
The 2021 Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival | Intangible Cultural Heritage Poverty Alleviation And Employment Workshop - Northern Sichuan Liang Powder

author:Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage

In order to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the protection of intangible cultural heritage, according to the unified deployment arrangement of the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage and multiple e-commerce platforms jointly held the "People's Intangible Cultural Heritage People's Sharing" and the 2021 "Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival" on the "Cultural and Natural Heritage Day" (June 12), focusing on the online sales of the Sichuan Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage Poverty Alleviation Employment Workshop and the promotion of Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage High-quality Online Stores. The display of sales results will drive the employment and income of the poor people and help the revitalization of the countryside. We have launched the Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival | Intangible Cultural Heritage Poverty Alleviation Workshop] column, introducing the online shops and products of Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Poverty Alleviation Workshop, including food, clothing, crafts and other categories, so stay tuned!

The Intangible Cultural Heritage Poverty Alleviation Workshop is an important form of poverty alleviation workshop, which is identified and managed by the cultural and tourism administrative department in conjunction with the poverty alleviation department, and is included in the poverty alleviation project database by the poverty alleviation department and entered into the national poverty alleviation and development information system. The Intangible Cultural Heritage Poverty Alleviation and Employment Workshop has contributed to the comprehensive promotion of intangible cultural heritage to help rural revitalization, promote the employment and income of intangible cultural heritage related personnel, and promote the productive protection of intangible cultural heritage.

Today, we go together to eat the intangible cultural heritage food that happens to be eaten

Workshop business card

Workshop name: Chuanbei cool powder

Name of intangible cultural heritage project: traditional production technique of northern Sichuan cold powder

Project Category: Traditional Skills

Detailed address: Shunqing District, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province

E-commerce address: Chuanbei food flagship store (Tmall)

Recommended products: Chuanbei cold powder raw material pure pea powder, Chuanbei instant edible convenient pea cold powder

Recommended for intangible cultural heritage

In order to inherit and develop the traditional production skills of northern Sichuan cold powder

Let intangible cultural heritage enter the lives of more people

Chuanbei cool powder was opened

"Chuanbei food flagship store" Taobao good store

The 2021 Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival | Intangible Cultural Heritage Poverty Alleviation And Employment Workshop - Northern Sichuan Liang Powder

Favorite items in the store

The 2021 Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival | Intangible Cultural Heritage Poverty Alleviation And Employment Workshop - Northern Sichuan Liang Powder

Contracting the raw materials for the production of cold powder that many people remember as children

Natural healthy pea starch

The 2021 Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival | Intangible Cultural Heritage Poverty Alleviation And Employment Workshop - Northern Sichuan Liang Powder
The 2021 Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival | Intangible Cultural Heritage Poverty Alleviation And Employment Workshop - Northern Sichuan Liang Powder
The 2021 Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival | Intangible Cultural Heritage Poverty Alleviation And Employment Workshop - Northern Sichuan Liang Powder

There is also chili oil, rattan pepper oil, and sesame oil, which make cold powder

It is the finishing touch to the taste experience

The 2021 Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival | Intangible Cultural Heritage Poverty Alleviation And Employment Workshop - Northern Sichuan Liang Powder

Instant cold powder

Enjoy authentic Sichuan flavors anytime, anywhere

Poverty alleviation stories

"Chuanbei cold powder is a good brand, which has precipitated many memories of my childhood." Li Hua, general manager of Sichuan North Liang Powder Food Culture Co., Ltd. and the sixth generation inheritor of Sichuan North Cold Powder, said frankly. After many years, she still remembers all the bumps in the road of entrepreneurship.

When he was a child, after Li Hua and his family ate a bowl of cold powder in Model Street, he left a deep memory of this slippery, fine and delicious cold powder. At the age of 18, she seized the opportunity to enter the state-run Nanchong "Chuanbei Liang powder" shop, and studied with He Biyu, the fifth generation of "Chuanbei Liang powder", and worked for 7 years. In 2001, with the help of the government and the Women's Federation, Li Hua and her husband bought back the trademark of "Chuanbei Liang powder" and established Sichuan Chuanbei Liangfan Food Culture Co., Ltd.

The 2021 Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival | Intangible Cultural Heritage Poverty Alleviation And Employment Workshop - Northern Sichuan Liang Powder

After buying back the trademark, Li Hua visited restaurants in various places and finally chose to open in Fujiang Road, Nanchong City. "The store just opened with 10 tables and 5 female employees, but the business was very prosperous and the customer response was very good." Li Hua said. Nowadays, Sichuan Chuanbei Liang powder food culture Co., Ltd. has nearly 300 directly operated and chain stores in the country, which is convenient for the instant food of cold powder to be exported to more than 20 countries and regions around the world.

"Our development goal is to 'inherit a century-old culture, cast a national enterprise, and create an international brand'." Li Hua said she wanted to make Chuanbei liang powder into a Chinese version of "McDonald's".

The 2021 Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival | Intangible Cultural Heritage Poverty Alleviation And Employment Workshop - Northern Sichuan Liang Powder

In the case of the suspension of business of direct operations and chain stores due to the new crown epidemic, when he learned that the frontline anti-epidemic personnel were facing difficulties in eating, Li Hua still led the team to send 1,200 love meals and 285 pieces of self-heating rice convenience foods to medical workers, street and community workers, and police on duty who were fighting in the frontline.

"As a catering company, although all our direct operations and chain stores have been suspended and suffered huge losses, compared with front-line medical workers and on-duty personnel, all we can do is provide them with convenient fast food and eat a hot meal." Li Hua said.

Steady and steady, step by step, keep a sober mind, these are the experience of Li Hua and her husband in running the "Chuanbei Liang powder" brand for many years, and because of this, their careers are getting better and better, getting bigger and bigger.

The 2021 Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival | Intangible Cultural Heritage Poverty Alleviation And Employment Workshop - Northern Sichuan Liang Powder

The business is getting better and better, and it is even more necessary to actively assume social responsibility. With the development and growth of the enterprise, Li Hua responded to the government's call to invest time and energy, around the poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, etc., to do their best to repay the society, with responsibility and responsibility to polish the "golden" signboard of "Northern Sichuan Cool Powder".

In recent years, the Chuanbei Liang powder poverty alleviation and employment workshop has provided jobs for more than 3,600 people, donated nearly 3 million yuan of funds for social welfare activities such as "Guangcai Poverty Alleviation", and driven more than 1,000 rural households out of poverty.

Source: Shunqing today

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