
开学第69天:室内升旗日正红 话题备考迎期中

开学第69天:室内升旗日正红 话题备考迎期中
开学第69天:室内升旗日正红 话题备考迎期中
开学第69天:室内升旗日正红 话题备考迎期中
开学第69天:室内升旗日正红 话题备考迎期中
开学第69天:室内升旗日正红 话题备考迎期中
开学第69天:室内升旗日正红 话题备考迎期中
开学第69天:室内升旗日正红 话题备考迎期中
开学第69天:室内升旗日正红 话题备考迎期中
开学第69天:室内升旗日正红 话题备考迎期中
开学第69天:室内升旗日正红 话题备考迎期中
开学第69天:室内升旗日正红 话题备考迎期中
开学第69天:室内升旗日正红 话题备考迎期中

开学第69天: 室内升旗日正红 话题备考迎期中

2021-11-08 Monday周一Sunny晴The world doesn't stand still and we don't deserve to be where we are unless we stay ahead of things and take the necessary steps to remain competitive. —Fred Deluca这世界不是静止不动,我们也不配站在自己所处的位置,除非我们让自己领先,并采取必要行动来维持竞争力。—弗雷德‧德卢卡

Fred Deluca, an American entrepreneur and founder of Subway, opened his first sandwich shop at the age of 17 and now has 40,000 outlets worldwide, outnumbering McDonald's in the US, Canada and Australia.弗雷德·德卢卡是美国企业家,赛百味(Subway)的创办人,他在 17 岁时开启第一间三明治店,如今已达到全球 40,000 间连锁分店,在美国,加拿大和澳大利亚的分店数量已超过麦当劳。词汇注释:stand [stænd] v. 站立,直立;起立,站起来;使直立;still [stɪl] adv. 还,依旧;仍然;静止地,不动地;deserve [dɪˈzɜːrv] v. 值得,应受;unless [ənˈles] conj. 除非;若非 prep. 除……之外;stay [steɪ] v. 停留,逗留;保持原状,维持;坚持;ahead [əˈhed] adv. 在前面,朝前面;领先,占优势;提前,预先;necessary [ˈnesəseri] adj. 必要的,必需的;必然的,不可避免的;steps [steps] n. (楼外的)台阶;步伐;步数;步幅(step 的复数);remain [rɪˈmeɪn] v. 逗留,留下;剩余,遗留;保持不变;competitive [kəmˈpetətɪv] adj. 竞争的;好竞争的,好胜的;有竞争力的。

