
The braised meat that Chairman Mao praised in Hunan 丨 is bright red in color, fat but not greasy, and dissolves in the mouth

author:Taste of the station

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#American Food Inspector ##Food##Taste Hunan##Changsha Cuisine##长沙 #

Braised pork was one of the favorite dishes of the great leader Chairman Mao during his lifetime. From the Shaoshan Chong Di Shui Cave to the table of the Zhongnanhai Juxiang Book House, braised pork can always be found. The late Hunan cuisine taidou and "royal cook" Shi Yinxiang recalled: The chairman specifically told him to eat braised pork the next day, saying that it could enhance people's memory.

At two o'clock in the afternoon of April 12, 1958, Chairman Mao, accompanied by Comrade Huang Kecheng and Zhou Xiaozhou, who was also the secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, inspected the Fire Palace and tasted flavored snacks and Hunan cuisine. Among them was the dish of braised pork, which was praised by the chairman.

The braised meat of the Fire Palace is bright red in color, fat but not greasy, and the mouth is melted, and because of the chairman's inspection and tasting, it is named "Mao's braised pork". At the 12th Chef's Festival, the President's Banquet of the Fire Palace, represented by Mao's Braised Pork, won the "China Golden Chef Award" in one fell swoop.

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