfamiliar to most Chinese audiences, is one of the hottest black male stars in Hollywood today. As long as he mentions the films he has recently starred in and participated in, I believe many people are deeply impressed.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

The most recent film is "Fast and Furious: Special Ops", in which Kevin Hart appears as an "Easter egg" in the "Rush" series of spin-offs starring two bald superstars Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham, who plays the air police on the plane and gives a lot of jokes to the film.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

As a comedy star, Kevin Hart's magic weapon in Hollywood is humor.

In the cartoon "Love Pet Big Secret", the cute little white rabbit "snowball" Xiao Bai is his voice.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

"Old White" Brian Cranston and he collaborated on the American version of the film "Untouchable" (remade from the original French version), which tells the story of a white rich man who collides and merges with a black nurse with a criminal record after being paralyzed, and the two have a wonderful friendship and eventually change each other's lives.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother
Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

Kevin Hart's funny style is also cleverly integrated into this character, and Brian Cranston praises him as everyone's pistachio.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother
Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

Kevin Hart, now the most intimate partner of the popular superstar Dwayne Johnson, the man who cares the most, is the dead party.

They have collaborated on "Oolong Agent", "Brave Games" series (the second "Brave Game 2: Fight again" will be released in December this year), and co-hosted the "2016MTV Movie Awards Ceremony".

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother
Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

This summer, Kevin Hart appeared in a very unique way in the Spin-Offs, also the "orchestration" of Dwayne Johnson, one of the filmmakers.

Director David Ricky also said when talking about them earlier that the two have long been very good friends, "Making a movie, it is good to have a friend around, they really care about each other, they are good friends, it is interesting to see them working together." 」 I think they enjoy the feeling of cooperation. ”

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

In "Rush", Johnson and Jason's characters often fight and fight each other, and in real life, the person who often "fights" with Johnson is Kevin Hart, who is definitely Johnson's best friend and partner now.

In 2018, Johnson was promoting the movie "Skyscraper Rescue" in Asia, but he made a special trip to send blessings to Kevin Hart through social networks. He and Rosen Marshall Thurber, the director of Skyscraper Rescue (also "Agent Oolong"), hold birthday cakes, record videos, sing birthday songs, and even burst into foul language, wishing this good friend a happy 39th birthday.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

In this blessing, Dwayne Johnson said, "You have to thank me for making two movies (Agent Oolong and Game of Brave: Jungle Battle) that made you popular. Such an unobstructed blessing can only be "enjoyed" by a truly good brother.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

Not only that, the two have joked and damaged each other on various occasions many times, and even imitated each other in the show, and each other laughed and cried.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother
Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

To have this relationship and tacit understanding with Dwayne Johnson, the relationship between the two is self-evident.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

Kevin Hart once "complained" in "Jimmy's Chicken Feather Show" that Dwayne Johnson's teeth were too perfect, and he also mentioned that he would not let Dwayne Johnson go to his wedding, on the grounds that he was too big and could not have strong people at the wedding.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother
Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother
Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

At the same time, Kevin did not forget to "blacken himself" and said: "We are all dwarfs, he can't fit in." ”

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

Height is both Kevin Hart's "hard wound" and "feature".

His official height is about 163cm, and standing with Dwayne Johnson, who is 195cm tall, there is a natural contrast, and in many films that the two have cooperated, this contrast is often one of the laughs of the film.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

Popular comedians tend to be generous with themselves, as is Kevin Hart.

Although his height has almost nothing to do with the "tall" NBA arena, he has successfully attracted the attention of many NBA fans.

The reason is also his self-blackness about height - once in "Jimmy's Chicken Feather Show", he posted several photos with NBA stars on the show, and as a result, only Kevin Hart took photos with the stars' lower bodies.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

These photos include:

He was pictured with James and Wade, with Kevin Hart standing in the middle, only up to Wade's shoulders, James' chest.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

In his photo with Howard, in this photo taken at the MTV awards, Kevin Hart only reached Howard's waist.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

Kevin Hart with "Big Shark" O'Neal, the contrast between the two figures is too great.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

Take a look at the full version of O'Neill, who is 2.16 meters tall, and it looks even more like Kevin Hart is "a bird of honor".

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

However, these photos also once again exposed Kevin Hart's good popularity, as early as 2017, O'Neill posted a photo of him and Kevin Hart on social media, with the caption: "Me and my little brother." Kevin Hart was officially recognized as his "brother."

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

It was precisely this Kevin Hart that made Dwayne Johnson think of him when he was making the Spin-Off.

Johnson has told the media that once the film is successful, he hopes to have a "team" and that the audience can realize that the characters played by Kevin Hart, Ryan Reynolds and others will be future partners of "Hobbes" (the role played in Johnson's film).

At present, the global box office of this "Rapid Shock" spin-off film has approached $700 million, and it is not surprising that a sequel will be made, and Kevin Hart will inevitably continue to appear.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

Appearing simultaneously in Dwayne Johnson's two drama series, Brave Game and Rapid Thrill spin-offs, this man is becoming more and more important.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother
Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

Latest News: Kevin Hart's wife, Eniko Parrish, said her husband had undergone surgery in the hospital and the man was awake, "He's okay, he's awake." ”

I wish him a speedy recovery and bring more joy to everyone.

Who is the "quick shock" male star who was seriously injured in the car accident? Dwayne Johnson Dead, Big Shark O'Neill Little Brother

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