由于天气寒冷,升旗仪式改在室内进行。教学部苗露兮主任作了《积极备考 诚信应考》的主题发言:How time flies is like a blink of an eye, we have entered the tense mid-term review stage. In the past time, we have worked hard, and harvest for happiness and success. Mid-term is approaching. Prepare for a challenge. A philosopher once said: “If you own the earth, you will become a farmer; If you own sheep, you are a shepherd; If you own a factory, you become an entrepreneur. If what you have is not money or wealth, but choice, then you are truly rich. In that sense, you are really rich, because you are young, energetic, and full of opportunity. If life is like the four seasons, then boyhood is like a sunny spring. Childhood is the stage of learning knowledge to lay the foundation. The foundation is just like the foundation stone of a building. Only when the foundation stone is firmly set, can the high-rise building above be stable. Otherwise, even if they build tall buildings, they will fall down. Therefore, our learning foundation must be solid. Here are some tips for revision: Seize the time and study hard. Diligence out of genius, this is a flag that will never fade, it will always inspire us to pursue, constantly explore. Where there are books, cherish the time to read, for time for reading is not too much. With our hard work and single-minded spirit, we are sure to achieve satisfactory results. Don't be discouraged in the face of difficulties. Perhaps in the usual study, you have encountered setbacks. If the usual examination results are not ideal; At the moment I have no idea how to write a composition, at that moment I have no clue about a difficult math problem, etc. At this time, we must not panic, but should concentrate on thinking carefully, and try to move forward towards success. Set goals and stick to them. As soon as possible to establish their own midterm goals, such as thinking of several “excellent”, and write down their own goals, constantly remind themselves, to push themselves. A successful person is one who is self-disciplined. Maybe the TV program is very exciting, maybe the game is very attractive, but, in the completion of our own learning task, absolutely do not touch. After all, growing and learning knowledge is our main task now. As a member of our school, we are proud of our school, and our school is proud of ourselves. Because we have superior learning conditions and living environment. Here, we develop our own personality and develop our own abilities. We should always remind ourselves: cherish the time, learn attentively, make every step of our life go solid, for the future development to create countless opportunities to choose. Finally, wish the students a satisfactory result in the coming mid-term examination.时光飞逝,转眼间,我们又进入了紧张的期中复习阶段。在过去的时间里,我们每个同学都曾经努过,付出过,收获过快乐与成功。期中临近,准备迎接挑战。有一位哲人这样说过:假如你拥有大地,你就成为一位农民;假如你拥有羊群,你就成为一位个牧人;假如你拥有厂房,你就成为一个企业家;假如你拥有的不是金钱和财富,而是选择的机会, 那你就是一个真正的富翁。从这个意义上说,你们才是真正的富翁,因为你们有朝气、有活力,拥有许许多多的机会。如果说人生好比四季,那么,少年时代就如同风和日丽的春天。而少年时代,也正是学习知识打基础的阶段。基础就好比是建筑的垫基石,基石打牢了,上面的高楼大厦才能稳固。否则,即使盖起了高楼大厦也会塌下来。因此,我们的学习基础一定要扎实。复习建议:抓紧时间、勤奋读书。勤奋出天才,这是一面永不褪色的旗帜,它永远激励我们不断地追求、不断地探索。有书好好读, 有书赶快读,读书的时间不多。我们凭着刻苦拼搏、一心向上的精神,一定能取得令人满意的成绩。面对困难、不要泄气。也许在平时的学习中,你也曾遇到过挫折。如平时考试成绩不理想;这会儿对一个作文题目无从下笔,那会儿对一道数学难题毫无头绪,等等。这个时候,你千万不能慌张,反而更应该集中注意力仔细想,努力向着成功前进。制定目标、坚持到底。尽快确立自己的期中考试目标,比如想得几个“优秀”, 并把自己的目标写下来,不断提醒自己,鞭策自己。一个成功的人是一个自觉自律的人。也许电视节目很精彩,也许游戏很吸引人,但是,在没有完成自己的学习任务时,绝对不能去碰的。毕竟,长身体,长知识才是我们现在的主要任务。作为学校的一份子,我们自豪,我们骄傲。因为我们有着优越的学习条件和生活环境。在这里,我们发展着自己的个性,培养着自己的能力。我们应时刻提醒自己:珍惜时间,用心学习,让自己人生的每一步都走得扎扎实实,为今后的发展创造出无数个选择的机会。最后,预祝同学们在本次期中考试中取得满意的成绩。

After analyzing the daily golden sentence, Cherry、Sensory、Wendy are separately asked to read the three posts based on the title of Friendship on the rocks: please advise! And then explained the language points about each paragraph.

Amy Monday 12/10 9:13 p.m. My best friend and I have been close for eight years. When I was an awkward primary school student, she was the popular girl who was willing to make friends with me. Since then, a close friendship has grown between us and she's been almost like a sister to me. Whether we're walking to school, doing homework or just hanging out at the weekend, we're hardly out of each other's sight. But last Saturday, she broke my heart, and I'm still picking up the pieces.

Our original plan was to see a film at the cinema that afternoon. But in the morning, my friend posted a message on social media saying she had a cold. When I called her, she said she might not be able to make it to the cinema. “Don't worry,” I said. “Get some rest. We can wait till you get better.”

Today, however, I received a horrible surprise. A classmate told me she had seen my friend chatting with another girl in a café on Saturday afternoon. How stupid I was! My friend's “illness” was a complete lie! Instead of recovering at home, she was out having fun with someone else.

I was so angry that I avoided her during school all day, and I still don't feel like responding to any of her online messages. The stress of this situation is killing me, and I'm at a loss what to do next.

Cindy Monday 12/10 9:52 p.m. I'm so sorry! But this friendship is worth saving: eight years is a long time! Don't be so quick to judge your friend. Perhaps she knows she's in the wrong and wants to apologize, or maybe she has a simple explanation for her behaviour. In any case, find an opportunity to have a full and frank talk with her. Listen to what she has to say, and be sure to explain how you feel. I'm sure you can solve this problem together.

David Tuesday 13/10 8:11 p.m. I definitely understand how you feel. I also had a friend whom I trusted a lot. When I found out that I was tricked by him, I was really hurt and let go of our friendship. I know you value your friendship and want your friend to value it equally. However, if your friend ignores your feelings or makes you suffer, it's time to rethink your relationship. Talk to her and decide whether this friendship is still important to you. It's sad to move on, but you have to accept that friends come and go in life.

