
The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

author:Pippi Films

In 1985, Jackie Chan almost lost his life in Yugoslavia.

This year, he directed and starred in the movie "Brother Dragon and Brother Tiger". Not only was the film a huge investment, but it also needed to be filmed in Yugoslavia.

The film begins with a fight in which Jackie Chan needs to grab a branch while escaping.

But the branch suddenly broke, jackie chan fell down, and was stabbed into the back of the head by a sharp stone.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

Fortunately, Jackie Chan retrieved a life from the hands of the God of Death, but at the cost of an 80% drop in hearing in his right ear.

There are not many versions of this story, but there are many small details that you certainly don't know.

When Jackie Chan was sent to the local icu, his partner Tan Yonglin was outside the door.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

Anxiously waiting for a long time, Tan Yonglin did not know what the situation of the good brother was inside, he was anxious to scratch his heart, but ICU just wouldn't let him in.

In a hurry, he whistled outside the door to play the interlude "Friend" that he and Jackie Chan sang for "Brother Dragon and Tiger Brother".

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

Blowing and blowing, Jackie Chan actually used a weak voice and then sang.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

As soon as Tan Yonglin heard it, he knew that the good brother had woken up, and the stone hanging in his heart had also fallen to the ground.

Since then, the song "Friends" has a special meaning for Tan Yonglin.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

Pi Ge did not know this story at first, and accidentally saw a music variety show on Hunan Satellite TV, only to hear Tan Yonglin mention it in the program.

This variety show is the recent hit "Time Concert".

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

Are you curious, as a music variety show, why is there a storytelling link?

At first, Pigo also thought it strange, but after watching it, he found that music and story are really inseparable.

As of today, "Time Concert" has just been updated twice, but the playback data is still out of the table.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

The two episodes were played more than 210 million times combined.

Moreover, when "Time Concert" premiered, the playback data got a good result of "the first in the three networks".

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

The so-called "first of the three networks" means that its single network has a maximum rating of 1.27% to get the first place, the highest share of 4.51% ranks first, and there is also a replay of the same period of real-time ratings in the country.

When did music shows become so popular?

In fact, it is not only the music that fires, but also the people and things behind the music.

"Time Concert" is not a music or competitive variety show in the traditional sense, it does not set up a stage, no rules, no audition process, and there is no such link as a group debut.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

It's more like the organizers of a gathering of friends, picking out a few of China's best-known singers and musicians and having them "have a meeting" together.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

The theme of the "meeting" is to write a letter to your past self.

The venue of the "conference" was selected in Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan Scenic Area, a quiet and open place with a beautiful environment.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

The guests of the conference were "Principal" Tan Yonglin, Phoenix Legend of "Square Dance Divine Comedy Making Machine", Zhang Jie, Xu Ruyun, Li Keqin, Liao Changyong, Lin Zhixuan, Yu Kewei, etc., a total of eight groups of 9 stars.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

If you know a little about the background of some singers, you will find that these participants are not simple.

Aged from 71 to 38 years old, bringing together three generations of old, middle-aged and young people, the region from the mainland to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, bringing together the two sides of the strait and the three places, both singers and groups, both national and bel canto, all about music almost all alive.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

Of course, the most important thing is the content of the conference, which is also what Pigo wants to talk to everyone: music + story.

Part of the reason we like a song is that it reminds us of some of our own stories, memories, or memories.

In fact, the same is true of the creation and singing of songs, in the hearts of every singer, a song represents a story.

When you understand these stories and listen to the songs, you will find something different.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

It's amazing, isn't it?

The paragraph that Pi Ge wrote at the beginning, about Jackie Chan's filming of "Brother Dragon and Tiger Brother" and Tan Yonglin's expression through the song, is the story behind the song "Friends".

In the program, when Tan Yonglin finished telling this story in the form of letters, and then picked up the microphone and sang "Friends" on the spot, Pi Ge was actually a little moved to hear it.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

Aside from the fact that the song itself is good, the story touched me much more.

We may have listened to a lot of songs, but we don't necessarily know the story behind them, and Time Concert gives us that opportunity.

The reason why it chooses these famous singers and the classic old songs that are sung in the streets and alleys is to tell us these untold stories.

When you find that the songs that loop in the headphones every day have a twist and turn behind them, you will re-recognize the charm of music.

For example, the Phoenix Legend's square dance divine song "Above the Moon" that has spread throughout the country and even the world.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

In 2004, the first year of the Phoenix Legend's debut, they were lucky enough to encounter the song "Above the Moon".

This mix of ethnic style and rap music swept the country as soon as it was launched, creating a "cremation myth" of 79 million.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

It can be seen that singers Linghua and Zeng Yi have special feelings for this song, and they write letters saying: "'Above the Moon' is a friend who cannot be abandoned, and it is an indispensable family. ”

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

Because of this song, accompanying the Phoenix Legend has experienced too much.

