
三种动态控制SAP CRM WebClient UI assignment block显示与否的方法

三种动态控制SAP CRM WebClient UI assignment block显示与否的方法
三种动态控制SAP CRM WebClient UI assignment block显示与否的方法
三种动态控制SAP CRM WebClient UI assignment block显示与否的方法
三种动态控制SAP CRM WebClient UI assignment block显示与否的方法


 " IF search result view should be hidden

    me->set_config_keys( iv_object_type          = 'CRM_SMC'

                         iv_propagate_2_children = abap_false ).



Approach3: Control the visibility via business switch

This is a most elegant way, however it could only be used if you would like to control the visibility of your view via a business switch.

When you are assigning your assignment view to the view area of Overview page in runtime repository, a business switch can be assigned as displayed in the picture below. If the switch is turned off, the related view will be automatically hidden by UI Framework.

三种动态控制SAP CRM WebClient UI assignment block显示与否的方法
三种动态控制SAP CRM WebClient UI assignment block显示与否的方法