Our original plan was to see a film at the cinema that afternoon.那天下午,我们的原计划是在电影院看电影。When I called her, she said she might not be able to make it to the cinema.当我打电话给她时,她说她可能去不了电影院了。But this friendship is worth saving: eight years is a long time!但是这段友谊值得挽回:八年时间可不短!In any case, find an opportunity to have a full and frank talk with her.无论如何,找个机会和她深入、坦诚地谈一谈。However, if your friend ignores your feelings or makes you suffer, it's time to rethink your relationship.然而,如果你的朋友忽视你的感受或者让你痛苦,那就要重新考虑你们的关系了。However, when we seek to be alone, we must be careful that we do not always escape into our own world.然而,当我们试图独处的时候,我们必须小心,不要总是逃避到自己的世界里去。Here, friendship has a double advantage — happiness takes on a greater meaning and a trouble shared becomes a trouble halved!在这里,友谊有双重优势——幸福有更大的意义,分担的烦恼减半!As a result, if we are guided only by our own feelings, our judgments might be one-sided.因此,如果我们纯粹被自己的感情所支配,我们的判断就可能是片面的。Finally, it should be pointed out that enjoying the company of a crowd is not the same as being with friends. 最后,应该指出,与一群人在一起和与朋友在一起,不是一回事。Friends should be carefully chosen and relationships carefully developed.选择朋友须谨慎,经营友情须用心。《论语·述而第七》第22章:子曰:“三人行,必有我师焉:择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。”李泽厚先生“译”为:“三个人一起走路,也定有值得我学习的老师。选择优点而学习,看到短处而改正自己。”《朱注》:三人同行,其一我也。彼二人者,一善一恶,则我从其善而改其恶焉,是二人者皆我之师也。尹氏曰:见贤思齐,见不贤而内自省,则善恶皆我之师,进善其有穷乎?。孔子说的“三人”究竟是几个人?王力主编的《古代汉语》中说:等于说几个人,并非确指“三”。杨伯峻的《论语译注》则说:几个人一块走路。李零的解释是:我和两三个人同行。其次,“行”字到底是“走路”还是“言行”?清代学者刘宝楠在《论语正义》中就认为是“言行”。“善者”和“不善者”究竟是指“人”还是“行为”或“品质”?刘宝楠就说:三人之行,本无贤愚,其有善有不善者,皆随事所见,择而从之、改之,非谓一人善,一人不善也。正因为有上述不同的理解,所以有了不同的英译:

Arthur Waley:Even when walking in a party of no more than three I can always be certain of learning from those I am with. There will be good qualities that I can select for imitation and bad ones that will teach me what requires correction in myself.

辜鸿铭:When three men meet together, one of them who is anxious to learn can always learn something of the other two. He can profit by the good example of the one and avoid the bad example of the other.

刘殿爵:Even when walking in the company of two other men, I am bound to be able to learn from them. The good points of the one I copy; the bad points of the other I correct in myself.

