
The intended transaction of 4.9 billion yuan exceeded 700,000 visitors The 2021 Hi Silk Expo closed

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

Nandu News Reporter Jiang Zhen Correspondent Sui Business Announcement On September 26, the 2021 Guangdong 21st Century Maritime Silk Road International Expo (hereinafter referred to as the "Sea Silk Road Expo") was closed. This expo held nearly 50 economic and trade exchange activities, with more than 12,000 online foreign trade orders, more than 700,000 online and offline visitors, and the intended turnover was nearly 4.9 billion yuan, an increase of 26% over last year.

The intended transaction of 4.9 billion yuan exceeded 700,000 visitors The 2021 Hi Silk Expo closed

Exhibition site. Nandu reporter He Yushuai photographed

The international "circle of friends" continues to expand

It is understood that this expo adopts the mode of "one exhibition and one conference" and "comprehensive exhibition + professional exhibition", with an exhibition area of 70,000 square meters, 64 countries and regions participating in the exhibition, and more than 1,200 enterprises participating in the exhibition, an increase of 17%, 25% and 20% respectively over last year.

The expo attracted 64 countries and regions from five continents, such as the United States, Canada, Colombia, Poland, Belgium, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, Kenya, South Africa, Fiji, solomon islands, etc., of which Iceland, Belgium, Moldova, North Macedonia, Azerbaijan, the United States, Panama, Bolivia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Cameroon and other countries participated in the exhibition for the first time, accounting for 17%, fully highlighting the recognition of the "Belt and Road" countries for the HiSilk Expo platform and Guangzhou's high-level opening up.

Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Iceland this year, Iceland attaches great importance to the Sea Silk Expo, bringing the country's famous wool knitwear, natural seafood, mineral water, high-tech skin care products and local design products for the first time. According to Han Weilian, deputy director of the Icelandic Embassy in China, during the exhibition, there were in-depth exchanges with many buyers and channel providers from Guangdong, "In fact, many products in Iceland are manufactured in Guangdong, and it is expected to further promote cooperation in the future."

Zhang Guang, chief representative of the China region of the Bolivian Economic and Trade Investment Agency, who participated in the exhibition for the first time, also proposed that he hoped to further deepen the ties with Guangzhou through the international exchange platform of the Hi Silk Expo. Egyptian Cultural Counsellor in China Umai mai Janim and president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry i.negm Boya said that the exhibition trip to the Hi Silk Road Expo has gained a lot, and the feedback from enterprises is good, and it is hoped that more enterprises will be organized to participate in the exhibition next year, expand the scale of participation and enhance the effect of participation.

"The HiSilk Expo has become one of the most important international platforms for promoting culture and tourism in South China." As an "old friend" of the Hi Silk Expo, Edward Vaveru Kimmani, Deputy Director of the Kenyan Embassy in China, highlighted the beauty of Kenya and Kenya Airways at the booth. He said he expected to attract more Chinese tourists to the local area after the epidemic, "with the goal of increasing from the current annual population of about 90,000 to 500,000."

Theme Forum Delivers "Voice of Guangzhou"

This year's theme forum held 1 theme conference, 5 parallel forums and 4 supporting activities, which conveyed the "Voice of Guangzhou" of openness and cooperation in promoting economic and trade cooperation between Guangdong and countries and regions along the "Belt and Road", strengthening scientific and technological openness and cooperation, and promoting green development.

In order to seize the major advantages of making good use of the construction of the two cooperation zones, the Open Cooperation 30-member Forum gathered a number of experts and scholars such as Robert, chief economist of the WTO, to provide suggestions and suggestions on how to deepen cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and build an inclusive global value chain of the "Belt and Road".

The Academician Forum invited Su Guohui, Fang Binxing, Deng Wenzhong, Liu Huanbin, Ye Siyu and many other Chinese and foreign academicians to collide their thinking in the form of academician dialogue meetings, discuss how to strengthen originality and leadership in scientific and technological research, and enhance the scientific and technological innovation capabilities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

In order to help international anti-epidemic cooperation, the "Healthy Silk Road" International Cooperation Forum invited former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, former Vice Minister of National Health Zhang Fenglou, 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry winner Michael Levitte and other guests to talk about "Health Responsibility and Digital Health Silk Road" through online and offline forms.

For the first time, the forum launched the "2021 Hai Silk Road Expo Theme Forum Special Issue", with the theme of "Gathering the Wisdom of the Silk Road and Spreading the Voice of Guangzhou", interviewing 11 domestic and foreign officials, heads of business associations and well-known experts and scholars, inviting them to tell their stories with Guangzhou, the Greater Bay Area and the "Belt and Road" construction from different perspectives.

The "Maritime Silk Road" New Convention and Exhibition Economic Development Forum invited leading figures in the convention and exhibition industry at home and abroad to comprehensively interpret the opportunities brought by the new exhibition method to the exhibition industry from the perspective of creating a new platform for online exhibitions.