


pruneGlobalPlan(*tf_, robot_pose, global_plan_, cfg_.trajectory.global_plan_prune_distance);

pruneGlobalPlan 函数会从全局路径中将机器人当前位置后面的一部分点擦除,仅保留当前位置后面一段路径,这个值可由配置文件中 global_plan_prune_distance 参数设置。

if (!transformGlobalPlan(*tf_, global_plan_, robot_pose, *costmap_, global_frame_, cfg_.trajectory.max_global_plan_lookahead_dist, 
                           transformed_plan, &goal_idx, &tf_plan_to_global))

transformGlobalPlan 函数会将全局路径点的坐标系转换为机器人坐标系,并且进一步对全局路径进行裁减,裁减的长度为 max_global_plan_lookahead_dist,即从机器人当前点为起点,裁减一段

max_global_plan_lookahead_dist 长的路径,这段路径的尾部,即为局部规划器规划的目标点。最后将这段路径存为 transformed_plan 。

updateViaPointsContainer(transformed_plan, cfg_.trajectory.global_plan_viapoint_sep);

如果配置文件中 global_plan_viapoint_sep > 0 则会执行上面的函数。函数目的是为局部路径添加轨迹点,这个轨迹点局部路径不一定要通过,只是优化器希望他通过这个轨迹点,他会以边的形式加入到图优化中去,后续会讲到。

if (costmap_converter_)
  // also consider custom obstacles (must be called after other updates, since the container is not cleared)

上述代码是对costmap和障碍物的处理,有个关于 costmap_converter_ 参数的判断,这个参数决定是否会使用 costmap_converter 插件对cost_map进行处理。

void TebLocalPlannerROS::updateObstacleContainerWithCostmap()
  // Add costmap obstacles if desired
  if (cfg_.obstacles.include_costmap_obstacles)
    Eigen::Vector2d robot_orient = robot_pose_.orientationUnitVec();
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<costmap_->getSizeInCellsX()-1; ++i)
      for (unsigned int j=0; j<costmap_->getSizeInCellsY()-1; ++j)
        if (costmap_->getCost(i,j) == costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE)
          Eigen::Vector2d obs;
          costmap_->mapToWorld(i,j,obs.coeffRef(0), obs.coeffRef(1));
          // check if obstacle is interesting (e.g. not far behind the robot)
          Eigen::Vector2d obs_dir = obs-robot_pose_.position();
          if ( obs_dir.dot(robot_orient) < 0 && obs_dir.norm() > cfg_.obstacles.costmap_obstacles_behind_robot_dist  )
          obstacles_.push_back(ObstaclePtr(new PointObstacle(obs)));

updateObstacleContainerWithCostmap() 中对costmap的处理是把被占据的当作障碍物加入到obstacles_数组中,并判断障碍物是否在机器人后方,如果在后方则不考虑。


第一个重载 函数的第一个参数const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& initial_plan


bool TebOptimalPlanner::plan(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& initial_plan, const geometry_msgs::Twist* start_vel, bool free_goal_vel)
  ROS_ASSERT_MSG(initialized_, "Call initialize() first.");
  if (!teb_.isInit())
    teb_.initTrajectoryToGoal(initial_plan, cfg_->robot.max_vel_x, cfg_->robot.max_vel_theta, cfg_->trajectory.global_plan_overwrite_orientation,
      cfg_->trajectory.min_samples, cfg_->trajectory.allow_init_with_backwards_motion);
  else // warm start
    PoseSE2 start_(initial_plan.front().pose);
    PoseSE2 goal_(initial_plan.back().pose);
    if (teb_.sizePoses()>0
        && (goal_.position() - teb_.BackPose().position()).norm() < cfg_->trajectory.force_reinit_new_goal_dist
        && fabs(g2o::normalize_theta(goal_.theta() - teb_.BackPose().theta())) < cfg_->trajectory.force_reinit_new_goal_angular) // actual warm start!
      teb_.updateAndPruneTEB(start_, goal_, cfg_->trajectory.min_samples); // update TEB
    else // goal too far away -> reinit
      ROS_DEBUG("New goal: distance to existing goal is higher than the specified threshold. Reinitalizing trajectories.");
      teb_.initTrajectoryToGoal(initial_plan, cfg_->robot.max_vel_x, cfg_->robot.max_vel_theta, cfg_->trajectory.global_plan_overwrite_orientation,
        cfg_->trajectory.min_samples, cfg_->trajectory.allow_init_with_backwards_motion);
  if (start_vel)
  if (free_goal_vel)
    vel_goal_.first = true; // we just reactivate and use the previously set velocity (should be zero if nothing was modified)
  // now optimize
  return optimizeTEB(cfg_->optim.no_inner_iterations, cfg_->optim.no_outer_iterations);



