
"Sister Qieyang Shi is the pride of Qinghai!"

author:Qinghai News Network
"Sister Qieyang Shi is the pride of Qinghai!"

The team cheered her on. Photography: Guo Hongxia Nayutang

"Sister Qieyang Shi is the pride of Qinghai!"

Sister Cheyangshi's family cheered her on. Photo: Qi Xiaojun

Qinghai News Network Damei Qinghai Client News "Win glory for the country! Add color to the province! On the afternoon of August 6, all the staff of the Qinghai Provincial Sports Work Brigade prepared early and cheered for her.

At 14:30, Cheyangshi's coach and teammates prepared two television sets in advance, moved the tables and chairs, and waited for the game to start.

An hour before the game, Sister Cheyangshi had been leading in front of the big team, and everyone cheered for her. But in the sprint stage, Sister CheyangShi gradually fell behind, which made everyone pinch a handful of sweat for her.

With only the last lap left, Sister Cheyangsh continued to exert her strength, and when she reached the finish line for the 7th time, all the coaches, athletes and staff applauded her. "Yes, the Three Olympics, I am so happy for her!" Yuan Dejiu, deputy captain of a large team of sports work in Qinghai Province and head coach of the provincial race walking team, said.

"Whether it's in the game or in life, she always has a spirit of not accepting defeat. Although she did not get a medal, she still finished the race strongly and got the 7th place result, happy for her, and praised her! Teammate Ma Faying said.

19-year-old race walker Niu Zhuoma Yingji is a young young player who has not trained with Sister Cheyangshi, but Sister Cheyangshi has always been her role model.

"You're the best, you're our pride, come on!" Li Maocuo, who had trained with Sister Cheyangshi, said his most sincere wishes to his good sister Sister Cheyangshi.

When Qieyang Shijie was 16 years old, in a long-distance running competition held in the local area, she was selected by the Qinghai Provincial Sports School and began her sports career. In April 2008, Coach Yuan Dejiu saw the pearls and selected Sister Qieyang Shi to join the Qinghai Provincial Race Walking Team. Since then, Sister Cheyangshi and Race Walk have formed an indissoluble relationship.

"Sister Cheyangshi's physical fitness and coordination are very good, and she is particularly able to endure hardships and is a malleable material." Recalling the experience when Sister Qieyang Shi just started training, Coach Yuan Dejiu was very emotional.

In the place where Li Chunxiu, the bronze medalist of the women's 10 km race walk at the Barcelona Olympics, was trained, Cheyang Shijie's performance improved rapidly. In 2010, Zhang Fuxin, head coach of the national race walking team, selected her to the national team. On the higher stage, she constantly refreshed her achievements and became a rising star in Chinese athletics.

"Sister Qieyang Shi is the pride of Qinghai! Her three Olympic games not only vividly reflected the tenacious fighting spirit of the athletes in our province, but also demonstrated the spirit of struggle of the people of all ethnic groups in Qinghai to unite and forge ahead, carry forward the past and open up the future, constantly pursue excellence, and continue to write great poems. Yuan Dejiu said.

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