
Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

author:Proud Meow and Loyal Dog Wang

In a Norwegian myth, Furya, the goddess of love and beauty, always travels in a car pulled by two lion-like cats.

They are the Norwegian Forest Cat, a breed with its own fairy spirit.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

Today, shoveling girl is going to take you to suck the fairy face of the meow world, a kitten called aslan.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

Aslan is the name of the Lion King in the legend of Narnia, symbolizing wisdom and glory.

Cat as its name, this value is really too good!

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

It's a little male meow, living with the shoveler in Sweden, and it's three years old this year.

When I was young, the hair was still relatively short, the whole cat was soft and cute, lying on the ground lazily looking at you, this irresistible charm ah ~ ~

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

Can't ignore a pair of white gloves, just look at it is too cute to do, really want to touch!

As the aslan grew, its hair became thicker and thicker, and its green pupils became clearer.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

Exquisite facial features, with a thick white bib neck, the hair on the whole body is fluffy and fluffy, it is simply a fairy man.

But as a Norwegian forest cat, Aslan has a curiosity about the outside world and a curiosity to try to explore.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

As its shoveler, of course, choose to meet it!

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

So, in the first autumn of Aslan Meows, it began to explore the new world under the leadership of the shoveler...

At first, like all cats, it was very uncomfortable with the leash.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

But after all, it is called "dog of cats", and its expectations of the outside world outweigh the resistance to the leash.

Slowly, its footsteps went from the city to the forest.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

Although shoveling girls don't like autumn very much, autumn with aslan seems to be heartwarming.

A cat, a piece of afterglow, and a field of fallen leaves make up the most beautiful scenery in autumn.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

As a fairy man, aslan's appearance is really very good, 360 degrees without dead angles, no matter the shoveler shoots from that angle, he can shoot a freshly baked elegant meow ~ ~

Occasionally with the domineering spirit of patrolling the territory.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

Did you see the, this is the country that has been laid for you?

If the fallen leaves set off its beauty, then a snow makes it look like an elf who has strayed into the world.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

What could be better looking than a Norwegian forest cat?

Of course, the Norwegian forest cat in the snow.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

After years of precipitation, Aslan ushered in spring.

In addition to the immortal qi, it was a little more domineering, its fluffy hair was like a battle robe, and its eyes also revealed a hint of majesty.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

After often walking in the forest with the shoveler, the aslan now no longer needs a leash.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

So the roles changed, from the beginning of the shoveling officer taking the cat for a walk, to the current cat with the shoveling officer to patrol the territory.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

Even if you lick your own paws, you have a casual elegance

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

I really envy its shoveler, with such a fairy meow to accompany, life must be very beautiful.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

Not to mention its clingy personality, it likes to snuggle up next to the shoveler at home, and prefers to kiss and hug and hold high from time to time.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

It also proves that even the fairy man meow is a yo he who loves to play with the keyboard.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

I hope that Aslan and the shoveler can live happily in Sweden forever, and always be the king of their own forest.

After all, such a fairy cat, only the forest and snow deserve it

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

Fall in love with a Norwegian forest meow, but there is not even a grass at home...

Forget it, shoveling girl or suck it with everyone, fortunately the amount of tube is full hahaha.

Cute at home, handsome and domineering, this Norwegian forest cat is really a little fairy man

What do you think of aslan's appearance?

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