
The descendants of the tangtang royal family could not afford to buy war horses, so they could only ride cattle to fight the world and restore the Han family in one fell swoop


I am Tang Di, a history buff. Welcome everyone [attention] I, let's talk about the past and the present, and discuss the general trend of the world. Gentleman I, just to learn and make friends!

Located in present-day Zaoyang South, Hubei Province, The Tomb was the hometown of Liu Xiu, the Emperor of Han Guangwu, and the Later Han Shu Guangwu Emperor Chronicle said that Liu Xiu was a "Nanyang Caiyang person", so how did it suddenly become Liu Xiu's hometown? There is a more complex process of change here.

The descendants of the tangtang royal family could not afford to buy war horses, so they could only ride cattle to fight the world and restore the Han family in one fell swoop

Liu Xiu's ancestors had a "Marquis of Lingling Festival". Shi Zai: "Jiehou Mai, with the prince of Changsha Ding sealed in the lingling township of zero road (that is, the cold road of lingling county), was called linghou. Buy a pawn, zi dai hou bear canal heir. Xiong Qu 卒, Zi Kao Hou Ren Si. Ren yi Chunling's terrain was wet, the mountains and forests were poisonous, and he wrote to reduce the migration of Yi. In the fourth year of the first year of the Yuan Dynasty (45 BC), he sealed the White Water Township of Nanyang, and took Chunling as the name of the country, so he went home with his brother Julu Duwei and the clan. The "from the brother Julu Duwei Hui" mentioned here is Liu Xiu's grandfather. It turned out that Liu Xiu's surname liu was handed down by the "young son" of Liu Mai, the Marquis of Lingjie: "The young son of the Marquis of Jieling was Yulin Taishou, the foreign giant deer Du Wei Hui, the reincarnation of Nanton Lingqin", "Qin sheng Guangwu".

At that time, people's clan concept was still very strong, so the Liu Xiu family did not break away from the entire Liu clan, and they all took Lingling as their place of residence. The Book of Han and Geography records that Nanyang County has jurisdiction over Lingling and explains: "Hou Guo, so Caiyang Baishui Township." According to this, it is known that Baishui Township, where Lingling is located, was originally under the jurisdiction of Cai Yang, and after Liu Ren migrated to the throne, Fang changed its name to Lingling and separated it into a princely state. The "Book of the Later Han Dynasty and the Guangwu Ji" (Later Han Shu) says that the "Caiyang people of Nanyang" is said from a large geographical scope, and it also follows the old theory.

The descendants of the tangtang royal family could not afford to buy war horses, so they could only ride cattle to fight the world and restore the Han family in one fell swoop

The first coordinated operation of the Liu brothers after the alliance with the Xinshi and Pinglin peasant armies was to attack a place called Changju to the west. Although it was a political district smaller than the township structure, it was a relatively important military stronghold, and it was personally commanded by the lieutenant of Xinye County (present-day Henan).

At that time, the equipment of the Lingling soldiers was very poor, especially the lack of war horses, so Liu Xiu had to ride a cow to participate in the battle, which can be described as a general riding an ox. However, due to the alliance between the Lingling soldiers and the Xinshi and Pinglin armies, their strength was greatly enhanced, coupled with the attention of the leaders of the two sides and the proper coordination, the first battle was successful. The coalition killed the opposing commander, Lieutenant Shinno, and captured his warhorse, so that Liu Xiu could replace the cattle he was riding on.

The victory in the first joint operation was greatly encouraged by everyone, so the coalition army took advantage of the victory and attacked Tangzi Township (present-day zaoyang north of Hubei). This belonged to Huyang County (present-day Tanghenan, Henan, near Hubei: its Tangzi Township was in present-day Hubei), and it was the place where the Mang army stored its weight, and was personally defended by Huyang Wei. As a result of the battle, the coalition forces also won a complete victory, and the commander of the Mang Army, Lieutenant Huyang, was also killed.

The allied forces won two consecutive battles, and morale was greatly enhanced, but in the new situation, a new problem also emerged: "The army is unevenly divided. That is to say, there were contradictions within the coalition forces due to the uneven distribution of the spoils of war. At that time, the atmosphere was quite tense. Xinshi and Pinglin Jun believed that the "property" divided by the Lingling soldiers was too much, and that "the people hated and wanted to counterattack Zhu Liu.". What should I do in this situation?

The descendants of the tangtang royal family could not afford to buy war horses, so they could only ride cattle to fight the world and restore the Han family in one fell swoop

At that time, the Lingling soldiers could have two choices. The first is to persist in holding on to the "property" that has already been obtained, to fight with the peasant army for "property" and then to part ways with the two sides, and to declare bankruptcy the alliance that has been realized; second, to take the overall situation of joint recklessness, regardless of the amount of war loot divided, and even give up the "property" that has already been in hand, so as to ensure the unity and unity of the coalition forces and strive for greater victories.

Happily, Ling lingbing chose the second approach very sensibly. Among them, Liu Xiu personally played a decisive role.

Shi Zai: Liu Xiu's belongings were obtained by the people of the Emperor And they were all related to them.

Here, although there is only a short twelve-word account, the process of practice covered is much more complex, far from being as simple as the text describes.

It is not difficult to imagine that there must be many people among the "Zhu Liu" who are short-sighted and only care about the immediate interests. And incitement with this kind of fly-tip small profit is always the easiest to work. In a very short period of time, convincing these people to give up vested interests and submit to the big picture is not an easy task. However, Liu Xiu did this. It can be seen from this that he has a high degree of political wisdom and extraordinary ability to deal with complex situations. Because of this move by Liu Xiu, the original extremely tense situation was immediately alleviated, and the history called "Zhong Naiyue" means that the unity between the peasant army and the Lingling soldiers was re-consolidated.

