
The collection of braised noodles from all over Henan has been drooling across the screen!

author:Yu Ji

Before there was XiaoYueyue's Taobao shop old soup braised noodles sold 15,000 copies a month, and then There were Zhoukou villagers who brought braised noodles to Tanzania, Africa, and blew up a "Henan wind", the main attacker of the women's volleyball team, Zhu Ting, wanted to learn to make Henan braised noodles, and was willing to teach memes "Wang Zhi Contempt" in exchange... The braised noodles that Zhu Ting wanted to learn were not so simple.

The collection of braised noodles from all over Henan has been drooling across the screen!

In addition to braised noodles, the most commonly eaten in the Central Plains is risotto, which is simple and not simple, in this autumn when the dog suddenly freezes to death, it is only right to have a bowl of hot stew with noodles.

After all, a pot of braised noodles contains the cultural spirit of Henan people, more like a cultural symbol, representing the tolerant, simple, and solid quality of Henan people.

Wang Xiaomi 丨文

Risotto: How big the bosom is, how full the risotto is

Why do Zhongyuan people have a fondness for risotto? Cabbage, tofu, vermicelli, crispy meat, balls, bean sprouts, kelp, these are the most common ingredients, cooked in one pot, is a bowl of ordinary home cooking.

The collection of braised noodles from all over Henan has been drooling across the screen!

But in the hearts of Henan people, the braised vegetables are frugal by people, both simple vegetarian stews, and high-grade seafood stews, no matter which one, Henan people's temperament is like this, real, full of food, variety, a pot of stew, a large bowl out, revealing a simple, bold enthusiasm.

Anyang flat powder dish

It's just so heavy-mouthed

The main ingredient of flat flour vegetables is vermicelli, accompanied by pig blood, green vegetables, tofu, skin residue, etc., a bowl of red oil transparent flat flour vegetables, is one of the daily lives of Anyang people.

The collection of braised noodles from all over Henan has been drooling across the screen!

Red chili oil is the essence of flat powder, and the flat powder dish with large oil, unlike the light and delicious stew in other places, flat powder is delicious in the heavy mouth, flavorful. Come to Anyang, how can you move without eating a bowl of flat flour vegetables?

Anyang has Yin Ruins, there is a big Simu Pengding, you can fully see from such a large ceremonial vessel and cooking utensils, Anyang people eat has a historical origin. People are so real.

Lu Shan picked up pot dishes

It doesn't matter who you eat, it doesn't matter who you eat

Lushan Pot Dish is a special chowder of Lushan, and unlike chowder dishes with light soups that can be drunk, Lushan Pot Dish is more like a dish eaten with rice and steamed bread.

The collection of braised noodles from all over Henan has been drooling across the screen!

The founder is a chef surnamed Yang in Lushan, who created this stew in the 1980s and registered the trademark "Lushan Pot Dish".

The sauce of the pot vegetable stew is dark, and the authentic inside is to add pork belly, dried fried tofu, cabbage, vermicelli, essential. But in fact, it doesn't matter how to eat the home-cooked pot dishes, what matters is the people who eat together. Chinese New Year's Eve, a pot of meat dishes, is the taste of Lushan people reunion.

Tofu dish in Wuxian County

It's not just noodles

In Wuxian County, people often eat noodles and tofu dishes in addition to the noodles cooked with mutton soup broth, as well as noodles with noodles.

The collection of braised noodles from all over Henan has been drooling across the screen!

The most important thing about the vermicelli tofu dish is the lamb soup with the base and the haggis. In addition, add the almighty vermicelli when stewing, fried tofu, because the vermicelli tofu dish is mutton soup, and finally sprinkled with a handful of coriander or garlic sprouts.

The original tofu vermicelli dish is the same as the origin of stew, is a kind of chowder eaten by workers in the market, the masters use the bellows to pull the fire, while throwing blood clots into the pot, 2 cents 5 a bowl, everyone eats lively, endless casualness.

