
Don't you want to keep one of the elves that often appear in Norse mythology, the "Norwegian Forest Cat"? How to pick a Norwegian forest cat bath hair care

author:Jiuan preferred
Don't you want to keep one of the elves that often appear in Norse mythology, the "Norwegian Forest Cat"? How to pick a Norwegian forest cat bath hair care

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a very beautiful cat and is very rare. According to the survey of the pet market, the Norwegian forest cat is at least four or five thousand, as high as more than 10,000, and the good may be tens of thousands.

Inhabited in norwegian forests, the cat is a cat species endemic to Scandinavia, with origins dating back to ancient times and often being the protagonist of Nordic stories.

For example, it is recorded that the angel on Thor wanted to take her to heaven, but she was too big to take her away.

It is also said that the goddess Floia often travels in a car, pulled by two Norwegian forest cats.

Don't you want to keep one of the elves that often appear in Norse mythology, the "Norwegian Forest Cat"? How to pick a Norwegian forest cat bath hair care

However, the breed name of this cat, "Norwegian Forest", has long revealed the mystery, they have indeed lived in the forests of Northern Europe since ancient times, and the green environment may be their most familiar homeland.

In particular, Abu, a large and bold male cat, paced slowly and calmly, looking more like a wild animal born in this meadow than a delicate pet cat at home.

Later, it was believed that the cats that appeared in the myth were the Norwegian forest cats, which were given such a dramatic imagination that they had a special temperament of elegance and agility under their beautiful and majestic appearance.

Don't you want to keep one of the elves that often appear in Norse mythology, the "Norwegian Forest Cat"? How to pick a Norwegian forest cat bath hair care

First, the Norwegian Forest Cat is selected to carefully identify its appearance and check whether it meets the specified standards. The cat's head is equilateral triangular, the eyes should be clear and bright, there is no secretion from the corners of the eyes, and the eyes are mostly green or golden. The nose is medium in length, feels cool and moist when touched with the back of the hand, and there is no nasal fluid or other abnormal discharge around the nostrils.

Second, the Norwegian forest cat has a strong neck and a very flowing mane, a medium body length, and a muscular and compact body around the chest. The body structure is strong, the chest is wide, and the whole body is very powerful. Cats have shorter limbs, but their hindlimbs are longer than their forelimbs, and their thick, thick hairs look like "bloomer pants." The cat's tail is thicker to the part of the body, and the tail has thick and thick hairs.

Don't you want to keep one of the elves that often appear in Norse mythology, the "Norwegian Forest Cat"? How to pick a Norwegian forest cat bath hair care

Third, the norwegian forest cat's paws are very strong, large and round, and there is also thick fur between the toes, and the color of the toes and the color of the hair are also very harmonious. The hair color and pattern of the cat's whole body are diverse, and the relevant cfa organization recognizes as many as 50 kinds of colors including black, white, blue, red, brown tabby, bi-color, black smoke, silver tabby and so on.

Fourth, in addition to checking whether the appearance of the Norwegian forest cat meets the standards, it is also necessary to check whether the cat is healthy. You can touch the cat's body with both hands to check whether the skeleton body is well developed and whether the body growth is healthy and normal. In addition, it is also necessary to carefully observe whether the feces discharged by the cat are normal, if it is watery, sparse, or hard and grainy, and the color of the feces is black, green and other abnormal colors, indicating that there is some discomfort in the cat's body. Serious illness or mild malady may occur.

Don't you want to keep one of the elves that often appear in Norse mythology, the "Norwegian Forest Cat"? How to pick a Norwegian forest cat bath hair care

Methods for all cats:

1. Ears

Cat ears should be clean and free of discharge. If the cat constantly scratches its ears or shakes its head, it may have been infected with scabies.

2. Nose

The tip of the cat's nose should feel cooler and moist on the back of the hand, and there is no nasal water or discharge around the nostrils.

3. Eyes

The eyes should be clear and bright, with no discharge from the corners of the eyes (except for Persian and Himalayan cats), and the corners of the eyes should not reveal a third eyelid (many cats have the first appearance of a third eyelid).

Don't you want to keep one of the elves that often appear in Norse mythology, the "Norwegian Forest Cat"? How to pick a Norwegian forest cat bath hair care

4. Anus

Should be clean and free of symptoms of diarrhea, and the surrounding hair should be clean and free of pollution color.