The descendants of the tangtang royal family could not afford to buy war horses, so they could only ride cattle to fight the world and restore the Han family in one fell swoop

On this basis, the coalition army fought another great victory: "Entering and Pulling Thorn Yang", "Thorn Yang", the ancient Xie Guo, was a county south of the city of Zhiwan in Nanyang County, at that time, and the ancient city was located in the south of present-day Nanyang, Henan, so named because it was in the sun of Thorn Water. Since this place was not far from the seat of Nanyang County, after the coalition forces captured this area, it caused a great shock.

Here, if you look beyond, the situation at that time seems to be a little exciting from a larger perspective. The victorious development of these two peasant rebel armies dealt a heavy blow to the Xinmang regime. In order to extinguish the raging fire of the peasant revolution, Wang Mang first sent Taishi Wang Kuang (whose name was the same name as Wang Kuang, one of the leaders of the Green Forest Army) and the general Lian Dandong to suppress Chimei in April of the third year of the Emperor Di, and soon sent the Nayan general Yan You and the general Chen Mao of the Rank Sect to suppress the Green Forest. However, just as the Mang army was moving south, the Green Forest Army suffered from the attack of the "disease epidemic", nearly half of the soldiers died, and in the helpless situation, the rebel army was forced to divide into two teams that left the Green Forest Mountain, of which the "New City Soldiers" led by Wang Kuang, Wang Feng, Ma Wu, etc. After entering Nanyang in the north, there was a response from the "Pinglin Soldiers", and soon they realized the alliance with the "Gangling Soldiers" and fought three major victories in succession.

The descendants of the tangtang royal family could not afford to buy war horses, so they could only ride cattle to fight the world and restore the Han family in one fell swoop

Leaving the Green Forest Mountain, another "Xiajiang Army" led by Wang Chang and Cheng Dan moved west into Lankouju in Nan Commandery (南郡, northeast of present-day Jingmen, Hubei). Because the Xiajiang soldiers were never able to escape the pursuit of the New Mang Army led by Yan You and Chen Mao, they were soon defeated.

The rest of the army was evacuated to Nanyang County, along with the eastern part of the county, flowing between Shilong Mountain and Sanzhong Mountain. After some repairs, the Xiajiang soldiers quickly "revived." They fought fiercely in The Jingzhou Commandery of Xinmang (新莽荆州牧) in Shangtang Township (上唐乡, southeast of present-day Zaoyang, Hubei) between Lingling and Sui County, and "broke the great break".

In this way, in the central and southern parts of Namyang County, a situation was formed in which the rebels won one after another and the Mang army continued to lose. In particular, after the combined forces of Chunling, Xinshi, and Pinglin captured Zhiyang, Li Tong, Deng Chen, and others also led their own "guests" (actually private armed forces) to the meeting house, which greatly strengthened the strength of the coalition forces.

In the face of the above excellent situation, Liu Ji of the Chunling Army was a little dazed. He thought that the Xinmang army was already vulnerable, and the blind emotion of rapid advance quickly dominated in his mind, so he decided to march north from Zhiyang to Wancheng, the capital of Nanyang County.

The descendants of the tangtang royal family could not afford to buy war horses, so they could only ride cattle to fight the world and restore the Han family in one fell swoop

The experience of history has taught people that arrogant soldiers are bound to lose. Sure enough, when Liu Ji led his army from Zhiyang to a place called Xiao Chang'an Ju, he was stopped by an officer led by Zhen Fu, the former grand master of Xinmang (i.e., Nanyang County) and Liang Qiushi, a subordinate (i.e., county lieutenant). Lacking the necessary psychological preparations, the Soldiers rushed to battle, coupled with the fog and fog at that time, the visibility was extremely poor, so they were killed and defeated, and almost the entire army was destroyed. In the chaotic army, Liu Xiu escaped with a single shot, and did not go far before he met his sister Liu Boji. Liu Xiu rushed to help him get on the horse, and the two brothers and sisters "rode and ran together."

Unexpectedly, not long ago, she met her second sister Liu Yuan and her three daughters. Liu Yuan married Xinye Deng Chen as his wife, and Liu Xiu often went to Xinye, and had a close relationship with the second sister's family. When the Lingling army captured Zhiyang, Deng Chen came with his whole family and guests to defect, but he did not expect to end up like this in Xiaochang'an. Liu Xiufei got off the horse and urged the second sister and the three children to get on the horse quickly. Liu Yuan was naturally overjoyed to see her relatives in danger; but the reality in front of her quickly calmed down: how can a horse drive six people to escape with the pursuit of soldiers approaching? At this time, the sister's sense of dignity and self-sacrifice made her resolutely wave her hand to her brother and shout: "Okay, can't save each other, do nothing and don't do anything!"

The descendants of the tangtang royal family could not afford to buy war horses, so they could only ride cattle to fight the world and restore the Han family in one fell swoop

The meaning is to say: You and Boji quickly fled, at present we can't save each other, we must not do that kind of stupid thing that "two noes", that is, no one can escape! Liu Yuan's voice had just fallen, the new Mang pursuer had already arrived in front of him, and in desperation, Liu Xiu had to urge his horse to flee, and Liu Yuan and her three daughters were all killed. In this battle, Liu Xiu's second brother Liu Zhong was also killed, and dozens of other members of the clan were also killed in Huangquan.

(End of text)

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