
Foshan: Mak Jiaqi wears a short skirt to sell songs, surrounded by security brothers, "unlike a 46-year-old woman"

author:Little Jay said entertainment

After everyone reaches middle age, they will face all kinds of pressures, after all, they are in the age of "old and young", most people are running around for their livelihood, no matter whether they really like the work they are engaged in, and whether there is a future in such work, as long as they can survive in this society, even if they are full of tears, they must insist.

Many people envy the stars of the entertainment industry, these people wear a variety of big-name clothes, with ordinary people's hope and unattainable luxury goods, no matter what kind of occasion, will be surrounded by people, on the surface seems to be bright and beautiful, in fact, behind the bitterness and pain, only those who have really mixed in this circle can have a deep understanding.

Foshan: Mak Jiaqi wears a short skirt to sell songs, surrounded by security brothers, "unlike a 46-year-old woman"

Night has fallen, a bar in Foshan, Guangdong province has begun to become lively, many young "workers" after a busy day's work, have also chosen to come to this bar to buy drunk, trying to use alcohol to anesthetize their tired body, by the way, you can also relax the mood, this combination of work and leisure lifestyle is also more and more favored by young people.

It is worth mentioning that the business of the bar on this day is obviously much better than before, and even the number of security brothers on duty has increased a lot, after all, on this day, the famous Actress Mak Jiaqi in Hong Kong will come to this bar to sell songs, and the bar has also done a lot of preparations in advance.

There is a popular word "inner volume" on the Internet, I believe many people have heard of it, saying that some industries have begun to have a variety of internal friction due to excessive competition, in fact, the entertainment industry is even more so.

Every year, so many young artists have poured in, and those big stars who have been popular all over the sky are also facing the embarrassing situation of no drama to shoot, so in recent times, many old artists will appear in various bars, various wedding scenes, all kinds of Internet celebrity live broadcast rooms, etc., as long as it is a job, they can pick up, they don't care about good or bad, in fact, this is also the biggest sadness of the entertainment industry.

Foshan: Mak Jiaqi wears a short skirt to sell songs, surrounded by security brothers, "unlike a 46-year-old woman"

The dim lights in the bar are constantly flashing, people are shaking with the beat of music, and on the small stage of the bar is the 46-year-old actress Mak Jiaqi, who only wears a small white short skirt that day, and the slender white legs are also particularly eye-catching, giving people a very refreshing sense of vision.

Many people will choose to come to this bar on this day to consume, in fact, it is also running to Mak Jiaqi, after all, a female star like Mak Jiaqi is not easy to meet in real life, and as long as you come to the bar to consume, you can appreciate her charming style, and you don't need to buy tickets, so many people are still very willing to come to the scene.

Perhaps the bar has expected in advance that the business of the bar this evening will definitely be very hot, in order to fully protect the personal safety of Maggie, the bar has mobilized a lot of security brothers wearing uniforms, these security brothers are also wearing masks, very regular standing around Maggie, just so obsessively looking at Maggie in front of him wearing a short skirt.

Foshan: Mak Jiaqi wears a short skirt to sell songs, surrounded by security brothers, "unlike a 46-year-old woman"

And accustomed to seeing this kind of big scene, Mai Jiaqi also performed naturally throughout the whole process, and will not be affected by such an exaggerated guarantee lineup, she is still singing some popular songs very seriously, and in the process of singing, she will also swing her hands and feet together, doing some very simple dance moves, such a picture is actually still very beautiful.

Of course, Mak Jiaqi can always be loved by the outside world, she has also had many classic works, the movies have "New Sister", "Hot Girl Dream Group" and "Female Whirlwind Legs", etc., TV series have "Bao Qingtian", "Across the World" and "Dear, Go Home", etc., Each work in Mak Jiaqi is also very sweet and lovely, very popular audience likes.

Today's Mak Jiaqi has also reached the age of 46, and she should have enjoyed a good life with Erlang's legs crossed, but she still had to come to this bar in Foshan, Guangdong to sell songs, which shows that she still has a high pursuit of entertainment, and such a dedicated star artist also deserves to be respected.

Foshan: Mak Jiaqi wears a short skirt to sell songs, surrounded by security brothers, "unlike a 46-year-old woman"

In real life, many women have reached the age of forty, whether it is body or appearance, and the appearance of the past is very different, and at this point, Mak Jiaqi is still quite well maintained, she does not see any wrinkles on her smooth face, and the skin is also very supple and shiny, and it is impossible to associate the big beauty in front of her with the 46-year-old woman.

On the small stage, Mak Jiaqi also showed her great charm, she wore a pair of high heels with high and thick heels, singing affectionately in front of the audience, as if telling her own difficulties and bitterness along the way, although the control of pitch and musical melody still needs to be improved, but Mak Jiaqi still sang her unique taste.

Through the pictures taken by netizens, it can also be seen that many guests who come to the bar have also stopped and listened to Mak Jiaqi singing very carefully, and even a security brother closest to Mak Jiaqi is deeply attracted by her temperament, and has been staring at the green high heels on her feet, without concealing his love.

Foshan: Mak Jiaqi wears a short skirt to sell songs, surrounded by security brothers, "unlike a 46-year-old woman"

Seeing this scene, netizens are even more talking about it, some people say that this singing is amazing, some people say that the tune is too high, some people say that there is really a need for so many security guards, and some people envy the security brothers who can be so close without spending money, and some people suggest that Mak Jiaqi singing some classic Cantonese songs may be better, and even some people admire her courage, in short, there are many opinions, some people like it, some people don't like it.

If there are so many scenes to shoot, if there can be endless variety shows, who would still want to reach such an age and still grievance themselves to go to bars to sell songs? To know that Mak Jiaqi is a professional actor, not a singer, in order to be able to survive in such a circle, she is also willing to learn to sing, which is enough to prove that she is also a very studious woman.

Whether it is that long flowing hair, or this fashionable dress, Mak Jiaqi does not look like a 46-year-old woman, but can stand on her own feet and support herself, such a woman will always be the most beautiful, no matter what others say behind their backs.

Do not insist on going to the end, no one knows what subtle changes will occur in life in the end, I believe that Mai Jiaqi, who is so desperate to sell songs, will definitely encounter an opportunity to turn red in the future days, and I believe that she will become more shining and charming at that time.

Foshan: Mak Jiaqi wears a short skirt to sell songs, surrounded by security brothers, "unlike a 46-year-old woman"

Bar because of the arrival of Mak Jiaqi, the business has become extremely prosperous, and Mak Jiaqi can also re-recognize herself on this small stage, in fact, in her small body, there is still a lot of big energy, Xiaobian also advises some netizens here, if you like Mak Jiaqi should give her a little more encouragement and support, if you don't like it, there is no need to talk behind your back, after all, it is not easy for anyone to do this year.

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