bool TebOptimalPlanner::plan(const PoseSE2& start, const PoseSE2& goal, const geometry_msgs::Twist* start_vel, bool free_goal_vel)
  ROS_ASSERT_MSG(initialized_, "Call initialize() first.");
  if (!teb_.isInit())
    // init trajectory
    teb_.initTrajectoryToGoal(start, goal, 0, cfg_->robot.max_vel_x, cfg_->trajectory.min_samples, cfg_->trajectory.allow_init_with_backwards_motion); // 0 intermediate samples, but dt=1 -> autoResize will add more samples before calling first optimization
  else // warm start
    if (teb_.sizePoses() > 0
        && (goal.position() - teb_.BackPose().position()).norm() < cfg_->trajectory.force_reinit_new_goal_dist
        && fabs(g2o::normalize_theta(goal.theta() - teb_.BackPose().theta())) < cfg_->trajectory.force_reinit_new_goal_angular) // actual warm start!
      teb_.updateAndPruneTEB(start, goal, cfg_->trajectory.min_samples);
    else // goal too far away -> reinit
      ROS_DEBUG("New goal: distance to existing goal is higher than the specified threshold. Reinitalizing trajectories.");
      teb_.initTrajectoryToGoal(start, goal, 0, cfg_->robot.max_vel_x, cfg_->trajectory.min_samples, cfg_->trajectory.allow_init_with_backwards_motion);
  if (start_vel)
  if (free_goal_vel)
    vel_goal_.first = true; // we just reactivate and use the previously set velocity (should be zero if nothing was modified)
  // now optimize
  return optimizeTEB(cfg_->optim.no_inner_iterations, cfg_->optim.no_outer_iterations);



如果传的是一段路径的话,其实传的就是上面的 transformed_plan 。然后在每两个路径点中将入一个时间间隔参数形成轨迹。核心方法是使用addPoseAndTimeDiff(intermediate_pose, dt) 函数。并且会检查  transformed_plan 中点的个数是否小于 min_samples。如果小于 min_samples 会进行补充。

bool TimedElasticBand::initTrajectoryToGoal(const PoseSE2& start, const PoseSE2& goal, double diststep, double max_vel_x, int min_samples, bool guess_backwards_motion)
  if (!isInit())
    addPose(start); // add starting point
    setPoseVertexFixed(0,true); // StartConf is a fixed constraint during optimization

    double timestep = 0.1;
    if (diststep!=0)
      Eigen::Vector2d point_to_goal = goal.position()-start.position();
      double dir_to_goal = std::atan2(point_to_goal[1],point_to_goal[0]); // direction to goal
      double dx = diststep*std::cos(dir_to_goal);
      double dy = diststep*std::sin(dir_to_goal);
      double orient_init = dir_to_goal;
      // check if the goal is behind the start pose (w.r.t. start orientation)
      if (guess_backwards_motion && point_to_goal.dot(start.orientationUnitVec()) < 0) 
        orient_init = g2o::normalize_theta(orient_init+M_PI);
      // TODO: timestep ~ max_vel_x_backwards for backwards motions
      double dist_to_goal = point_to_goal.norm();
      double no_steps_d = dist_to_goal/std::abs(diststep); // ignore negative values
      unsigned int no_steps = (unsigned int) std::floor(no_steps_d);

      if (max_vel_x > 0) timestep = diststep / max_vel_x;
      for (unsigned int i=1; i<=no_steps; i++) // start with 1! starting point had index 0
        if (i==no_steps && no_steps_d==(float) no_steps) 
            break; // if last conf (depending on stepsize) is equal to goal conf -> leave loop

    // if number of samples is not larger than min_samples, insert manually
    if ( sizePoses() < min_samples-1 )
      ROS_DEBUG("initTEBtoGoal(): number of generated samples is less than specified by min_samples. Forcing the insertion of more samples...");
      while (sizePoses() < min_samples-1) // subtract goal point that will be added later
        // simple strategy: interpolate between the current pose and the goal
        PoseSE2 intermediate_pose = PoseSE2::average(BackPose(), goal);
        if (max_vel_x > 0) timestep = (intermediate_pose.position()-BackPose().position()).norm()/max_vel_x;
        addPoseAndTimeDiff( intermediate_pose, timestep ); // let the optimier correct the timestep (TODO: better initialization
    // add goal
    if (max_vel_x > 0) timestep = (goal.position()-BackPose().position()).norm()/max_vel_x;
    addPoseAndTimeDiff(goal,timestep); // add goal point
    setPoseVertexFixed(sizePoses()-1,true); // GoalConf is a fixed constraint during optimization	
  else // size!=0
    ROS_WARN("Cannot init TEB between given configuration and goal, because TEB vectors are not empty or TEB is already initialized (call this function before adding states yourself)!");
    ROS_WARN("Number of TEB configurations: %d, Number of TEB timediffs: %d",(unsigned int) sizePoses(),(unsigned int) sizeTimeDiffs());
    return false;
  return true;

