
Gourmet Chuanbei cold powder

author:Biao movies

In Sichuan, cool powder is a very common snack, usually the wind is two kinds, one is yellow yellow cool powder, one is transparent and colorless white cool powder, the flavor of the two kinds of cool powder is very different, the former has a strong taste, and the latter is mostly refreshing yellow and white cold powder has a good eater. Like Chengdu's Zhang Lao Wu Liang Powder, Xin Du Tu Zi Liang Powder, Guanghan Batu Cave Cool Powder, and Cool Powder everywhere. Since its advent in the late Qing Dynasty, Chuanbei Cool Powder has been passed down to this day with its unique red, spicy and mellow, fresh and refreshing Sichuan flavor style. How to make white peas 1000 g, red oil 150 g, chili noodles, soy sauce 50 g each, salt 8 g, aged vinegar, rock sugar 10 g each, monosodium glutamate 5 g, garlic 30 g. Pot friends who want to eat can pay attention to me or try themselves can not be private me

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