
Sister Cheyangshi: Every step of the way is the fruit of the harvest

author:Xinhuanet client

Tianjin, September 4 (Xinhuanet) -- 27 years old is the most beautiful age in life, and for many young people, this age is a good year to pursue their dreams and realize their self-worth. For Sister Cheyang Shi, winning gold and silver on the stage in the world competition many times at the most beautiful age has been a great harvest.

Emerging in the arena and growing into a world celebrity, all the medals are watered with countless tears and sweat, and all the reputations have witnessed unremitting perseverance and hard work.

Sister Cheyangshi: Every step of the way is the fruit of the harvest

Especially able to endure hardships + perseverance to achieve today's Cheyangshi sister

At the beginning, The performance of Sister Cheyangshi in the sports school was not outstanding. After entering the Qinghai Provincial Race Walking Team, Sister Qieyang Shi kept coming from the good news on the playing field. With a hard spirit and persistent faith, Sister Cheyang Shi soon became a hit. "She is particularly able to endure hardships, and she takes every training and competition seriously and devotes herself to training and competition." Yuan Dejiu, head coach of the Qinghai Provincial Sports Engineering Team, commented. High-intensity training brought many injuries to Sister Cheyangshi, and her optimistic personality and strong will allowed her to overcome injuries again and again, and soon stood out from many players. Sister Qieyang Shi has higher and higher requirements for herself, and her training has become more and more diligent, and her achievements have risen steadily.

On March 30, 2012, in the 2012 IAAF Race Walking Challenge Taicang Station and London Olympic Games Women's 20 km Trials held in Taicang, Jiangsu Province, Cheyang Shijie won the bronze medal and obtained the ticket to enter the London Olympic Games, becoming the main race walker in China's official entry into the London Olympic Games, and the first Tibetan athlete in China to be selected for the Olympic Games.

Sister Cheyangshi: Every step of the way is the fruit of the harvest

On August 11, 2012, at the London Olympic Games, Cheyangshi sister won the silver medal in the women's 20 km race walk and broke the Asian record. On the field, her smile made the world remember this Tibetan girl from Qinghai.

Last year, Sister Cheyangshi stood on the field of the Rio Olympic Games again, although she did not win a medal, but her fighting spirit and dedication on the field won everyone's affirmation. Feng Shuyong, deputy director of the China Athletics Management Center and head coach of the Chinese athletics team, praised her for her special team spirit.

Sister Cheyangshi: Every step of the way is the fruit of the harvest

Family is always the warmest harbor

After 90s, The Tibetan girl Qieyang Shijie was born in a herdsman family in Ganzihe Township, Haiyan County, Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, her father Gongbao Labudan and her mother Sonamjie are both herders on the north bank of Qinghai Lake, and her mother Sonamjie is not good at talking, but when it comes to her daughter Qieyangshijie, Sonamjie is full of pride and pride.

Whenever There is a sister Cheyang Shi participating in a large competition, her family will simmer and pray in accordance with Tibetan customs, hoping that she will achieve good results. When the TV broadcast of Sister Cheyangshi's game, the whole family would sit around and watch TV, sometimes nervous, afraid of missing a small detail; sometimes relaxed, full of confidence to cheer her up. Thousands of miles away, Qi Yang knew that off the field, her family was so supportive of her.

Sister Cheyangshi: Every step of the way is the fruit of the harvest

"She has loved to run since she was a child, and she is also very sensible, and she did not expect to have such a great achievement when she grew up." Sonange said. Referring to the hard work of her daughter's daily training, Sonamje choked up, unable to say a word, and tears ran across his cheeks.

Due to training, competition and other reasons, Sister Qieyang Shi rarely has time to spend with her family, but her family has no complaints, and the most she gives is support and encouragement. "I always told her to train well, take care of herself, and listen to her coaches. The family didn't have to worry about it, her mother and I were fine, and her sister took care of the family all the time, so let her not be distracted. Cheyangshi's father, Gongbao Raab, told reporters.

"When she came home from vacation, we were comforted to see her happy, healthy and healthy, and for her family, grades are secondary, as long as she is happy." But there is a tenacity in my sister's personality, and whenever she does not achieve her expected results, she will fight harder in the next training! Yang Tsoga, the sister of Sister Cheyangshi, said.

Sister Cheyangshi: Every step of the way is the fruit of the harvest

Every girl is born with a heart that loves beauty

Like other girls, Sister Cheyangshi also likes to take selfies. In her Weibo, most of the photos are photos of family members and teammates, and each photo has a warm smile of Che Yang, "May everything be fine", Sister Che Yang Shi said on Weibo.

Sister Cheyangshi: Every step of the way is the fruit of the harvest

Mentioning that girls love beauty, Sister Qieyang Shi told reporters with a smile, "Although I am an athlete, I am also a girl, what girl does not like to buy things?" In the past few years, I didn't have any concept of skin care, and I often made myself very dark, but in the past few years, I have learned the importance of maintenance for a girl, and I often buy some masks and skin care products to use. ”

"When I train in other places or participate in competitions, I will take the time to buy some local specialties for my family, or buy a dress for my family to take home, train in my hometown, and sometimes I will go to the mall with my sister." I also enjoy reading books because reading books is a way to relax myself. Sister Cheyangshi said.

Sister Cheyangshi: Every step of the way is the fruit of the harvest

One point of hard work and one point of harvest Take every step of the road steadily

This autumn is a harvest season for Sister Cheyangshi. She won the silver medal in the women's 20 km race walk at the National Games, and also led the team to a good result of fourth place in the team race walk. Yuan Dejiu, the head coach of Qiyang Shijie, said that this Year's National Games, Qiyang played very well and achieved the expected effect, and it is not easy to achieve good results in the team race walking competition.

This silver medal at this National Games is of great significance to Sister Cheyang Shi. After last year's Rio Olympics, years of accumulated injuries combined with a downturn put her in a low point in her life.

Sister Cheyangshi: Every step of the way is the fruit of the harvest

"Last year's results at the Rio Olympics were so unsatisfactory and in poor shape that I even wondered if my age had a certain influence on me. In recent years, race walking has developed rapidly, many masters have appeared in everyone's eyes, the competition is also quite fierce, and many voices have appeared in my head, and I once had doubts about myself. ”

In the trough of life, Sister Qieyang Shi still insisted on training, with the strength in her bones that she did not accept defeat, she trained harder than usual, carrying the expectations of many people, Sister Qieyang Shi defeated the demons and re-made plans for herself. Kung Fu pays off, and this year's National Games, this medal is the best illustration.

Sister Cheyangshi: Every step of the way is the fruit of the harvest

This silver medal is a great encouragement for me, it shows that I still have room to rise, and I have gained confidence in this competition, which is too important for me! It will accompany me on my future life path, in the future competition, play my best level, believe that my strength is the most important! Sister Cheyangshi said. (End)

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