

<b>nstall for</b>

64-bit Linux


<b>Download the</b>

binary files for the desired release of MongoDB.

Download the

binaries from https://www.mongodb.org/downloads.

For example, to download the latest

release through the shell, issue the following:

curl -O http://downloads.mongodb.org/linux/mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.4.tgz


<b>Extract the</b>

files from the downloaded archive.

For example,

from a system shell, you can extract through the tar command:

tar -zxvf



<b>Copy the</b>

extracted archive to the target directory.

Copy the

extracted folder to the location from which MongoDB will run.

mkdir -p mongodb

cp -R -n

mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.4/ mongodb


<b>Ensure the</b>

location of the binaries is in the <b>PATH</b><b> variable.</b>

The MongoDB

binaries are in the bin/ directory of the archive. To ensure

that the binaries are in yourPATH, you can modify your PATH.

For example, you can add the following

line to your shell’s rc file (e.g. ~/.bashrc):

export PATH=&lt;mongodb-install-directory&gt;/bin:$PATH

Replace &lt;mongodb-install-directory&gt; with the

path to the extracted MongoDB archive.

下一篇: 什么是NoSQL?
