
It is okay to provoke anyone, that is, don't provoke the emperor, see what the emperors who are provoked have done?

author:Vigorously talk about history

Ask everyone, why do you think everyone wanted to be an emperor in ancient times? The reason is nothing more than to become a nine-to-five, you can have the supreme right, what you want to do, what you want to eat, who you want to beat, who you want to marry. You said that you can enjoy such a life treatment in your lifetime, and you will not give it to death. However, you only see the beautiful side of the emperors. In this episode, we will tell a few interesting stories about daring to catch lice on the tiger's head and making the emperor's eyes red.

It is often seen that some people will rank the ancient emperors, all the greatest, the wisest, the most accomplished and so on, among them, there is always one emperor who is ranked in the top three, that is, the Sui Wen Emperor Yang Jian, to say that during Yang Jian's reign, militarily attacked the Chen state, successfully unified China that had been seriously divided for hundreds of years, broke through the Turks, and was revered as a "saint khan"; internal affairs were also very good, and it was also very good to create an advanced system of electing officials, develop culture and economy, and make China a prosperous country. Even the American scholar Michael J. In H. Hart's 1978 book "List of 100 Celebrities Influencing the Course of Human History", he ranked 82nd, which shows that the old master is a martial artist of Wenzhi, not inferior to Tang Zong and Song Zu.

It is okay to provoke anyone, that is, don't provoke the emperor, see what the emperors who are provoked have done?

Yang Jian

But the so-called "no one is perfect, gold has no feet", Yang Jian has always had a psychological disorder since he was a child, what, afraid of his wife! His wife said before that it was the vinegar jar of the lonely empress, and it is no wonder that the lonely empress wanted to get the favor of the emperor alone, she was married to Yang Jian at the age of 14, when China was in a big split, political turmoil, bloody rain, in Yang Jian's most difficult time, if it were not for the lonely empress not to abandon, give advice, give All the love of Yang Jian in distress, Yang Jian could not later become a generation of male lords, and he would have been clicked by the enemy long ago. Then you must know that the Dugu Empress is definitely a political genius in history, if she is not a woman, the emperor can still take Yang Jian's turn? Therefore, after the founding of the country, Emperor Wen of Sui was even more fond of the lone empress, and even allowed the empress to honor the two saints with him and share the glory of imperial power. But, the lonely empress, there is also an emotional weakness, that is, although I firmly believe in Buddhism, I just said that the vinegar is too strong, you Yang Jian became the emperor, want to three palaces and six courtyards and other women's nonsense, I yawn, there are no windows.

Therefore, poor Emperor Wen of Sui loved and feared his wife in that regard, so that under the strict supervision of the empress's wife, the historical records recorded that the harem did not dare to enter the palace, you said that watching the sun in the palace was fragrant, the beautiful women were like clouds, one by one, they threw their eyes at him, as a normal man, Yang Jian, the bones turned into egg yolk crisp, but could not proceed to the next step, the Hedong lion roared, can only swallow the saliva into the stomach.

As the saying goes, tigers always have a time to nap. Once the lonely queen was sick, Yang Jian was idle, wandering in the back garden, this walk does not matter, since the wandering out of the extramarital affair, the so-called is a little red in the evergreen bush, Yang Jian, who has been holding back for a long time, inadvertently met an exceptionally beautiful palace girl among many beautiful women.

It is okay to provoke anyone, that is, don't provoke the emperor, see what the emperors who are provoked have done?

Tomb of Yang Jian and the Lonely Empress Tai Ling

This beautiful woman has clear and bright eyes, curved willow eyebrows, long and slightly upturned eyelashes, white and flawless skin with a faint red pink, thin lips like rose petals delicate, in a word so beautiful!

When I asked, I learned that this was the granddaughter of a renegade courtier, named Wei Chi Jiahua. This name is beautiful, Sui Wendi is angry straight, where can still hold it, three times five divided by two clothes to spoil the luck, but he should think of him around him are the lone queen of the people, soon the tigress will know, regardless of the sick body, is with the palace girl wind and fire rushed to the little beauty's residence, want to see what the little goblin looks like, do not look good, a look at the anger she is angry and blood attacking the heart, I thought, good you are old and immortal, before accompanying me to watch the moon when people call people small sweet, now the new people win the old, the suspects are yellow-faced, Thinking that her own man's body had been defiled by other women, and what was even more hateful was that the little goblin like a flower was even more beautiful than when she was younger, the Lone Queen was really angry and immediately ordered Wei Chi Jiahua to be dragged out and beaten to death.

Here Yang Jian heard that his own just spoiled beauty, in the blink of an eye, he was incense and jade, at that time he was confused, I am also an emperor, how come in the end even my own careful liver can not protect it? It just crashed. So he made an unheard of move, that is, he rushed directly to the tigress and snapped at her face... Of course, I didn't have the courage to do so.

It is okay to provoke anyone, that is, don't provoke the emperor, see what the emperors who are provoked have done?


