
The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

author:Xiong Wenlong's folk miscellaneous talk

The Xiong surname is one of the oldest surnames in China, dating back to the Chu state during the Western Zhou Dynasty, the earliest called the Jing state, later changed to the State of Chu, the monarch of the state is the Xiong surname Xiong (Jin Wen is the surname of 嬭). When King Ji of Zhou cheng recited, he posthumously honored the descendants of meritorious ministers and the great-grandson of the leader of the Jing clan, Huan Xiong, as a viscount, and the capital of the land was fifty miles, and the capital was established in Danyang, which was the state of Jing.

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

The monarch was grateful for the grace of his great-grandfather, and took the word "bear (酓)" of his great-grandfather Bear as his clan, which led to the current Bear (酓) clan.

At the beginning of the founding of the people, the country was poor and weak, and in order to sacrifice to the ancestors, it had to go to the state of Gui to steal a calf (鄀国, located between the Qin and Chu states, moved to the inner township county south of the Huaichuan River in Henan in the spring and autumn, called XiaJiao. It is a small country in the Qin and Chu realms), afraid of people's discovery, only secretly sacrificed at night, and later generations of monarchs also inherited the tradition of worshiping ancestors at night.

Xiong Xuan paid tribute to Zhou Tianzi for the first time, and he really couldn't come up with something decent, and the "Zuo Biography" contained, "In the past, I first king Xiong Xuan, and set up in Jingshan ... The road is blue and sloppy. Trek through the mountains and rivers, to do things to the son of heaven, but to peach and lonely thorns, to jointly rule the king's affairs." The so-called peach lonely and thorny arrow are bows made of peach wood and arrows made of branches. After Zhou Tianzi saw the rare treasures of the other princes, he saw that all xiong xuan paid tribute to was bows and arrows. It was very unpleasant. When Zhou Tianzi feasted on the princes, Xiong Xuan was sent to manage the liquor and "guard the fire" with the Xianbei chieftain. Feeling greatly humiliated, the princes of the hall, who were not eligible to participate in the alliance of the princes, became miscellaneous servants serving the princes. From then on, the State of Chu refused to pay tribute to Zhou Tianzi, causing Zhou Tianzi to be angry. Leading the princes to kill the Chu state, the two thousand or so old and weak women and children of the Chu state were the opponents of the thirty thousand princes and soldiers. The Chu people only took advantage of the favorable terrain to carry out guerrilla warfare (my ancestors should be the originators of guerrilla warfare). In the past three years, Zhou Tianzi fought three times, and King Zhou Zhaowang died on the way to conquest. He sent lobbyists to the Chu state to persuade the Chu state to pay tribute, and Zhou Tianzi withdrew. At this point, the Chu people planted the seeds of no return.

After dozens of generations of kings, the Eastern Expeditions and the Western Expeditions. When the territory of the State of Chu was at its largest: it was bordered by Yongyu in the north; Wuling in the south; It was also in the south of Yuezhi; Yangzhou in the east; and it was bound to Liangzhou in the west and Yi in the southwest. With Fang and Jizhi, if the present-day Jiangnan and Jiangxi provinces belong to Chu and Qiang, if he is the five provinces of Zhejiang, shandong yifu, Guangdong erfu, Yunnan sifu, Guizhou erfu, Sichuan yifu and yidong, Henan yifu, each has its own territory belonging to Chu. Jiangxi belongs to the chu land: Nan'an. Ganzhou. YUAN Zhou. Jian. Linjiang. Fuzhou. Jianchang. Nan Kang. Raozhou is all , other Jiujiang. Guangxin. Nanchang is also the friend of Wu Chu.

The State of Chu has lasted for eight hundred years, passing on thirty-one monarchs, calling the king twenty-five, because "Xiong" (酓) is a unique surname of the king, only forty-three are surnamed with "Bear", and there are only fifty xiong clans in the broad sense, and seventy-two great wang clans have been derived, such as Qu, Jing, Zhao, Dou, Bao, Ye, Zhuang, Yan, etc., dozens of compound surnames, such as Shangguan, Shu'ao, Ruo'ao, San lu, Wu Chen, Bobbi, Shi Qi, Quan Yin, etc., and their side branches have derived hundreds of surnames.