Writing after reading in senior high school is a method often used in English teaching process, which can exercise students' short reading and writing ability to a certain extent. At the same time, it can also stimulate students' awareness of learning English and strengthen their ability to use the language. The first step is the process of reading the article. In this process, students need to have a good understanding of the structure, logic and plot of the article, which puts forward high requirements for students' reading ability. The second step is that students continue to write the article according to their own understanding of the content, in this process, the continuation is not free writing, but after understanding the intention of the article to express the article, according to the central meaning of language imitation and creation, continue to write. There are still some problems in the process of writing after reading English in high school, the first is the problem in the plot of the article. There are some students in the reflection phase in the process, not the profound understanding of, on reading articles about the structure of the article, logical, and if the circumstances are not fully grasped, so much in the process of written unconstrained style, without fully considering the regularity of events with the above link is not big, written content and above obviously out of line. Even sometimes the content of the article does not conform to the social reality. Secondly, the content written by students is not reasonable in terms of plot arrangement. This is because high school students are relatively inexperienced in life and their cultural level has not reached a high level. As a result, the order of articles written by students is chaotic and the plot setting is not reasonable. Moreover, students still make some mistakes in grammar and vocabulary, which affect the beauty of the whole article. The effective strategy of continuing the teaching process after reading can help and guide students to read articles carefully with the help of mind mapping. In the process of reading and writing after reading, it is a very important process to clarify the plot and context of the article. Reading and writing after reading is based on the content of the article. In the process of reflection written, reading is the foundation, therefore, students should be attached great importance in the process of reading six elements of narrative, the article in-depth understanding of the more important content, for example: when, where, who, what, according to, how to grasp the development route of the story, like this can only be written an article on the higher quality. However, the improvement of reading ability and writing ability requires students to accumulate some valuable materials in the normal learning process, which provides a good foundation for follow-up writing after reading. For example, in the accumulation of environmental description materials, we should pay attention to the requirements of the description of the objective environment, sound, color, texture, taste, usually in the process of practice should pay attention to the accumulation of adjectives, such as: the blue sky; the fragrant roses. The description of environment can be divided into objective and supervisor perspectives. The objective description starts from the environment itself, while the subjective description starts from the observer perspective. The subjective and objective descriptions are usually carried out alternately in the description, and the supervisor description takes a slightly larger proportion. In addition to environmental description, we should also pay attention to the accumulation of scene description materials. Writing after reading in high school has become a very important means in the process of English teaching, which can not only improve students' English reading level, but also improve students' writing ability, killing two birds with one stone. College Entrance Examination English has been as a new type of questions in the examination paper, the ability of students put forward higher requirements. Teachers should give full play to the advantages of reading prior written, in the process of reflection phase, not only should spend more time on reading the contents of the article to improve the students' interest, but also constantly encourage students to use their imagination, teach students in written need to fit in the process of thinking and style of the article, avoid too different phenomena appear, Gradually help students improve the comprehensive application level of English.高中英语读后续写是英语教学过程中经常使用的一种手段,能够在一定程度上锻炼学生们的短文阅读能力以及写作能力,同时还能够激发学生们学习英语的意识,加强学生们运用语言的能力。读后续写一般分为两个步骤,第一步是阅读文章的过程,在这个过程中,学生们需要对文章的结构、逻辑以及情节有很好的了解,这就对学生们的阅读能力提出了很高的要求。第二步是学生根据自己理解的内容对文章进行续写,在这个过程中的续写并不是毫无拘束地写作,而是在理解了文章想要表达文章的意图以后,根据中心意思进行语言的模仿和创造,进行续写。在高中英语读后续写的过程中还存在着一些问题,首先是文章情节中存在的问题。有部分学生在进行读后续写的过程中,没有对阅读的文章进行深刻地理解,对于文章的结构、逻辑以及情节没有完全掌握,以至于在续写的过程中天马行空,没有充分地考虑事件发生的规律,与前文的联系不大,续写的内容与前文明显地脱节。甚至有时会出现文章内容不符合社会现实的情况。其次,学生续写的内容在情节安排方面不合理,这是因为高中生相对来说生活的阅历不够,文化水平还没有达到很高的水平,导致学生在进行文章写作时,文章的顺序比较混乱,情节设置上也不合理。再者,学生在文章续写时,在语法和词汇的使用方面还存在着一定的错误,影响了整篇文章的美观。读后续写教学过程的有效策略可以借助思维导图帮助和指导学生仔细研读文章。在进行读后续写的过程中,将文章的情节和脉络理清是一个非常重要的过程,读后续写就是依据文章的内容。在读后续写的过程中,读是基础,因此,学生在阅读过程中应该非常重视记叙文的六要素,将文章中比较重要的内容进行深入地理解,例如:when,where,who,what,why,how,掌握故事的发展路线,这样才能够续写出一篇质量比较高的文章。但阅读能力和写作能力的提升需要学生在平时的学习过程中积累一些有价值的素材,为读后续写提供良好的基础。例如在环境描写素材的积累中,应该注意客观环境的形容的要求,有声,有色,有质感,有味道,平时在练习过程中应该注重形容词的积累,例如:the blue sky;the fragrant roses;环境描写可以分为客观和主管两种角度,客观为从环境事物本身入手,主观则从观察者角度描写,通常在描写时主客观交替进行,主管描写比重稍大。除了环境描写之外,还应该注重场景描写素材的积累。高中英语读后续写已经成为了英语教学过程中很重要的一个手段,不仅能够提升学生们的英语阅读水平,还能够提升学生们的写作能力,一举两得。高考英语已经将读后续写作为一种新的题型出现在考卷上,对学生的能力提出了更高的要求。教师应该充分发挥读后续写的优势,在读后续写过程中,不但要在阅读文章的内容上投入更多的精力来提升学生们的兴趣,还要不断鼓励学生发挥自身的想象力,教导学生在续写的过程中需要贴合文章的思路和风格,避免出现相差太远的现象出现,逐渐帮助学生提升英语的综合应用水平。


