
Zabbix server 安装Make mysql secureConfigure mysql with user zabbix and database zabbixImport zabbix templatesEdit Zabbix_server configuration

(add any mirror that u like from epel)

This guide will also work in Centos5/rhel5 when adding Epel5

php-mysql is depended on the frontend you chose for example if u install zabbix20-web-pgsql php-pgsql will be installed same goes for mysql

vi /etc/php.ini

(u can only do this when u add some item with fping. Selinux needs to block it first )

Your zabbix installation is ready

This can be done easy by adding these lines in iptables


本文转自 bobo5900pro  51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/bobo5900pro/1679501,如需转载请自行联系原作者
