



面对老美对我们的的无理行径,连自家网友也看不下去了,在美国论坛Quora就有美国网友发起这个话题:为什么中国不能也发起一场反美运动,让中国人知道美国并不像他们所看到的那样完美? 我们来看看各国网友是怎样看待这件事的吧





China doesn't need to run any anti-America campaign for the Chinese because the Americans THEMSELVES have ALREADY been running the MOST effective anti-America campaign for Chinese people.


More and more Chinese and non-Chinese have seen the real America more and more clearly through the UNINTENTIONAL anti-America campaign the US has been running against themselves.




Well, for one thing, the Chinese aren’t so petty. They have better things to do than waste their energy demonizing other countries.


For another, China holds the upper hand. The Americans need to demonize China because they’re falling further and further behind the Chinese, economically and technologically. The Americans are jealous and fearful.


China feels confident and strong. It cannot be bullied. America’s anti-China campaign will amount to nothing.


There is a lot of asymmetry in the understanding between China and America. It’s much more common for Chinese people to speak English, travel to the US, or live in the US for a period of time, than the reverse. As a result, I’d say that among educated Chinese, their understanding of the US and its society are much deeper than the US’s understanding of China.


From the 1980s to the 2000s, when the US was a much larger economy compared to China, and when Americans were much richer on a personal level, there was a lot of blind trust and aspiration for everything American. The economy, the law, the technology… everything seemed advanced in the US, worthy of adulation and emulation. After the financial crisis and the coronavirus pandemic (two events that the US handled horrendously), the the shine has largely worn off.

从 1980 年代到 2000 年代,当美国的经济体比中国大得多,美国人在个人层面上也更加富有时,人们对美国的一切都有很多盲目信任和渴望。 经济、法律、科技……美国的一切似乎都很先进,值得吹捧和效仿。 在金融危机和衣情大流行(美国处理得非常糟糕的两件事)之后,光彩已经基本消退。

I’m not saying that China doesn’t control its media or that there isn’t censorship, but that’s almost besides the point. When the US was competing against the Soviet Union in the third world, as long as it still had Jim Crow laws and segregation, no amount of propaganda can change the impression that the US was a racist country.


Similarly, by the 80s, no amount of Soviet Propaganda can change the impression that the US had a much more viable economic model. The same is happening today. Millions of Chinese (in an ordinary year) would travel to the US, hundreds of thousands live in the US, they can see with their own eyes the pros and cons of each society. The VOA or other propaganda’s reach pale in comparison.


As Jordan Peterson said, set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world. If the US can solve its own problems domestically, that’d be a much better proof to China of why America is worth emulating.




Traditionally the US was the Western power that China had the best relationship with largely because the US was the only major Western power that wasn't trying to bite off a piece of China.


During the Cold War after Nixon, the US and China had good relations because both saw the other as a counterbalance to the Soviet Union. After the 1970s, American business saw China as a place to make money.



There wasnt a huge amount of anti-Chinese sentiment in my lifetime until around 2019 when things spiraled to heck.


Also the reason that the US has gone anti-China has to do with the fact that China is getting more powerful and the US is getting weaker, and the concept of a world in which the US is not the only real superpower on the planet is one that Americans find disturbing.


One irony is that as of 2010, China and Russia did not have a problem with the US being the most powerful nation in the world, and had the US negotiated truces with Russia and China, it could have kept being the most powerful nation for the rest of the 21st century. The big mistake was around 2012 when the US decided to fight China and Russia, and ironically fighting China and Russia is what doomed the US.



The level of stupidity is astounding, and the thing about stupid decisions is that they dont look stupid when you make them.




They don’t need to do propaganda against us. In case you forgot, WE’RE AMERICA, the most hated country on the planet. We have NO FRIENDS, just allies. No one like us, they align with us out of fear. There’s no need for China to tell lies or propagandize, the truth is damning enough. And our actions have made every country hate us except Canada.


The real propaganda is being perpetrated on the American people. We’re the authoritarian rulers of the world and when Russia or China finds a strong leader who brings their country prosperity, we call them “authoritarians” and just start making things up.