Yuzhou Shundian chowder

With a heart like "a cow"

In Yuzhou, casually ask a person where to eat chowder, and he will definitely tell you that Shundian chowder is the most authentic, there is no one. Shundian is a famous town in Yuzhou, go to Yuzhou, do not eat a bowl of Shundian chowder even if it is white.

The collection of braised noodles from all over Henan has been drooling across the screen!

Shundian chowder is also one of the stewed dishes, the difference is that his configuration is more luxurious, beef stick bones, beef offal boiled broth, butter secret chili peppers, plus Yuzhou authentic vermicelli, and oil tofu a "stew", braised is the meaning of braised, a bowl of Shundian chowder becomes.

Now, there are also Shundian chowders on the online store, and yuzhou people in the north and south of the world can eat the taste of their hometown no matter where they are. By the way, Yuzhou's vermicelli is very famous, so the authentic sweet potato vermicelli in Shundian Chowder is better than other places.

Fraternity mixed

Balls are not specialties, water mats and mixes are

Bo'ai is famous not only for breakfast beef ball soup and crispy broth, but also for Yuzhu instant noodles, but also for fraternity's unique risotto: Fraternity Mixed Mix. Fraternity braised mix is a representative dish of Fraternity water mat, and the practice of Han Hui is slightly different.

The collection of braised noodles from all over Henan has been drooling across the screen!

The most famous Han hotel is Baojiang mix, the most famous Muslim hotel is Jingliang mix, the main ingredient is generally balls, vermicelli, vegetables, squid and other pots of stew.

Salty and moderate, eclectic, this five-flavor blended chowder looks simple, in fact, it is difficult, bo lover's love for chowder is like the love of hometown, only increased.

Dengfeng braised lamb

The Shaolin Thirteen Stick Monks are not vegetarians

Braised lamb, it is said that in the early Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin led his troops to Luoyang to quell the rebellion of King Zheng Wang Shichong, and as a result, he was seriously injured, and the Shaolin thirteen stick monks came to the rescue, in order to make Li Shimin recover as soon as possible, the Shaolin monks bought a few small goats, used the iron pot Sheng Song Mountain spring water and scallions, powder skin, cauliflower and other specialties to stew the meat, and then stewed out what is now called braised lamb.

The collection of braised noodles from all over Henan has been drooling across the screen!

After Li Shimin ate, his wounds healed extremely quickly, and after recovering his vitality, he raised troops to calm Wang Shichong. After Li Shimin succeeded to the throne, he still remembered the delicious braised lamb, and passed on the instructions to let the high chef of Songshan go to Chang'an to let him eat braised lamb.

In order to thank the Shaolin monks for saving their lives, he specially issued a decree to exempt the precept of wine and meat, and since then, the reputation of braised lamb has spread throughout the Central Plains and has been passed down for thousands of years.

In Zhengzhou, the most famous braised lamb is the three factories braised lamb, but it still comes from Dengfeng braised lamb.

The most beautiful thing about Dengfeng braised lamb is to be eaten with charred pancakes. A bowl of braised meat to lamb two or two, there are many ingredients in it, fungus, tofu skin, all kinds of mushrooms, crystalline vermicelli, stewed soft rotten lamb, such a salty and fresh taste, is most of the Henan people are familiar with the taste of the heart.

Linzhou large stew

Linzhou dialect is difficult to understand, and risotto is not

Linzhou dialect is one of the most difficult Henan dialects to understand, but Linzhou people are very realistic, try their big stew to know.

Linzhou large stew is the most characteristic dish in Linzhou. The main ingredients are pork, ribs or crispy meat, braised, with balls, pizas, vermicelli, tofu, kelp, cabbage and other accessories, the ingredients are various, but Linzhou big braised vegetables must be put is piza.

The collection of braised noodles from all over Henan has been drooling across the screen!

Piza is very similar to Anyang's skin slag and Yuzhou's stew, which is made of vermicelli.

Legend has it that Linzhou stew was produced because people in the past could not eat anything, let alone any dishes, so they stewed all the ingredients in a pot to eat. In the old days of weddings and funerals, the banquet was a big pot of stewed vegetables. In the era of poverty, the delicious taste of eating large pot rice was handed down and became a tradition.

