
SAP WebClient UI创建Value help最详细的步骤

This document could be used for beginners for Webclient UI development who wants to know how to implement value help.


When clicking F4 on BusinessPartner ID,

SAP WebClient UI创建Value help最详细的步骤

a new window pops up as value help, you can click search button to get a list of business partners and choose one of them:

SAP WebClient UI创建Value help最详细的步骤

Once you mark the first search result, both ID and name would be automatically written back to your host page.

SAP WebClient UI创建Value help最详细的步骤

Step1: Implement GET_P method for field “BusinessPartner ID”:

SAP WebClient UI创建Value help最详细的步骤

Implement GET_V method:

SAP WebClient UI创建Value help最详细的步骤

Step2: Create a new outbound plug OP_PARTNER_SEARCH: ( the name must equal to the value passed to exporting parameter in GET_V method )

SAP WebClient UI创建Value help最详细的步骤

define a private attribute mv_popup with TYPE REF TO if_bsp_wd_popup in your view controller.

Implement the following code:

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Step3: in step2 we try to open the popup window defined in component usage BPSearch, so we have to define that usage in runtime repository:

SAP WebClient UI创建Value help最详细的步骤

in code it is defined when value help window is closed, event CLOSEPOPUP will be triggered. So we create this event handler and implement it:

In the event handler, we get the selected BP information from context node PARTNER of component BP_HEAD_SEARCH and

set the content into our own field “BusinessPartner ID” and “Employee Name”:

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Note: when you create the outbound plug OP_PARTNER_SEARCH in step2, the method is created with Protected by default. You should change the visibility manually to Public:

SAP WebClient UI创建Value help最详细的步骤

or else you will meet with CX_BSP_WD_INCORRECT_IMPLEMENT exception, since in the runtime the framework would expect to call it as public method as below:

SAP WebClient UI创建Value help最详细的步骤
