
"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

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"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Source: Xin Clan Kinship Network

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The latest list of well-known professors in the country

(The ranking is in no particular order, all are Xin's excellent elites, and they are all Xin's pride)

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Xiangyang

Founder, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of XXY Innovation Design Thinking and Strategy Consulting, Doctor of Philosophy of Design at Carnegie Mellon University, Distinguished Professor of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, Adjunct Professor of Macau University of Science and Technology, Tianjin University and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Former Dean of the School of Design of Jiangnan University, Vice Chairman of the Academic Committee of the University. He graduated from Shenyang Jianzhu University with a bachelor's degree in fine arts from Western Virginia University, a master's degree in interaction design from Carnegie Mellon University, and a doctorate in design philosophy, and is one of the few Chinese who received a doctorate in design philosophy in the United States and was the first to return to the mainland. In 2007, he founded China's first interaction design major at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Zhiwei

Director of the Center for Extension Education, Academic Affairs Office, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, associate professor of the Department of Medicine

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Shijun

Doctoral supervisor and professor of Zhengzhou University. He graduated from the Department of Philosophy of Zhengzhou University with a bachelor's degree in 1982 and was promoted to professor of philosophy in 1996. He is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Zhengzhou University, the executive director of the Journal of Chinese Literature and Social Sciences, the executive director of the Chinese Society, the director of the Chinese Religious Society, the secretary general of the Henan Philosophical Society, the president of the Henan University Journal Research Association, the vice president of the Henan Periodicals Association, and the vice president of the Henan Religious culture research association. His main research interests are the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, Marxist philosophy, anthropology, and religion. He was awarded the "National Excellent Journal Editor-in-Chief" by the Society of Social Science Journals of Chinese Universities, won the "Outstanding Contribution Award of the National College Social Science Newspapers", and the "Advanced Individual of Grassroots Theoretical Propaganda" of the Central Propaganda Department.

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Zheng

Professor of Jinan Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Houwen

Professor, doctoral supervisor, chemist. He graduated from the Department of Physics of Jilin University in 1958. From 1958 to 1963, he was engaged in magnetic research at the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and since 1963, he has been engaged in teaching and scientific research in the field of chemical physics at the University of Science and Technology of China. He has served as the director of the Quantum Chemistry Research Laboratory and the vice president of the University of Science and Technology of China. He is engaged in the research and teaching of microwave ferrites, knock physics, chemical lasers, quantum chemistry and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). For our country to train the first batch of professional talents in detonation physics. He has published more than 20 papers, including "UHF Ferrites", "Molecular Symmetry and VibrationAlspection Selection", "Introduction to Chemical Reaction Selection", "Introduction to College Junior Class Education", etc. Director of the Institute of Microstructure, University of Science and Technology of China, Director of the Chinese Chemical Society, Chairman of the Anhui Chemical Society, Deputy Editor of the Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics.

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Ming

Born in 1969, Bachelor of Philosophy and Master of Philosophy of Peking University, a native of Xingxian County, Shanxi, Doctor of Philosophy of the Central Party School, Postdoctoral Fellow, Researcher and Professor of Theoretical Economics of Wuhan University, former Director of the Research Office of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the vice president of the School of Marxism at the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (National School of Administration).

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Tian

Shaanxi Qingjian people, graduated from the Department of History of Shaanxi Normal University in 1989, doctor of history, professor. In September 1997, he was appointed as the deputy director of the Department of Political Science and History of Yulin College, in charge of teaching; in October 2002, he was promoted to associate professor; in March 2007, he was appointed deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office and deputy director of the Evaluation Office of Yulin University. In October 2012, he was transferred to Yulin Vocational and Technical College and is currently the vice president of Yulin Vocational and Technical College.

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Naihong

Doctor of China Salt Engineering and Technology Research Institute, professor-level senior engineer, expert in the field of aquaculture.

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Yongfen

Professor of Henan University, on March 19, 2020, he was awarded the title of "China Chinese Language Resource Protection Award" by the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission.



"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Guangshan

Professor of Seoul National University, expert of "Foreign 100 Talents Program" of Hebei Province (Hebei University of Technology).