Linzhou people celebrate the New Year, and they are indispensable to stew. The people under the Taihang Mountains are simple, a yard of golden persimmons hanging, boiled out of the millet thick soup, a bowl of sharp braised vegetables, is a winter.

Braised noodles: People from Henan are from Henan who sell braised noodles in Tanzania

Speaking of braised noodles, it is really a local feature of Henan, out of Henan, it may not be as ubiquitous as Lanzhou ramen religion and Shaxian snack teaching. But this is not always the case, the 40-year-old Zhoukou people Wang Guojie sold the braised noodles to Tanzania, and the black guys praised the scene in Henan dialect while eating the braised noodles, which was not contrary to the harmony at all.

The collection of braised noodles from all over Henan has been drooling across the screen!

One thing you may not know when it comes to Orthodox braised noodles is that even in Zhengzhou, it's hard to find braised noodles that taste exactly the same way. The taste of the broth is very subtle, hanging a little less, hanging a little more, the taste is different. Not to mention the 108 counties and cities in the entire region of Henan.

However, they are all "stewed" in essence. Whether you put kelp or not, put or not put bean skin, put no seafood, Henan braised noodles have one thing the same, sea bowl, a pot of stew. The dough is thick and firm. This is related to the simple and tolerant feelings of Henan people.

In addition, braised noodles in Henan is a versatile existence, after eating hot pot, come to a slice of braised noodles, eat spicy hot, come to a slice of braised noodles, eat grilled fish, come to slice braised noodles, eat a large plate of chicken, of course, to a slice of braised noodles to stir. Versatile, casual, simple and delicious.

According to the general style of stew, it can still be slightly divided.

Zhengzhou local genre

What I eat is not the taste, it is the memory

Zhengzhou's local braised noodle faction is those few people. Total, Xiao Ji, Gu Yuchun, Yu Fengyuan. These braised noodles are characterized by a nourishing beef and sheep soup base, generally with goji berries and the like, a variety of accessories, tofu skin, green vegetables, fungus, vermicelli, quail eggs and so on.

The collection of braised noodles from all over Henan has been drooling across the screen!

As a Yudong person, when I first ate this kind of braised noodles in Zhengzhou, I was shocked, this is a braised noodle cult! The braised noodles in the eastern Henan region are light and flavorful broth with strong noodles. Very simple and mellow.

Later, eat more, there are three umami, mushroom flavor, etc., I think this kind of one-pot stew is also very good, eat a variety of types, but also very nourishing.

However, Xiao Ji and the total are indeed not as good as before, and the people who go to this name are rushed, but Xiao Ji is now braised noodles are empty heads, cooking is the best, and burning sea cucumbers is not too delicious.

Fangcheng pie braised noodles

Do not produce water, is nature's porter

Fangcheng braised noodles belong to a niche genre in Henan. Fangcheng braised noodles focus on lamb and lamb broth. Soup is the most important, and some people say that it is because the water in Fangcheng is different from other places.

It is very strange that even in Sheqi or Nanyang, which is dozens of miles apart, the same braised noodle master, the same noodles, make a different taste from Fangcheng braised noodles.

The collection of braised noodles from all over Henan has been drooling across the screen!

Fangcheng braised noodles are based on lamb soup, and the noodles are greased over and over again, so the cooked noodles are slippery and not greasy, very elastic, single accessories, only put coriander and shallots when the pot is put onion lamb.

Similar to the Fangcheng braised noodles are the Pingdingshan, Luoyang braised noodles. This pie of braised noodles is a light and mellow soup, without too many miscellaneous ingredients, the noodles and soup are fused together, and the lips and teeth are fragrant.

In today's rich material life, the form of a pot of stew is more like a culture. Not only In Henan, but also in the northeast, the stew is also famous.

But like the people of Henan, there are not many people who love braised noodles so much that they have become a cultural symbol. Perhaps it contains the past of poverty and war, but more importantly, it is the spirit of optimism and tolerance in the Central Plains, which has experienced various tribulations and is still optimistic and tolerant.

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Yu Ji, the spiritual food of Henan people around the world!

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