
The National Red Story Explainer Contest 丨 Sprinkle tears on these stories, worth it

author:CCTV News

Over the past hundred years, countless martyrs and predecessors have lived up to Shaohua

Youth shines through grinding

Life is sublimated by struggle

"Tribute to the National Monument - National Red Story Explainer Competition"

Professional Group 6

12 red stories

Once again, countless netizens were moved

The National Red Story Explainer Contest 丨 Sprinkle tears on these stories, worth it

Cloud outposts guard the heavenly road with loyalty

At the Kunlun Mountain Tunnel outpost at an altitude of 4868 meters

There is such a group of people

They are on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Yang Fuxiang, who was named one of the "Top Ten Loyal Defenders of the Armed Police"

He is a member of the team guarding the tunnel

This is his 15th year here

Behind him, he could not do without the support of his wife Zhang Xiaohong

11 years ago, Zhang Xiaohong suffered a car accident

The left leg faces amputation

Yang Fuxiang, who was on a mission in the plateau, had no idea

Afterwards the wife was on the phone

Tell him lightly when

He cried bitterly

The organization repeatedly persuaded Yang Fuxiang to change the guard to take care of the family

But the wife disagreed

She knew that her husband could not let go of his work and comrades-in-arms

She said, "You are at ease guarding the outpost.

I can support our family with this leg! ”↓↓↓

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After the game, Yang Fuxiang's family came to the interactive studio

Tell about their current life ↓↓↓

The "prairie embroidery lady" skillfully pierced poverty with embroidery needles

A beautiful Mongolian embroidery work

It is a cultural heritage for thousands of years

It is also the livelihood of thousands of people to get rich

On the Horqin steppe

Bai Jingying uses the traditional Mongolian embroidery stitch method

Implement poverty alleviation programs

Encourage farmers and herdsmen women to change their minds

Some women are unable to attend training regularly because of their disabilities

She went door-to-door to teach

Led 26,000 women on the road to riches ↓↓↓

Although he was the "last" in the company, he did not give up

Exercise "Western Joint – 2021"

Ended with victory on August 13, 2021

Such a moment of celebration

A lame recruit

Despite the fact that the body was already exhausted

Run in circles on an empty playground

It turned out to be during the exercise charge

His old toenails that had not healed

Tear off due to impact

He persevered in agony and did not fall behind

In the end, he was ranked last in the company

He said, "The hero's predecessors can still climb if their legs are broken."

I dropped a piece of toenails, what's the point?

The last one is the most heart-wrenching pain for soldiers. ”

Poke the video and listen to the narrator Jiang Xinqi

The ambition of a recruit ↓↓↓

Five-star red flag embroidered in prison

Never rises but always "flutters"

October 1, 1949

Red flag

Rising in Tiananmen Square

The news reached Chongqing, which had not yet been liberated

The comrades in the White Mansion Detention Center were in tears

They also want to make a five-star red flag!

"But the five-star red flag can't be seen by everyone."

I don't know what it's like."

Revolutionaries rely on imagination

A special "five-star red flag" was sewn:

Red embroidered quilt on the surface

Yellow straw paper cut into four small stars

The largest five-pointed star around the center

Poke the video

See how this special "five-star red flag" is embroidered ↓↓↓

Classic red song "Embroidered Red Flag"

It was created against the backdrop of this history

Interactive studio

Accompanied by this moving piece of music

The new media stage is all over

But the power of the red story reaches the heart ↓↓↓

During the broadcast of the program, netizens left messages and swiped the screen

The National Red Story Explainer Contest 丨 Sprinkle tears on these stories, worth it

If man has no spirit, he will not stand

If the country does not have the spirit, it is not strong

Let's take it

Red Story Red Spirit Red Faith

In the face of all difficulties and obstacles

Turning crises into opportunities

Director system 丨 Wang Shanshan

Producer 丨 Li Dayong

Producer 丨Wen Lu Zhang Pengjun

Editor-in-chief 丨 Huang Yuqi

Edited by 丨Li Shunan Wang Yuanchen

Clip 丨 Zhou Qinlin Zhang Ying

Vision 丨Liu Lei

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The National Red Story Explainer Contest 丨 Sprinkle tears on these stories, worth it

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