According to historical records, poor Yang Jian rode a horse all the way to the horse, ran for 30 miles in one breath, and cried out in tears while running, "Are you so free for the son of heaven?" This day can't pass, I want to go out of the house, not to mention that after returning to the palace, he really went on strike, every day he shouted to become a monk, the emperor was not right, if it were not for the ministers desperately stopping, maybe history would really come up with a bald emperor. That is to say that there are more emperors in history who have been bullied by their wives, but yang Jian is the only one who can be angry and directly cry and run away. If we have time, we will tell the story of 10 emperors who are bullied by their daughters-in-law to die and live.

In fact, we look at the historical data, and all the young lords in the past dynasties or the great monarchs born in the chaotic world, or the puppet emperors who were helped to the throne by the big guys behind the scenes, were bullied a lot.

But we are only going to talk about one section today, and we may rarely hear the interesting story of daring to pluck hair on the head of the Holy King. It shows that the Yongle Emperor Zhu Di had two sons who were most likely to inherit the mantle of his father, one was the eldest son Zhu Gaoxu, and the other was the second son Zhu Gaoxu. Although the boss Zhu Gaozi is fat, he is kind and kind, and is deeply loved by Zhu Di. Later, he became the CEO of the Empire, and during his helm, he was reformed from good to good, respectfully inspected and loved the people, and laid the foundation for the rule of Daming's benevolence. Therefore, the evaluation of him by later generations was very high, and although Zhu Gaoxu was brave in martial arts and had made military achievements in the Battle of Jingnan, he was too arrogant and arrogant, and the emperor did not become a Han king.

It is okay to provoke anyone, that is, don't provoke the emperor, see what the emperors who are provoked have done?

Zhu Gaozi

It is reasonable to say that the princes of the dynasty must be circled to the fiefdom for a lifetime, contrary to the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty is all circled to the capital, in short, this brother is not going to go, Zhu Di did not rut, let him live in the capital.

But this stay does not matter, there is a big problem in living, what is going on? This Zhu Gaoxu was hurting his father, he actually asked Zhu Di's pro-army Tiance Wei to come over and become his own personal guard, this has a face, ah, he said to people, look at the king's bull fork is not a bull fork, like Tang Taizong, because Tiance Wei used to be the emperor's personal bodyguard, and the historical Tang Taizong Li Shimin was crowned as a general of Tiance before he became emperor, so Zhu Gaoxu was very proud, but he forgot about this historical Li Shimin, but after passing through Xuanwu Gate, he killed his brother, and then usurped his father's right to become emperor.

And Zhu Di's throne is also not coming from the right way, you say, can his father be cool? What is even more exaggerated is that Zhu Gaoxu also privately recruited 3,000 soldiers who were blind to the law, who did evil every day, and Zhu Di who was angry was going to die and live, and once there were a few soldiers under his command who robbed the common people of things, and they were caught by Xu Ye donkey, the commander of the soldiers and horses at that time, that is, the wild donkey' wild donkey, the wild donkey's donkey, which obviously showed that the soldiers were not right, but Zhu Gaoxu was furious, and even rushed to the yamen, hammered his head, and smashed the wild donkey's head into a big hole.

Zhu Di could not bear the news any longer, and he was furious, and if it were not for the prince's brother Zhu Gaozi interceding for him, he would almost be reduced to a commoner by his grumpy father. If you don't go to the Yunnan fiefdom, then you will go to Le'an, Shandong. I didn't want to eat and drink so well, and I still couldn't stop his ambition to become emperor. When his father kicked his legs, his brother burped his ass within a few years of ascending the throne.

It is okay to provoke anyone, that is, don't provoke the emperor, see what the emperors who are provoked have done?

Zhu Gaoxu

Zhu Gaoxu again made a direct request to rebel. First of all, he found an ally he thought was in the capital, and wanted to attack the capital inside and outside. But the problem is that in the past few years, Zhu Gaoxu has been looking for some scattered soldiers in society, plotting against him, the movement is too big, and everyone in the whole world knows about it, and his so-called allies handed over the secret letter he wrote to the emperor on the same day, so the new emperor Zhu Zhanji was angry, it was the imperial driver who personally marched, and the large army was sent to surround Le'an City, and the Divine Machine Battalion was a burst of fire, frightening a bunch of rabble-rousers, and doing birds and beasts scattered.

Zhu Zhanji, commander of the light pole, quickly went out of the city to surrender, and his knees on the ground were covered with blood, and his subjects deserved ten thousand deaths, and their sins deserved ten thousand deaths. To say that Zhu Zhanji also inherited his father's good temper genes, and when he saw that his heart was soft, he would avoid death, so he built a big mansion for the emperor and put Zhu Gaoxu's father and son under house arrest.

You said that bullying his father and just enough, even bullying the new emperor, not living you are already the emperor's grace, but slowly passed, Zhu Gaoxu felt that he was full of humiliation, failed to vent it, Yan was unwilling, so the climax came, after that period of time, the new emperor a little wanted to blame his uncle for thinking that they were all family, why should they make it like this? So he moved to visit, but he didn't think about it. Zhu Gaoxu, who was supposed to kowtow to greet him, saw the opportunity to suddenly sweep his legs at the emperor in front of him, and swept the unsuspecting nephew directly to the king, which also had to be bullied, and you also had to have a chance at times. You said that in front of a bunch of courtiers, where did you let the emperor's face go?

