
Guizhou small winery is restless, and Baogu wine detected banned additives, which is not OK

author:People's livelihood broadcast

Baogu wine generally refers to corn wine, some places in Guizhou is also called shochu, corn wine is rich in nutrition, the aroma is refreshing, is another miracle of moderate sweet wine products. For friends who love to drink, it is an indispensable drink in life.

However, recently, the Guiyang Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau organized a food safety sampling inspection, of which 1 batch of Baogu wine was unqualified, as follows:

Guizhou small winery is restless, and Baogu wine detected banned additives, which is not OK

The "Baogu Wine" produced by Fuwen Wine Factory in Zazo Town, Xiuwen County, has a cyclamate inspection value of 0.0003g/kg, which is prohibited from being used and does not meet the national food safety standards.

[Cyclamate] is a kind of non-nutritious sweetener, the enterprise adds cyclamate mainly to increase the sweetness of liquor, and then improve the taste of liquor products, but due to excessive intake of cyclamate, it will cause harm to the liver and nervous system of the human body. National standards explicitly require the prohibition of the use of cyclamate in distilled spirits.

Guizhou small winery is restless, and Baogu wine detected banned additives, which is not OK

For the unqualified products found in the sampling inspection, the Guiyang Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has instructed the market supervision department under its jurisdiction to take measures such as removing shelves, recalling, filing and investigating in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, to find out the quantity and cause of unqualified food, formulate rectification measures, prevent and control food safety risks, and synchronously do a good job in the follow-up and review work in the later stage.

Guizhou small winery is restless, and Baogu wine detected banned additives, which is not OK

Friends who love to drink on weekdays should pay attention to drinking wine, drink good wine, try to choose good quality wine in regular places, do not covet cheap, the quality of wine in small workshops is uneven, and there is room for improvement in safety. And when drinking alcohol must be moderate, excessive drinking will hurt the body.

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