List of monarchs of the Chu kingdom:

1, Bear mane


23, King Xiong Yun of Chucheng

24, King Xiong Shangchen of Chumu

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Xiong Shangchen

King Cheng of Chu wanted to change the title of prince to crown prince, and Shang chen led troops to surround the palace, forcing King Cheng of Chu to hang himself and establish himself as a prince. After succeeding to the throne, he successively destroyed the States of Jiangguo, the Six Kingdoms, and the State of Tatemu, further controlled the Jianghuai region, attacked and forced the State of Zheng to make peace with the State of Chu, and captured the State of Huqiu of the Chen State.

25, King Xiong of Chuzhuang

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Bear lovers

King Zhuang of Chu destroyed the State of Yong, the State of Xiao, and the State of Shu, and attacked the State of Song for three consecutive years, forcing the State of Song to seek peace with Chu. King Zhuang of Chu won a great victory in the Battle of Wu in the seventeenth year. Drinking the Yellow River, winning the Central Plains, becoming one of the five hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period.

26, King Xiong of the Communist Party of Chu

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Bear trial

The sons of Xiong Zhen, king of Chu, Xiong Zhao, king of Chu Kang, Xiong Wei, king of Chu Ling, Xiong Bi, king of Chu Chu, and Xiong Ren, king of ChuPing, were all out of the country and fought for the throne.

27, King Xiong Zhao of Chukang

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Xiong Zhao

Xiang Shu soldiers, Chu Jin and hegemony.

28, Chu Yi Ao (愍王) Bear Member

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Bear crew

The son of Xiong Zhao, the King of Chu Kang, in the Warring States Period, the Chu Zhujian "Chu Ju" and "Lineage Year" called him the King of Heirs and the King of The Widows respectively.

29, Chu Ling King XiongWei

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Bear Wai

The second son of King Gong of Chu killed his nephew Chu Ao (楚郏郏郏) to stand on his own, and changed his name to Qian after succeeding to the throne. In the spring of 541 BC, Gongzi Wei (then Ling Yin) led 100,000 Chu troops to Zheng Guo to marry the girls of Gongsun Duan's family, and the spectacular scene made Zheng Guo blindly close the city gates. After succeeding to the throne, the king of Chu was very poor and extravagant, and the allusion to the many starvations in the palace came from the Chu Ling king XiongWei. In the end, he was hunted down and hanged outside the effect.

30, Chu Chu King Xiong Zibi

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Bear Zibi

The Chu people overthrew the King of Chu Ling, and Gongzi Bi returned to China to succeed him, but was soon forced to commit suicide by his brother, because he was buried in the place of "Zi", also known as Chu Zi Ao.

31, Chuping King Xiongju

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Bear House

The surname Xiong (熊氏), whose name was abandoned, changed his name to Ju after succeeding to the throne, also known as Duke Chen and Duke Cai, ranked fifth among the brothers, and the youngest son of the King of Chu. Favoring the traitorous minister Fei Wuji caused the chu state's national strength to decline day by day, and it hurt his descendants.

32, King Xiong of Chu Zhao

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Xiong Zhen

At the beginning of the succession, King Lu of Wu and Wu Zixu, Sun Wu, and Bo Zhao led an army to attack the State of Chu, and invaded the capital of the State of Chu, Yingdu, and finally restored the country with the help of the Duke of Qin. During the reign of Xiong Yi, the king of Chu Zhao, he successively destroyed the Kingdom of Dun and the State of Hu. King Zhao of Chu was a zhongxing lord of the Chu state.

33, Chu Hui Wang Xiong Zhang

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Bear Chapter

He successively quelled the rebellion of Bai Gongsheng, destroyed the states of Chen, Cai, and Qi, and expanded the territory of the Chu state to the East China Sea, Huaihai, and Surabaya, becoming a powerful hegemon.