In 2007, "Over the Moon" had been on fire for three years. At the Spring Festival Gala that year, the Phoenix Legend walked into the recording scene of the Spring Festival Gala with this song.

After six rehearsals, both Ling Hua and Zeng Yi called their families and said they had gone to the Spring Festival Gala.

But at the last moment, the show was taken away.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

The Spring Festival Gala rehearsed 6 times, and finally it was removed, which can be imagined how big a blow it was to the two.

When the family stared at the TV for a night but couldn't find "Over the Moon", Ling Hua and Zeng Yi couldn't hold back.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

It was a hurdle in their lives, and both of them were a little excited to talk about it now.

As a result, at the Spring Festival Gala in 2008, phoenix legends suddenly received another notice: let them go on. Speaking of this, Zeng Yi finally laughed.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

So, we saw the 2008 Spring Festival Gala, two people pedaling a flying bicycle, singing this song "Above the Moon".

This song has also been popular from that year to the present.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

At the scene of the "Time Concert", when the Phoenix Legend sang this song again, it felt that its "Divine Comedy" taste was alleviated, but it had a mellow taste of time.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

We can see the rare relaxation of the two people, and we can also feel the time left by this song, and the traces left on them.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

If "On the Moon" only accompanied the Phoenix legend through a period of ups and downs, then the song "This, Is Love" saved Zhang Jie's entire career.

Zhang Jie's letter was written to himself in 2010.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

As the champion of "My Type I Show", the fourth of "Happy Male Voice", Xie Na's husband, Zhang Jie has a lot of dazzling aura on his head, but there are many difficult stories behind the aura.

These stories begin in 2010.

After experiencing the best years of his career, Zhang Jie's mentality began to change this year, and he became depressed and even depressed.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

At that time, Zhang Jie had been down to what extent, and at the worst time, he could sit and stare at the clock for four hours.

He was uncomfortable and self-denying, didn't want to sing, and didn't like himself.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

When he sang on stage, he also felt that the audience below did not like him. This hit Zhang Jie very hard, sometimes singing on the stage, and he even wanted to directly drop mai.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

Psychological problems are sometimes difficult to heal themselves, and once a person has psychological problems, life will be very bitter for him, Zhang Jie was like this at that time.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

This story, he rarely mentioned, and no one knew that this sunny boy would ever be in such a state.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

And through this low, it is because of a "friend": the song "This, is love".

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

When Zhang Jie created this song, his spirit was lifted.

On August 11, 2018, Zhang Jie held a concert at the Bird's Nest, when more than 80,000 spectators sang the song "This, Is Love", which is still one of the most classic moments in the Chinese music scene.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

This song allowed Zhang Jie to regain his self-confidence and find himself.

Miraculously, on November 16, 2018, Zhang Jie's daughter, who was not yet one year old at the time, actually heard tears when she heard this song.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

Perhaps it is because Zhang Jie poured too much emotion into "This, Is Love", and this kind of emotion, her own daughter will experience it more deeply.

After telling the story behind the song, Zhang Jie will of course pick up the microphone again and sing his own classic song on the spot.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

When on stage, the audience can clearly feel that Zhang Jie is enjoying this moment. If you hear the live version, you can also hear the strong emotions that Zhang Jie wants to express from the song.

In "Time Concert", there are many more stories like this.

For example, Li Keqin's popular inspirational song "Red Sun" was written by him when he was filming the TV series "He Comes from Heaven", staying up in the parking lot in front of the TVB for one night, and finally having a flash of inspiration.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

For example, Yu Kewei's "Passing through the Human World" is an important source of confidence in her transformation power when she is criticized by the Internet storm.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

For example, when Liao Changyong sang "Past Time" in 2018, this song has been composed for five or six years, and behind it is the touching story of Liao Changyong's wife anonymously helping her singing career.

The number of plays exceeded 200 million, and the ratings were the first in the three networks! The show uncovers the hidden stories of 9 stars

After watching the first program, "Time Concert" for Pigo, it seems that it is no longer a music variety show, but a private, only for iron fans VIP radio.

There are so many singers who are quietly telling you the story behind the song.

There are so many well-known musicians, sitting around just to say something romantic or touching, and then sing a song that hasn't been sung in a long time.

This takes us to find the "strange" in the "familiar", and to feel the beauty of the world in the familiar pop music.

Compared with the competitive music variety shows, "Time Concert", although quiet and soothing, also has the power to strike at people's hearts, although it returns to the basics, but there is also a popularity that will never fade.

Such a program is not a pleasure for the audience.

Text/Pippi Film Editorial Department: Ephemera

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