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Huarong

Director of Jiangdu Water Conservancy Engineering Management Office of Jiangsu Province, professor-level senior engineer

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Sin Quoc Province

Director and Associate Professor of Ningxia Feed Engineering Technology Research Center

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Cuiling

Professor, Department of Political Economy, Sun Yat-sen University

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Vice President, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, And Deputy Director of the Research Center for the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Wenjie

He is currently the director of the Estuary Research Office of the River Port Research Institute of Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, a professor-level senior engineer, and a doctoral supervisor of port, coastal and offshore engineering.

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Deyong

Professor of the Department of History of Peking University, Doctor of History, Professor of the Research Center for Ancient Chinese History of Peking University, was selected as a distinguished professor of the "Yangtze River Scholars Award Program" in 2015. He is mainly engaged in the study of Chinese historical geography and historical documentation, and also the research of the history of geography, and is represented as "Sui and Tang Dynasty Two Capitals Series Examination", "Ancient Transportation and Geographical Literature Research", "Historical Space and Spatial History: Research on the History of Chinese Historical Geography and Geography", and "Qin and Han Political Regions and Boundary Geography Research".

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Shixuan

Distinguished Professor of Northeast Petroleum University

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Baohai

Associate Professor of Qufu Normal University and Vice Dean of Marxist College, he has won the second prize of Shandong Soft Science Outstanding Achievements, the second prize of Jining Social Science Outstanding Achievements and the second prize of Shandong Provincial Humanities and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievements.

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Baoli

He is a member of Tianjin Artists Association, a director of Tanggu District Artists Association, and a visiting professor and researcher of Zhongyuan Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute. In 1999, "Autumn Frost in The Misty Water" won the third prize of the Tianjin Municipal Art Exhibition; in 2001, "Autumn Mountain Trip" won the gold medal in the Shenyang International Expo Cup Calligraphy and Painting Competition, and won the Art Award of the China, Japan and Korea International Tour Exhibition; in 2002, "The Early Morning of Majiazigou" was selected for the 60th anniversary of the publication of Comrade Mao Zedong's "Speech at the Yan'an Literary and Art Forum"; in 2002, "The Mountain After the Rain" won the first prize in the Tianjin Municipal Workers' Painting Exhibition; in 2004, "Cangyan Autumn Valley" National Art Exhibition was selected; in 2005, "The Mountain Is More Delicate" won the first prize in the Tianjin Municipal Workers' Painting Exhibition; in 2004, "Cangyan Autumn Valley" National Art Exhibition was selected; in 2005, "The Mountain Is More Delicate" was selected in the Tianjin Municipal Workers' Painting Exhibition. "Qingshan Guan Waterfall" won the gold medal at the 3rd Beijing Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Literati Calligraphy and Painting Art; "Spring Dyeing Horse Rack Zigou" won the silver medal at the Golden Tripod Awards National Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition; "Mountain Forest Xiaocao" won the Innovation Award at the 5th Contemporary Chinese Landscape Painting Exhibition, and "Warm Current" won the Elite Award.

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Gangguo

Doctor of Literature, Professor, Current Dean of Longdong University, Gansu Province

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Huawei

Professor of Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Teacher of School of Life Science and Health, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, research directions are biochemistry and molecular biology, cellular and molecular immunology. Xin Huawei now works at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, and is also a member of the American Association of Cancer Research, a member of the Sigma Xi Society of Scientific Research, and a member of the American Chemical Society Society), selected as a "Chutian Scholar" in 2013.

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Zhouping

He graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Northwestern University with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1982, went to the United States to study after receiving a Master of Science degree from the Department of Mathematics of Northwestern University in 1984, and graduated from the University of Michigan with a Doctor of Mathematics degree in 1988. From September 1988 to August 2002, he worked at the Courant Institute of New York University, where he was promoted to associate professor in 1993 and professor in 1996. Since 1998, he has been the Deputy Director of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences and chair professor of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Chinese, Hong Kong. In November 2003, he was appointed Distinguished Professor of Northwest University and Director of the Center for Nonlinear Science Research. In March 2005, he was appointed as the "Yangtze River Scholar" Chair Professor of Basic Mathematics at Northwest University. His main social positions include: Member of the American Mathematical Society, Member of SIAM, Editor-in-Chief of Analytical Methods and Applications, Editorial Board member of Asian Journal of Mathematics, Editorial Board Member of Acta Mathematica Sinica, Editorial Board Member of SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Editorial Board Member of Journal of Partial Differential Equations, And Academic Committee Member of China Morningside Research Center, etc.

