
Selenium IDE 扩展函数: 日期计算与表现

selenium.prototype.dostoredatebyformat = function(format,args){

// format of args: month,day,year

if(args.trim().length < 3)

throw new seleniumerror("arguments must contain ""month"",""date"",""year"" variables!");

var formats = format.split(",");

var days = parseint(formats[3]);

var sysdate = getsysdate(); //get the sysdate

var specdate = dateafterdays(sysdate,parsefloat(days),1); //get specified date

var arrargs = args.split(",");

var month = specdate.getmonth()+1;

var date = specdate.getdate();

var year = specdate.getfullyear();

// get month string


case "mm": // return 2 digits of month number, such as: 01

month = (month+"").length==1?"0"+month:month;


case "mmm": //return the first 3 chars of the month word, such as: jan

month = this.getmonthshortname(month);

case "mmmm": //return the full word of the month word, such as: january

month = this.getmonthfullname(month);

case "m":


// return 1 digit when month is lower than 10.

// do nothing


//get date string


case "dd": //always return 2 digits of the month number, such as: 05

date = (date+"").length==1?"0"+date:date;

case "d":

// return 1 digit when date is lower than 10.

//get year string


case "yy": // return last 2 digits of the year number, such as: 08 (2008)

year = (year+"").substr(2);

case "yyyy":

//return full year number, such: 2008.

storedvars[arrargs[0]] = month;

storedvars[arrargs[1]] = date;

storedvars[arrargs[2]] = year;

selenium.prototype.getmonthfullname = function(month){

var montharr = new array("january","february","march","april","may","june","july","august","september","october","november","december");

if(month == null){

throw new seleniumerror("you didn't specify a month");


month = parseint(month);

}catch (e){

throw new seleniumerror("""month"" is not a integer!");

return montharr[month-1];

/* return the date n days(n*24 hours) before/after some day.

* args   :   num - positive/negative integer/float number,default is "1";

*            type - 0 (second) or 1 (day), default is second.

* return :   date


function dateafterdays(date, num, type){

date = (date == null?new date():date);

num = (num == null?1:num);


throw new seleniumerror("dateafterdays(date, num, type),""num"" argument must be number type.");


throw new seleniumerror("dateafterdays(date, num, type),""date"" argument must be date type.");

var itype = (type == null?0:type);

var arr = [1000,86400000];

var dd = date.valueof();

dd += num * arr[itype];

var d=new date(dd);

return d;

function getsysdate(){

return new date();


Selenium IDE 扩展函数: 日期计算与表现