It is okay to provoke anyone, that is, don't provoke the emperor, see what the emperors who are provoked have done?

Zhu Zhanji

At that time, the emperor was angry, quickly called the guards, moved a copper cylinder, and directly locked Zhu Gaoxu inside, originally the emperor did not want to kill him, after all, it was the emperor's uncle, but Zhu Gaoxu he still wanted to do, he was using the power of the flood, and he had to stand up this large copper cylinder of more than 300 kilograms, more than 300 kilograms! In the house, it was shaky and rampaged, wanting to directly kill his nephew to become the emperor on his own, too dead, Zhu Zhanji had a good temper, he really couldn't bear it, and immediately ordered people to hurry up, put firewood and charcoal on the cylinder for me, burn the perverted things, so Zhu Gaoxu, who dared to bully the three emperors of the Ming Dynasty, was burned into a suckling pig in the copper jar, and the posterity was laughed at generously.

But we must pay attention to the fact that after all, people are relatives of the emperor and the state, but the following ah, who dares to compete with the emperor for the title of the strange thing, is completely an outsider who does not know how many pounds and a few pounds he has.

This happened in the 46th year of Qianlong Ye of the Qing Dynasty, when Qianlong, who was more than 70 years old, was going to return to Beijing after observing the people's feelings in Wutai Mountain, so he stopped in Baoding on the halfway, and there was a retired former Dali temple secretary named Yin Jiaquan, who after hearing the news, he was bent on participating in the grand ceremony of receiving the driver, so as to pat himself on the back, but it is a pity, what if he did not have the holy will? Yin Jiaquan was a clever move, his father who had been dead for decades, the famous Taoist yin Huiyi of the Qing Dynasty, moved out, and also wrote a petition, a courtesy name, and a copy from the son of the emperor to Qianlong, thinking that if the emperor was in favor, he could not only make a filial piety reputation but also make a splash, which can be described as a double eagle with one stone.

It is okay to provoke anyone, that is, don't provoke the emperor, see what the emperors who are provoked have done?

Portrait of Qianlong in his later years

But Qianlong glanced at it, what was written on it? My father's filial piety before his death was touching, he was praised by the emperor for giving poetry, and now that he has been dead for more than thirty years, please follow the example of Lu Long," the special name of Qianlong in the first year of the Qianlong Dynasty, and also give his father a word according to the words in the imperial poem. What is this thing? At that time, Qianlong was very annoyed after seeing it, don't you think of me as an idiot? If you are not right in the trick of you and other villains, so you mention the Zhu Pen criticism, and the state is the canon, how can you ask for it? This song should have been punished by the ministry, but Nian Ru was a father's private affair, and if he was not restless at home again, Ru's sin could not be punished!

In fact, Qianlong was right in saying that whether or not the ministers of each dynasty gave them a courtesy after their death, and what word they gave, was a very solemn matter, because it was related to how the deceased ministers should be evaluated in their lifetime, so it needed to be agreed upon by the cabinet, and the emperor personally circled it, and there was a very strict system. You said that if Yin Jiaquan succeeded in asking for the sake of Bo Filial Piety, what else would he become? Although he was very angry at that time, Qianlong still resisted, but only gave him a serious warning, he put aside ordinary people seeing such a holy oracle, afraid that he was also scared out of a cold sweat, because the wording was too severe, quickly touched his head and read it as Amitabha Buddha and stole the pleasure.

However, this Yin Jiaquan estimated that he wanted to pat himself on the back and go crazy, and even thought of himself as an "ancient rare old man", and gave Qianlong a fold, asking the emperor to allow his father to go from the Temple of Qiwen.

When the emperor saw such a fold, his face was green, well, you Yin Jiaquan once knelt down and begged for what he said that he had no face to see his wife, and wanted to serve the peacock spirit, and today you came again, full of benevolence and morality, but in fact, it was full of belly male and female chiefs, so he angrily approved it on the fold, and even barked wildly, unforgivable.

It is okay to provoke anyone, that is, don't provoke the emperor, see what the emperors who are provoked have done?

About Yin Jiaquan's literal prison

Good fellow, the emperor was really angry, and the officials under his hands tried their best to weave a bunch of crimes for this old brother, what a big disrespect, false Taoism, hypocrites, and even "ancient rare crimes", they destroyed this benevolent brother.

What is an "ancient sin"? In fact, Qianlong has long been known to the world, calling himself an ancient rare old man, that is to say, this title is already a trademark unique to Tianzi, and in ancient times, no one can use it again, otherwise he will commit the great crime of killing his head. And this teacher Yin has been reading poetry all his life, in order to sell his reputation and reputation, he even thinks of himself as an ancient rare old man, really eating the leopard's guts, daring to grab the wind with the emperor. Didn't you just plainly punch Qianlong's old man in the face?

So Lao Yin finally sacrificed heroically and used his precious life to tell everyone that do not bully the emperor, otherwise, there will be no good fruit to eat.

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