
Pure black East German DDR 11 months Farida von Radar working german shepherd

author:Demu World

Farida · Radar farida von radar

Fari is a rare pure black Dongde DDR, dynamic good believe that there will be good results in the dog solo exhibition competition, her personality is very good especially suitable for training, this time the face of the film is not the best effect, the first two days of cloudy days when I used my mobile phone to shoot better results. She's like an elf, and there are few such beautiful shepherds in purebred East Germany.

Her father pitt von dele csz223635 and her mother is zirpa von bond csz180698

Farida Born January 26, 2017 Certificate: csz247003

Pure black East German DDR 11 months Farida von Radar working german shepherd
Pure black East German DDR 11 months Farida von Radar working german shepherd
Pure black East German DDR 11 months Farida von Radar working german shepherd

Father: pitt von dele csz223635

Pure black East German DDR 11 months Farida von Radar working german shepherd

Mother: zirpa von bond csz180698

Pure black East German DDR 11 months Farida von Radar working german shepherd

Shaanxi Xianyang Xiaode Kennel works

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