
精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4(15)

精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4(15)







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Today, the editor brings you intensive reading of journal papers,

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This tweet usually takes about 6 minutes to read. Please be patient and read.

今天小编将从思维导图、精读内容、知识补充三个板块为大家带来论文《属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤四,接下来我们开始今天的学习吧!

Today, the editor will bring you the paper "The Bipolar Tolerance Multiple Attribute Decision Making VIKOR Method of Attribute Association" from three sections: mind mapping, intensive reading content, and knowledge supplement. Step 4, let's begin today's study!



A mind map of the contents of this section is shown below.

精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4(15)



In the previous tweet, we clarified why expectations are used to represent constraints in the definition of maximum entropy in the maximum entropy model. Next, let's take a look at the concept of conditional entropy.


1、 Why use conditional entropy

精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4(15)


Conditional entropy is the entropy corresponding to the probability distribution of Y when X is known. The condition here is actually X, and the category corresponding to different conditions is the output variable Y. So why use conditional entropy instead of joint entropy?


The maximum entropy model is actually a discrimination method. The discrimination method is to get the conditional probability distribution, which is to get P (Y | X) that meets maxH (P).


对于一个输入变量Xi,那么它对应的条件熵是什么呢?对于这个熵而言,我们可以乘以每个输入变量对应的概率P(xi) ,然后加权求和。

2、 Transformation of Conditional Entropy Formula

What is the conditional entropy corresponding to an input variable Xi? For this entropy, we can multiply it by the probability P (xi) corresponding to each input variable, and then weighted sum it up.

精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4(15)


So we can deduce the formula of conditional entropy. See here, we can compare whether it is the same.

精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4(15)



In the previous text, we learned the relevant meanings of formulas. Next, let's learn about the skills of inputting formulas when writing a paper with the editor!


Typography in writing a paper is not an easy task, especially when dealing with a large number of formulas, especially when modifying formulas. It is best to update them automatically after modification, which can save a lot of manual editing time. Today, we will introduce formula automatic numbering and updating.

毕业论文的公式编号是需要带有章节号码的,这个如果手动更改是很麻烦的。首先,在 Word 中插入章节符,在章节正文的上方插入一个 MathType 分节符:Word 功能栏-MathType 菜单-插入分节符。

The formula number of the graduation thesis needs to be accompanied by a chapter number, which can be troublesome to manually change. Firstly, insert a chapter break in Word and a MathType section break above the main body of the chapter: Word Function Bar - MathType Menu - Insert Section Break.

精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4(15)

其次,在对话框选择新段落,输入章节号,下面我输入的是第 3 章第 4 节。

Secondly, in the dialog box, select a new paragraph and enter the chapter number. Below, I will enter Chapter 3, Section 4.

精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4(15)

然后,选择 MathType 菜单,设置好公式编号的格式:MathType-公式编号格式-简单,选择相应即可。

Then, select the MathType menu and set the format for the formula number: MathType - Formula Number Format - Simple, select the corresponding option.

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Finally, MathType - inserts the formula number, which will appear after the formula.

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Papers are not completed in one go and often require repeated revisions, and the corresponding formula numbers should also be updated with changes in chapters. When there are many formulas, manual modification is impossible. On the one hand, it consumes too much energy, and on the other hand, the probability of errors is also relatively high.

点击 MathType 菜单-更新公式编号。

Click on the MathType menu - Update Formula Number.

精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4(15)






That's it for today's sharing.

If you have a unique idea about today’s article,

welcome to leave us a message,

let us meet tomorrow,

I wish you a nice day today!


参考文献:林萍萍, 李登峰, 江彬倩, 余高锋, 韦安鹏. 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策VIKOR方法 [J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2021, 41(08): 2147-2156.

文案 |Yuan

排版 |Yuan

审核 |Wang
