
CS224N notes_chapter15_Coreference Resolution

第十五講 共指解析

Coreference Resolution

Idea: Identify all noun phrases that refer #說白了就是要搞清楚每個名詞短語指代的是誰 比如 John loves his wife. He prepares breakfirst for her everyday. 我們知道his,He都指代(co-refer)的是John.

None phrases refer to entities in the world, many pairs of noun phrases co-refer, some nested inside others.

Coreference Resolution在機器翻譯、文本了解等方面都有一定的應用。





P = T P T P + F P P = \frac {TP} {TP+FP} P=TP+FPTP​

Recall: 召回率,也叫查全率,是說模型判定為正例且正确的樣本占真正為正例的樣本的比例

R = T P T P + F N R = \frac {TP} {TP+FN} R=TP+FNTP​

Kinds of Reference

  • Referring expressions
    • John Smith
    • President Smith
    • the president
  • Free variables
    • Smith saw his salary increase
  • Bound variables
    • The dancer hurt herself

#Free variable是說,這個變量并不一定指代和它最近的名詞,而是依賴于具體的上下文。比如上例中,his salary可能是Smith的,但是如果我們在上文中加上一句’John works hard recently’,那麼這個salary其實也可以的是Jhon的; 而Bound variables則十分明确,例子中的herself就是嚴格地依賴于句子中之前提到過的名詞dancer.

  • Not all NPs are referring
    • No dancer twisted her knee.
    • It is raining.

      Coreference: two mentions refer to the same entity

      Anaphora: A term(anaphor) refers to another term(anecedent) and the interpretation of anaphor is in some way determined by the interpretation of anecedent. Traditionally the anecedent came first.

      Cataphora: anecedent did not come first. And we call the first term cataphor.

Kinds of Coreference Models

  • Mention Pair models


  • Mention ranking models
    • 給出一個詞,我們想看它和哪些詞共指,文中可以有若幹個mentions,我們對它們進行排序,然後給出結果
  • Entity-Mention models
    • 給出具體的entity而不是連結
