
6580 8.1 mtp模式,查看手机容量大小修改

8.1 mtp模式,查看手机容量大小修改

namespace android {

class MtpDatabase;

class MtpStorage {

    MtpStorageID            mStorageID;
    MtpString               mFilePath;
    MtpString               mDescription;
    uint64_t                mMaxCapacity;
    uint64_t                mMaxFileSize;
    // amount of free space to leave unallocated
    uint64_t                mReserveSpace;
    bool                    mRemovable;

                            MtpStorage(MtpStorageID id, const char* filePath,
                                    const char* description, uint64_t reserveSpace,
                                    bool removable, uint64_t maxFileSize);
    virtual                 ~MtpStorage();

    inline MtpStorageID     getStorageID() const { return mStorageID; }
    int                     getType() const;
    int                     getFileSystemType() const;
    int                     getAccessCapability() const;
    uint64_t                getMaxCapacity();
    uint64_t                getFreeSpace();
    const char*             getDescription() const;
    inline const char*      getPath() const { return (const char *)mFilePath; }
    inline bool             isRemovable() const { return mRemovable; }
    inline uint64_t         getMaxFileSize() const { return mMaxFileSize; }
	bool                    isInternalStorage();  //zxw add for frameworks/av/media/mtp/MtpStorage.cpp:64:18: error: out-of-line definition of 'isInternalStorage' does not match any declaration in 'android::MtpStorage'

}; // namespace android

//zxw add start
bool MtpStorage::isInternalStorage() {
	bool isInternalStorage = false;
	ALOGE("zxw MtpStorage isInternalStorage=>path = %s \n", getPath());
	const char* token = "/storage/emulated/0";
	if (strcmp(getPath(), token) == 0)
		isInternalStorage = true;
	ALOGE("zxw MtpStorage isInternalStorage = %d \n", isInternalStorage);
	return isInternalStorage;
//zxw add end

uint64_t MtpStorage::getMaxCapacity() {
    if (mMaxCapacity == 0) {
        struct statfs   stat;
        if (statfs(getPath(), &stat))
            return -1;
        mMaxCapacity = (uint64_t)stat.f_blocks * (uint64_t)stat.f_bsize;
	//zxw add start
	if(isInternalStorage()){ //noly modify for cellphone internalstorage not sd 
		ALOGE("zxw interstorage MtpStorage mMaxCapacity\n");
		struct statfs   stat;
        if (statfs(getPath(), &stat))
            return -1;
	    return (uint64_t) 16L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
    	return mMaxCapacity;
	//zxw add end