

1、什么是codelines 和 codelevels?

在R12中,oracle Application 补丁以codelines分组,R12.0对应codeline A。Any future point releases introduce new codelines, each

identified by a new letter.  For example, Release 12.1 would introduce codeline B and Release 12.2 would introduce codeline C.  

Patches associated with codelines not only implement a set of product features for that point release, but also provide fixes to that set of features. We describe this unique set of product

features for a point release as a codelevel and assign it a unique number. Codelevels also identify patches for individual products. 

For example, codelevel R12.AD.A.1 is the first set of fixes to codelevel R12.AD.A, 

R12.AD.A.2 is the second set, and so on. 

Codelevels are cumulative(累加的) - each one contains the initial set of features plus all the fixes created to date for that product or product family.

All codelevels created after the initial point release are aggregated into cumulative release update packs (RUPs). RUP1 is equivalent to R12.0.1, RUP2 is equivalent to R12.0.2, and so on.  In addition, they may also provide feature enhancements, which provide

new functionality that has a limited impact on your system.

A new point release contains new features that will substantially impact your system and may change its operation.  It starts a new codeline (for example, codeline B).  At that point, you can choose to upgrade to the new codeline and adopt the new features,

or stay on your existing codeline, where bug fixes and enhancements will continue to be provided for your existing features.

2、patch 的驱动文件里有什么?

The driver actions are as follows:

Copy: Contains commands to change Oracle Applications files. The commands include directives to copy and update files, libraries, and/or Java, and commands for generating JAR files and/or C executables. In a multi-node system, the copy

portion runs on all application tier APPL_TOPs.

Database: Contains commands to change Oracle Applications database objects,such as PL/SQL and table definitions, or to update or migrate data. In a multi-node system, the database portion runs only on

the application tier APPL_TOP that implements the administration server.

Generate: Contains commands to generate forms, reports, messages, and/or graphics files. In a multi-node system, the generate portion runs on all application tier APPL_TOPs, unless the APPL_TOP only implements the administration server.





不过最近在网上及书上看到一些操作, 比如在版主zlc158的大作上看到安装简体中文语言包时, 操作步骤中没有关闭应用,只有修改

维护模式 , adpatch 之后直接disable 维护模式。





Source and



Copy all the patche to source directory

and run the below scripts

admrgpch -s /home/appltest/source -d /home/appltest/dest -merge_name mergedrv


[appl01@vs123 patch]$

admrgpch -s /u01/patch/merge -d /u01/patch/dest -merge_name mergedrv

Executing the merge of the patch drivers

 -- Processing patch: /u01/patch/merge/9062910

 -- Processing file: /u01/patch/merge/9062910/u9062910.drv

 -- Done processing file: /u01/patch/merge/9062910/u9062910.drv

 -- Done processing patch: /u01/patch/merge/9062910

 -- Processing patch: /u01/patch/merge/9868229

 -- Processing file: /u01/patch/merge/9868229/u9868229.drv

 -- Done processing file: /u01/patch/merge/9868229/u9868229.drv

 -- Done processing patch: /u01/patch/merge/9868229

 -- Processing patch: /u01/patch/merge/11071569

 -- Processing file: /u01/patch/merge/11071569/u11071569.drv

 -- Done processing file: /u01/patch/merge/11071569/u11071569.drv

 -- Done processing patch: /u01/patch/merge/11071569

Copying files...

100% complete. Copied 7 files of 7...

Character-set converting files...

  3 unified drivers merged.

Patch merge completed successfully

Please check the log file at ./admrgpch.log.

[appl01@vs123 patch]$ cat admrgpch.log 

************* Start of AD Merge Patch session *************

AD Merge Patch version: 12.0.0

AD Merge Patch started at: Tue Jun 03 2014 21:56:07

Options : "-s /u01/patch/merge -d /u01/patch/dest -merge_name mergedrv "

  NLS_LANG Character Set is: AL32UTF8

STRT_TASK: [Looping through patch driver files] [Tue Jun 03 2014 21:56:07]

Reading driver file /u01/patch/merge/9062910/u9062910.drv ...

 Patch Character Set is: us7ascii

 -- Merging patch driver : /u01/patch/merge/9062910/u9062910.drv

 -- Done merging patch: /u01/patch/merge/9062910

Reading driver file /u01/patch/merge/9868229/u9868229.drv ...

 -- Merging patch driver : /u01/patch/merge/9868229/u9868229.drv

 -- Done merging patch: /u01/patch/merge/9868229

Reading driver file /u01/patch/merge/11071569/u11071569.drv ...

 -- Merging patch driver : /u01/patch/merge/11071569/u11071569.drv

 -- Done merging patch: /u01/patch/merge/11071569

STOP_TASK: [Looping through patch driver files] [Tue Jun 03 2014 21:56:07]

STRT_TASK: [Copying Files] [Tue Jun 03 2014 21:56:07]

STOP_TASK: [Copying Files] [Tue Jun 03 2014 21:56:07]

STRT_TASK: [Character-set converting files] [Tue Jun 03 2014 21:56:07]

************* Start of AD Character-set Conversion session *************

AD Character-set Conversion version: 12.0.0

AD Character-set Conversion started at: Tue Jun 03 2014 21:56:07

Converting character set for file


from 'US7ASCII'to 'AL32UTF8'... Done.

Source file:

Destination file:






























Adncnv completed successfully.

Please check the adncnv logfile at admrgpch.log.

STOP_TASK: [Character-set converting files] [Tue Jun 03 2014 21:56:07]