5. Abdomen

The cat's abdomen should be slightly rounded, the feel is not touching the ribs, if the cat's abdomen is swollen, it may be a symptom of roundworm infection or peritonitis.

6. Hair

The health indicators of kittens are most obvious in the hair. Healthy kitten hair should be shiny, fluffy, and upright. If the hair of the kitten is messy and dull, indicating that it has been infected with the disease, or has just been cured of the disease, such a cat is best not to choose.

Don't you want to keep one of the elves that often appear in Norse mythology, the "Norwegian Forest Cat"? How to pick a Norwegian forest cat bath hair care

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a pet that loves cleanliness and is covered with very thick hair of varying lengths. In order to keep it clean and tidy, they will regularly clean and tidy up their hair. However, due to the serious limitations and thoroughness of self-cleaning, it is necessary for the owner to regularly give the cat a thorough bath.

You need to prepare the tools you need before taking a shower. For example: bath tub, towel, shampoo, hair protector, comb, scissors, hair dryer and so on. The bath water prepared for the Norwegian forest cat should not exceed its back, and a non-slip mat can be placed in the bath basin, and the bath water temperature should be maintained at 38 degrees Celsius, just like the cat's body temperature. Of course, before bathing the cat, you should first groom the cat's hair, which will be more conducive to the cleaning of the cat's hair.

Don't you want to keep one of the elves that often appear in Norse mythology, the "Norwegian Forest Cat"? How to pick a Norwegian forest cat bath hair care

Then a little shampoo is then dripped into the bath water (of course, the shampoo can also be dripped directly on the cat's body after wetting the cat's body). Then the owner puts the cat into the bath water and gently rubs the entire body of the cat with both hands, especially the limbs, toes, hips, tail and other parts to be rubbed one by one.

Bathing a Norwegian forest cat should be swift and gentle, and the bath water should not be splashed into the cat's ears and eyes. At the same time, after rubbing, it is necessary to clean in time with water, cleaning needs to be thorough, and the cat fur cannot be left with a trace of shampoo or foam to prevent irritation of the fur and cause inflammation and allergies.

After thoroughly cleaning the cat, the owner needs to wipe the water droplets on the hair dry with a towel, and then use a hair dryer to completely blow dry the wet hair to prevent the Norwegian forest cat from getting sick from the cold, and the cat's bathing process is complete.

Don't you want to keep one of the elves that often appear in Norse mythology, the "Norwegian Forest Cat"? How to pick a Norwegian forest cat bath hair care

Hair also needs to be groomed, even if it is a short-haired cat, not to mention the Norwegian forest cat with a large amount of hair and a long length, once it is not well cared for, there will be knots. Grooming of the hair is best practiced fixed and regular.

Comb through at least once a week and at the same time each time. After combing, strive for smooth hair.

Tools are needed to prepare the grooming: antelope skin, metal comb, bristle brush, rubber brush; adjust the cat's mood, wait for him to relax and then comb, if he has the emotion of resistance, be sure not to force it.

Don't you want to keep one of the elves that often appear in Norse mythology, the "Norwegian Forest Cat"? How to pick a Norwegian forest cat bath hair care

Grooming methods and steps:

1. First use a metal comb to comb the hairs that are entangled together, and pay attention to observe whether there are black spots infected by fleas when combing. The black dot is the feces of fleas, so be careful to remove it.

2. When combing, brush the whole body fur including the abdomen with a bristle brush along the direction of hair growth. Brush lightly so as not to hurt the cat.

3. After brushing, there will be shed hair stuck to the fur, and it should be brushed with an eraser brush, so that the fur is smooth and clean.

Don't you want to keep one of the elves that often appear in Norse mythology, the "Norwegian Forest Cat"? How to pick a Norwegian forest cat bath hair care

4. In the care of the smoothness of the hair, a few drops of fur protector are dropped every few weeks, which helps to remove oil and restore the color and luster of the cat's fur.

5. Scrub the cat skin with antelope skin to further remove the dirty things on the surface. In addition, regular strokes and adherence to a healthy diet will also make the fur beautiful.

Don't you want to keep one of the elves that often appear in Norse mythology, the "Norwegian Forest Cat"? How to pick a Norwegian forest cat bath hair care

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Don't you want to keep one of the elves that often appear in Norse mythology, the "Norwegian Forest Cat"? How to pick a Norwegian forest cat bath hair care

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