  • You didn’t learn from the lies about “weapons of mass destruction”.
  • 你们没有从“大规模杀伤性武器”的谎言中吸取教训。
  • You didn’t learn from the lies about “throwing babies out of incubators”.
  • 你没有从“把婴儿扔出保温箱”的谎言中吸取教训。
  • You didn’t learn from lie about “Assad using chemical weapons on his own people” (Yeah, that’s really gonna win you an election)
  • 你没有从“阿萨德对自己的人民使用化学武器”的谎言中吸取教训(是的,这真的会为你赢得选举)
  • And here we are today, you’re buying into all the lies Zelensky is telling you on a daily basis.
  • 而我们今天在这里,你正在相信泽伦斯基每天告诉你的所有谎言。

The US media is doing a perfectly good job propagandizing our own people. The worst thing that China or Russia could do… IS TELL THE TRUTH.



We sanction sovereign countries, hack their elections, fire rockets at them and blame it on the neighboring countries to provoke a conflict, and after we’re done decimating their economy, ripping families lives apart and starving people to the point they turn to violent crime… We send the criminals guns and point the finger and say: “LOOK! THERE’S BAD GUYS!” Then we invade them, infringing on their democracy, corrupt their politicians and and then we turn around and scream “See? There’s no democracy! They’re corrupt!”. Then we coup their government, assassinate their leaders and put in some phony (like Juan Guaido) that no one elected… All in the name of spreading democracy.

“我们制裁主权国家,破坏他们的选举,向他们发射火箭弹,并将其归咎于邻国挑起冲突,在我们摧毁了他们的经济之后,家庭破裂,人们挨饿到暴力犯罪的地步 ……我们向犯罪分子发送枪支,并用手指指着说:“看! 有坏人!” 然后我们入侵他们,侵犯他们的民主,腐蚀他们的政客,然后我们转身尖叫“看到了吗? 没有民主! 他们腐败了!”。 然后我们政变他们的政府,暗杀他们的领导人,并安插一些没有人选出来的假人(比如胡安·瓜伊多)……所有这些都是以传播民主的名义。”



As a Chinese living in the US right now, I watch news from both sides. Errrrr……more from Chinese side.


Most of the west media just brainwashes people through fake or biased news which attempt to convince people China is such an "terrible" country and CCP is such an "evil" tyranny. As a Chinese, it is quite easy for me to distinguish these fake and biased news. And as a master, I have enough knowledge and also have the curiosity to do some research towards certain topics associated with China. Unfortunately, I find even experts like some economists tell lies. So I gradually do not read too many news associated with China on the west media.


Back to the question, does China do the same thing?


As a developing country, actually Chinese media reports many positive news about US but majorly concentrate in the field of science, arts, culture, movie, music, etc. And towards many other fields, there is no good words for the US, like populism, political corruption, political correctness, terrible gun management, unsafe communities, debt problems, economic bubbles, etc. However, I rarely find Chinese media generate fake news or biased news cause most of them are directly translated from the west media, especially the media owned by the US. The reason is interesting.



US people do not understand Chinese language so you have to buy the stories made by the west media but many of Chinese can read English so that if Chinese media post any fake news, netizens would find out the original source and post in the comment area. I am also one of them and enjoy the process of punching the misleading news. Each time, I read some news on the Chinese media like "President Trump says balabala", I would open my Twitter and take a look at Mr. President's posts, check it is true or not.




Well, first off, I believe it is not correct to say, “America” because this implies, the majority if not all of the average Americans “hate” China !


The “hatred” or disapproval of China is, or has been, initiated by the American political parties, and politicians, because China's tremendous progress into the modern world in 45 years or so, has been so astounding that it reflects how inept and badly inefficient the American politicians have done for their own countrymen !! These “career politicians”, some as long as 40 years in political positions, Congress, Senate, etc, only looked out for themselves and once in office forgot their oath and campaign promises, why they were elected in, in the first place.


They milk the system for themselves and their cronies, accumulating wealth through various insidious means that the system seemed to turn a blind eye to. So, these inept “leaders”, start pointing fingers, demonizing China, as the most convenient “target” to spew their hatred, and negative lies and half truths, to deflect attention to their poor public performance and service. The medias are complicit in this as they play to the “audience” to gain readership and traction.


Many “ordinary” Americans either are not interested in China, or some get drawn into the vicious charade encouraged by their politicians.


However, there are many educated, well travelled Americans, who think for themselves, and having been to China, are positive on how life is in China for the Chinese, the culture, how safe China is and the amazing infrastructures and transport system that they do not see or experience in the US. Live and let live, is probably the best approach.