34, Chu Jian Wang Xiongzhong

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Bear in

Destroy the Ju Kingdom

35, Chu Sheng Wang Xiong Dang

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Bear Dang

After King Chu Sheng succeeded to the throne, he was incompetent and confused and exhausted. Killed by thieves.

36, Chu mourned The king Xiong doubted

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Bear doubts

Wu Qi was appointed as Ling Yin and implemented a change of law.

37, King Xiongzang of Chusu

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Xiong Zang

King Su of Chu was childless, so he was succeeded by Xiong Liangfu, the King of Chu Xuan.

38, Xiong Liangfu, King xuan of Chu

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Yoshio Kuma

Expropriating land and paying taxes and false wealth.

39, King Xiong Shang of Chuwei

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Bear Merchant

Throughout his life, he devoted his life to restoring the hegemony of the Chu Zhuang Dynasty, and strived to make the Chu state crown the first of all the countries. Vaqi swallowed. Its power expanded to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Jianghuai region.

40, King Xiong Huai of ChuHuai

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Bear locust

Defeated the State of Wei and captured the Eight Cities; the Five Kingdoms Alliance, which joined forces to conquer Qin; destroyed the Yue State and expanded the border of Jiangdong. The State of Chu has become a veritable "world's largest country" with the most extensive territory. In his later years, he was absurd and died in the Qin Kingdom.

41, Chu Xiang Wang Xiong Heng

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Bear horizontal

42, Chu Kao Lie King Xiong Yuan

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Xiong Yuan

The four sons successively became kings of Chu.

43, Chu Youwang Xiong Hun

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)


Born in 268 BC, reigned for ten years, died in March 228 BC, 40 years old, childless, passed down to his half-brother Xiong Yu. In some places, the ancestors of the Xiong clan took over the Chu Youwang Xiong Hun, which is nonsense.

44, King XiongYu of Chu' Lai

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Bear Judas

Born in 266 BC, died in 228 BC, succeeded to the throne two months ago, was killed by his half-brother's disciples, it should be to be uprooted and rooted, and no one survived.

45, King Xiong of Chu bears the sword

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Bear bear blade

Captured, detained in Xianyang, his descendants moved to Sichuan. (In 316 BC, Qin destroyed Bashu, and in 314 BC, from King Huiwen of Qin to Bashu, until Qin Shi Huang moved the nobles of the Six Kingdoms and captured in Ba and Shu, which lasted for about a century.)

46, Changping Jun Xiong Qi

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Xiong Qi

Born in 271 BC and died in 223 BC, Xiong Yuan, the King of Kaolie, was born to the daughter of King Zhaoxiang of Qin when he was a hostage in Qin, and served as the Minister of Qin, Fengchang Pingjun, and was the cousin and grandfather of Qin Shi Huang. Sent by Qin Shi Huang to the old capital of Chu, Chen Yin, to appease the people. After the Chu king was captured, the Chu general Xiang Yan embraced Changpingjun as the king of Chu, and in the same year he was defeated and killed.

47, King Xiong Xiangjiang of Chu

His father was difficult to verify, and he was a descendant of the Chu royal family, and was made the King of Chu by Chen Sheng's subordinate Ge Bao. Knowing that Chen Sheng had established himself as the King of Chu, Ge Infant killed Xiangjiang.

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

48, King Xiong Jingju of Chu

His father is difficult to verify, a descendant of the Chu royal family, who was proclaimed king of Chu by Chen Sheng's subordinate Qin Jia in the first month of 208 BC, and was killed by Xiang Liang in April of the same year.

49, Chu Hou Huai Wang Xiongxin

The domineering Chu state, the Spring and Autumn period is the five hegemons, and the warring states are called the seven heroes (part 2)

Bear heart

It is difficult for his father to verify, and after Xiong Huai, the king of Chuhuai (said to be his grandson), Xiang Liang took Fan Zeng's advice and declared himself Wu Xinjun and established Xiong Xin as the King of Chu Huai. Although there is ambition, it cannot escape the fate of being killed. The people took pity on him and buried the bear heart in the back hill southwest of the city.

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