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Hongbo

Three social members, Jiangxi Wanzairen, Jiang Special Professor of The Ministry of Education, graduate degree, doctoral degree, doctoral supervisor. He is currently a member of the 14th Central Committee of the Jiusan Society, the vice chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Jiusan Society, and the chairman of the 8th Committee of the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese of Jiangxi Province. He is a member of the American Biophysical Society and the American Diabetes Society, and a member of the "Neurobiphysics and Neuroinformatics Professional Committee" (NBPC) of the Chinese Biophysical Society.

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Yi

Chinese Min University professor, master tutor, well-known examination and research counseling experts throughout the country. A native of Zhangqiu County, Shandong Province, he is a doctor, professor, and doctoral supervisor. Director of the Department of Contemporary Chinese History, Department of Communist Party History, School of Marxism, Chinese Min University, Vice President of the Institute of Communist Party History and Theory of Chinese University, Special Researcher of the Chinese Communist Party History Research Society, Vice Chairman of the Trade Union of Chinese Min University (part-time).

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Bin

A native of Rushan City, Shandong Province, ph.D., professor/doctoral supervisor, vice dean of the School of Foreign Chinese of Nanjing Normal University, leader of The Major of English Language and Literature (a key discipline of Jiangsu Province), a famous teacher of Jiangsu Province, and a host of national-level fine courses. He is also a member of the Steering Committee of Foreign Language Teaching in Universities of the Ministry of Education, the chairman of the Foreign Language Teaching Professional Committee of the Jiangsu Education Association, the president of the Chinese Discourse Research Association, the vice president of the Chinese Cognitive Linguistics Research Association, the vice president of the Chinese Stylistics Research Association, and the executive director of the Functional Grammar Teaching Research Association of Chinese Universities.

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin self-improvement

Professor of Central University of Finance and Economics. He studied in the Department of Education of Shandong Normal University in 1993, studied for a master's degree in the Institute of Developmental Psychology of Beijing Normal University in 1997, with the research direction of social development, studied for a doctorate in advance in 1999, and obtained a doctorate in education in July 2002. He is a member of the Chinese Psychological Society (CPS), a member of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), and an executive editor of Psychological Development and Education.

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Zhiyang

Anhui Taihu people, doctor of education (2006), professor of school of educational science of Anhui Normal University (2012), master supervisor (2006), master of "children's organization and ideological education" master's program. He is the director of the office of the Anhui Provincial Young Pioneers Counselor Training and Research Base, and a member of the Young Workers Committee of Wuhu City, Anhui Province. He was selected as a reserve candidate for science and technology leaders in Anhui Province, and won honorary titles such as Anhui Provincial Teaching Rookie.

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Xin Jixiang

Professor of the School of Educational Sciences of Hunan Normal University, Doctor of Education, Doctoral Supervisor of Curriculum and Teaching Theory, Head of Curriculum and Teaching Theory Discipline, Member of the National Basic Education Curriculum Reform Expert Group of the Ministry of Education, Standing Director of the National Teaching Theory Professional Committee, Standing Director of the National Curriculum Professional Committee, Secretary-General of the Hunan Provincial Education Research Professional Committee, Head of the Hunan Normal University Center for Basic Education Curriculum Research of the Ministry of Education, Chief Expert.

"Xin Elite" National Directory of Xin Professors

Sim precious

Professor, Ph.D., doctoral supervisor, vice dean of Shandong University of Science and Technology, main research directions are dynamic game, intelligent decision-making, computable economics, resource allocation optimization, dynamic system optimization control, etc.; presided over 2 national social science foundations, 4 provincial and ministerial funds; won 1 second prize of Shandong Provincial Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award, 1 first prize of Shandong Provincial College Excellent Scientific Research Achievement Award; published more than 30 SCI/SSCI papers in academic journals such as Journal of Physics, EM, ND, JCP, EJOR and so on He has served as an anonymous review expert for more than 20 SCI/SSCI journals such as EM, ND, JCP, EJOR, TFS, etc., a commentator of mathematical review in the United States, and an editorial board member and academic editor of PLOS ONE journal.

(Due to the limited information, the collection of the Xin Professors' Directory is not comprehensive, and the clan members correct and supplement)

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