bool TimedElasticBand::initTrajectoryToGoal(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan, double max_vel_x, double max_vel_theta, bool estimate_orient, int min_samples, bool guess_backwards_motion)
  if (!isInit())
    PoseSE2 start(plan.front().pose);
    PoseSE2 goal(plan.back().pose);
    addPose(start); // add starting point with given orientation
    setPoseVertexFixed(0,true); // StartConf is a fixed constraint during optimization

    bool backwards = false;
    if (guess_backwards_motion && (goal.position()-start.position()).dot(start.orientationUnitVec()) < 0) // check if the goal is behind the start pose (w.r.t. start orientation)
        backwards = true;
    // TODO: dt ~ max_vel_x_backwards for backwards motions
    for (int i=1; i<(int)plan.size()-1; ++i)
        double yaw;
        if (estimate_orient)
            // get yaw from the orientation of the distance vector between pose_{i+1} and pose_{i}
            double dx = plan[i+1].pose.position.x - plan[i].pose.position.x;
            double dy = plan[i+1].pose.position.y - plan[i].pose.position.y;
            yaw = std::atan2(dy,dx);
            if (backwards)
                yaw = g2o::normalize_theta(yaw+M_PI);
            yaw = tf::getYaw(plan[i].pose.orientation);
        PoseSE2 intermediate_pose(plan[i].pose.position.x, plan[i].pose.position.y, yaw);
        double dt = estimateDeltaT(BackPose(), intermediate_pose, max_vel_x, max_vel_theta);
        addPoseAndTimeDiff(intermediate_pose, dt);
    // if number of samples is not larger than min_samples, insert manually
    if ( sizePoses() < min_samples-1 )
      ROS_DEBUG("initTEBtoGoal(): number of generated samples is less than specified by min_samples. Forcing the insertion of more samples...");
      while (sizePoses() < min_samples-1) // subtract goal point that will be added later
        // simple strategy: interpolate between the current pose and the goal
        PoseSE2 intermediate_pose = PoseSE2::average(BackPose(), goal);
        double dt = estimateDeltaT(BackPose(), intermediate_pose, max_vel_x, max_vel_theta);
        addPoseAndTimeDiff( intermediate_pose, dt ); // let the optimier correct the timestep (TODO: better initialization
    // Now add final state with given orientation
    double dt = estimateDeltaT(BackPose(), goal, max_vel_x, max_vel_theta);
    addPoseAndTimeDiff(goal, dt);
    setPoseVertexFixed(sizePoses()-1,true); // GoalConf is a fixed constraint during optimization
  else // size!=0
    ROS_WARN("Cannot init TEB between given configuration and goal, because TEB vectors are not empty or TEB is already initialized (call this function before adding states yourself)!");
    ROS_WARN("Number of TEB configurations: %d, Number of TEB timediffs: %d", sizePoses(), sizeTimeDiffs());
    return false;
  return true;


bool TebOptimalPlanner::optimizeTEB(int iterations_innerloop, int iterations_outerloop, bool compute_cost_afterwards,

double obst_cost_scale, double viapoint_cost_scale, bool alternative_time_cost)

bool TebOptimalPlanner::optimizeTEB(int iterations_innerloop, int iterations_outerloop, bool compute_cost_afterwards,
                                    double obst_cost_scale, double viapoint_cost_scale, bool alternative_time_cost)
  if (cfg_->optim.optimization_activate==false) 
    return false;
  bool success = false;
  optimized_ = false;
  double weight_multiplier = 1.0;

  // TODO(roesmann): we introduced the non-fast mode with the support of dynamic obstacles
  //                (which leads to better results in terms of x-y-t homotopy planning).
  //                 however, we have not tested this mode intensively yet, so we keep
  //                 the legacy fast mode as default until we finish our tests.
  bool fast_mode = !cfg_->obstacles.include_dynamic_obstacles;
  for(int i=0; i<iterations_outerloop; ++i)
    if (cfg_->trajectory.teb_autosize)
      //teb_.autoResize(cfg_->trajectory.dt_ref, cfg_->trajectory.dt_hysteresis, cfg_->trajectory.min_samples, cfg_->trajectory.max_samples);
      teb_.autoResize(cfg_->trajectory.dt_ref, cfg_->trajectory.dt_hysteresis, cfg_->trajectory.min_samples, cfg_->trajectory.max_samples, fast_mode);


    success = buildGraph(weight_multiplier);
    if (!success) 
        return false;
    success = optimizeGraph(iterations_innerloop, false);
    if (!success) 
        return false;
    optimized_ = true;
    if (compute_cost_afterwards && i==iterations_outerloop-1) // compute cost vec only in the last iteration
      computeCurrentCost(obst_cost_scale, viapoint_cost_scale, alternative_time_cost);
    weight_multiplier *= cfg_->optim.weight_adapt_factor;

  return true;

success = buildGraph(weight_multiplier);-------------该函数建立“hyper-graph”。

success = optimizeGraph(iterations_innerloop, false);--------------该函数使用“ g2o”中包含的稀疏系统大规模优化算法进行求解。

