
"Queen of the Wind and Moon" Mak Jiaqi: Due to an unexpected failure to be selected as Sister Hong Kong, her former works were ridiculed by her son

author:Delightful lark K
"Queen of the Wind and Moon" Mak Jiaqi: Due to an unexpected failure to be selected as Sister Hong Kong, her former works were ridiculed by her son

I heard that the people who pay attention to me, the God of Wealth prefers a few points! If you want to have a lot of money, start by paying attention! Good luck with your money!

Sister Hong Kong beauty pageant at the age of 17: the interweaving of dreams and turmoil

17 years old, should be full of dreams and hopes, for Mak Jiaqi, the 1992 Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant, like a door to the bright star, she has a youthful and beautiful appearance, every gesture exudes a confident light, quickly became the popular candidate for that session of Miss Hong Kong, fate seems to have played a huge joke with her, just on the eve of the final, a group of "art photos" said to be taken when Mak Jiaqi was 15 years old circulated, pushing her to the forefront of public opinion

"Queen of the Wind and Moon" Mak Jiaqi: Due to an unexpected failure to be selected as Sister Hong Kong, her former works were ridiculed by her son

The sudden scandal caught Mai Jiaqi off guard, she fell into a huge pressure and panic, people talked about it, and the voices of questioning were endless, Mai Jiaqi's dream seemed to come to naught overnight, this incident not only made her miss the crown of Miss Hong Kong, but also cast a shadow on her life

The "Art Photos" Storm: Youth and Ignorance and Heavy Costs

As for the origin of that set of photos, Mak Jiaqi only mustered up the courage to talk about it many years later, when she was only 15 years old, she was still an ignorant little girl, and was lured by a talent scout to shoot as a part-time model, she recalled the scene at that time, her heart was still full of fear and helplessness, in the studio, the photographer suddenly changed his face, locked her in the room, and forced her to take those photos

"Queen of the Wind and Moon" Mak Jiaqi: Due to an unexpected failure to be selected as Sister Hong Kong, her former works were ridiculed by her son

The young and ignorant Mai Jiaqi paid a heavy price in this way, this incident has become an indelible pain in her life, it not only brought her a huge psychological shadow, but also put her under heavy social pressure, although many years later, she has made certain achievements in the entertainment industry with her own efforts, but this incident has always been like a lingering nightmare, accompanied by her life journey

The beginning of the road to acting: from the label of "star" to the dilemma of transformation

In order to escape the shadow brought by the "art photo" incident, and in order to seek new development opportunities, Mak Jiaqi entered the entertainment industry, fate seems to have played another joke on her, due to her outstanding appearance conditions, most of the roles she received were sexy and glamorous, and she was soon labeled as a "star".

"Queen of the Wind and Moon" Mak Jiaqi: Due to an unexpected failure to be selected as Sister Hong Kong, her former works were ridiculed by her son

Mak Jiaqi is not willing to be fixed in such an image, she is eager to break through herself, try more diverse roles, and become a powerful actor who is truly recognized by the audience, the road to transformation is extremely difficult, and the audience and directors seem to be more happy to see her sexy and glamorous side, while ignoring her potential and hard work in performance

Challenges in Marriage: From Wealthy Kuotai to Postpartum Depression

At the low point of her career, Mak Jiaqi met lawyer Wang Guohao, and the two quickly fell in love and got married

"Queen of the Wind and Moon" Mak Jiaqi: Due to an unexpected failure to be selected as Sister Hong Kong, her former works were ridiculed by her son

The life of a wealthy family is not a fairy tale, Mak Jiaqi is also facing unimaginable pressure and challenges for ordinary people, the torture of postpartum depression made her fall into an emotional quagmire for a while, unable to extricate herself, and the relationship between husband and wife has also cracked for various reasons, and the once sweet love has gradually been consumed by the triviality of firewood, rice, oil and salt

Conflict with his son: A family storm caused by a dusty past

Fate always seems to love to joke with Mak Jiaqi, just when she was trying to adjust her state and want to start again, an incident happened that pushed her to the forefront again, her eldest son accidentally discovered her past "star" experience, and he couldn't understand his mother's past when he was young, and he had a great misunderstanding and resentment towards Mak Jiaqi

"Queen of the Wind and Moon" Mak Jiaqi: Due to an unexpected failure to be selected as Sister Hong Kong, her former works were ridiculed by her son

In the face of her son's questioning, Mak Jiaqi felt extremely ashamed and remorseful, for many years, she has been trying to bury this past deep in her heart, but she did not expect it to be revealed in such a way, which brought a huge impact to her and her family

Be honest: Rebuild trust with love and courage

Her son's questioning made Mai Jiaqi realize that escaping can never solve the problem, and she decided to summon up the courage to confess her past to her son, and she told her son about her youth and ignorance, as well as all kinds of helplessness and struggles in the entertainment industry

"Queen of the Wind and Moon" Mak Jiaqi: Due to an unexpected failure to be selected as Sister Hong Kong, her former works were ridiculed by her son

Mai Jiaqi's sincere narration gradually melted the ice in his son's heart, and the son also began to understand his mother's choice back then, as well as her efforts to change her fate, the knot between mother and son was finally untied, and they cherished each other's affection even more

Reinvent yourself: Embrace the past and embrace the future

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, Mak Jiaqi gradually understood that evasion and concealment will only make the problem more complicated, and only by bravely facing the past can she truly let go of her burden and travel lightly, she began to try to face life with a more positive attitude, and cherish the time with her family more

"Queen of the Wind and Moon" Mak Jiaqi: Due to an unexpected failure to be selected as Sister Hong Kong, her former works were ridiculed by her son

Today's Mai Jiaqi is no longer the girl who was confused for her dreams, nor is she the woman who compromised for survival, she has found her own way of life and her own happiness

Conclusion: There is no perfection in life, only courage to face it

Mak Jiaqi's story may be just a microcosm of many stories in the entertainment industry, it allows us to see the complexity and changeability of life, and also allows us to see the strength and resilience of human nature

"Queen of the Wind and Moon" Mak Jiaqi: Due to an unexpected failure to be selected as Sister Hong Kong, her former works were ridiculed by her son

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