
精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4

精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4







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今天小编将从思维导图、精读内容、知识补充三个板块为大家带来论文《属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤四中相关内容,接下来我们开始今天的学习吧!

Today, the editor will introduce to you the relevant content in step four of the paper "VIKOR Method for Bipolar Capacity Multi attribute Decision Making with Attribute Correlation" from three sections: mind mapping, intensive reading content, and knowledge supplementation. Let's start today's learning!



A mind map of the contents of this section is shown below.

精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4



In the previous tweet, we clarified the meaning of the maximum entropy model, and then let's discuss the original problem in the maximum entropy model together.


Firstly, let's briefly review the meaning of the maximum entropy model.

精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4


From the previous learning, it can be seen that this is actually an optimization problem, with the aim of finding the probability distribution that maximizes the conditional entropy, which needs to be selected from the set of models to be selected. Because its characteristic is probability distribution, all sets found must satisfy:

精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4


Before solving the maximum entropy model problem, we can first learn about general optimization problems with constraints. As long as the general problem is solved, the knowledge of this maximum entropy model will be relatively easy to understand. Directly, let's start with the original problem.

精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4


From the above figure, we can see that the purpose of the original problem is to find the vector X that can minimize f (x). Observing the constraint formula, it can be observed that the number of constraint conditions in the problem is (k+l). An objective function carries n unknowns and (k+l) constraints. Lagrange proposed the Lagrange multiplier method, which can write the constraint liberalization problem in the form of a generalized Lagrange function. As shown below.


Note: The original problem here is used to find the minimum value, so we can reverse the maximum entropy model problem and find the minimum value, which also has the same meaning.

精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4

对于每个约束条件前面都来加一个拉格朗日乘子,我们考虑关于x的函数,这就意味着代入已知的若干组 α和β、 找到可以使L(x, α,β)最大的值,接着把这个函数记为:

For each constraint condition, a Lagrange multiplier is added in front of it. We consider the function of x, which means that we can substitute several known groups α and β、 Find a way to make L (x α,β) The maximum value, then record this function as:

精读论文《 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策 VIKOR方法》步骤4



In the previous text, we learned about Lagrange functions. Next, let's learn about Lagrange with the editor!


Lagrange was one of the greatest mathematicians of the 18th century, and Napoleon praised him as "a towering pyramid in the mathematical world". His most outstanding contribution is that he played a decisive role in separating the basis of mathematical analysis from geometry and mechanics. Make the independence of mathematics clearer, rather than just a tool for other disciplines. At the same time, it has also played a historic role in making astronomy more scientific and mechanical analysis, promoting the further development of mechanics and celestial mechanics.


Joseph Lagrange (1736-1813) was a famous French mathematician and physicist. Born on January 25, 1736 in Turin, Italy, and died on April 10, 1813 in Paris. He has made historic contributions in the fields of mathematics, mechanics, and astronomy, with his achievements in mathematics being the most prominent.


Lagrange is a pioneer of mathematical analysis. After Newton and Leibniz, European mathematics split into two schools. The UK still adheres to Newton's geometric methods in "Mathematical Principles in Natural Philosophy", but progress is slow; The European continent followed the analytical method established by Leibniz (which at the time included algebraic methods) and made rapid progress, which was called analysis at that time. Lagrange was the largest pioneer, second only to Euler, and made pioneering contributions to the main branches established in the 18th century.






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参考文献:林萍萍, 李登峰, 江彬倩, 余高锋, 韦安鹏. 属性关联的双极容度多属性决策VIKOR方法 [J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2021, 41(8): 2147-2156.

文案 |Yuan

排版 |Yuan

审核 |Wang
