
發揚歧黃精神 傳承國醫精粹 新時代國醫名師---吳步炳


發揚歧黃精神 傳承國醫精粹 新時代國醫名師---吳步炳

Carrying Forward the Spirit of Qi Huang and Inheriting the Essence of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Wu Bubing, a Famous Teacher of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the New Era

發揚歧黃精神 傳承國醫精粹 新時代國醫名師---吳步炳


Once a doctor, a lifetime of rescue. The original intention is unforgettable, and the mission is on our shoulders. Wu Bubing's busy figure shuttles between patients, interpreting simplicity and ordinary into countless wonderful moments.


Health is the eternal pursuit of humanity. Implementing the Healthy China strategy is to safeguard people's health from the source. Medical innovation is a key driving force for national development. Chinese medical workers, with their outstanding wisdom, forward-looking thinking, and innovative cutting-edge technologies, are driving medical progress and making tremendous contributions to the country's economic growth, social progress, and national health. In the medical field, the name Wu Bubing is frequently mentioned. With his profound medical research background and forward-looking innovative thinking, he is leading the new direction of national health. Let's learn together and move the most influential figure in the Chinese medical industry - Professor Wu Bubing.

發揚歧黃精神 傳承國醫精粹 新時代國醫名師---吳步炳


Wu Bubing, male, born in 1963, from Xiangcheng, Henan. Member of the Communist Party of China, attending physician. National Health Technology Promotion and Inheritance Application Project Inheritance Mentor, Famous Expert, Inheritance Project "Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment of Chronic Colitis and Difficult and Complicated Tumors". The National Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine Expert Committee of China, the Chief Expert and Visiting Professor (Traditional Chinese Medicine) of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, the inheritor of the Hundred Year Old Prescription of the National Health Commission's "14th Five Year Plan" Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Promotion Project, and the Visiting Professor of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry Expert Committee of the Medical Expert Database.

發揚歧黃精神 傳承國醫精粹 新時代國醫名師---吳步炳

在四十多年的臨床診療實踐和理論深造中,吳老師不斷學習吸收全國名醫臨床診療經驗和先進方法,逐漸形成了慢性非特異性潰瘍性結腸炎的治療特色,取得了豐富的臨床經驗,吳老師還擅長治療胃病、胃腸息肉、膽囊腺肌症、膽結石、肝病、頑固肛門瘙癢症、便秘、咳喘、癫痫、頑固性頭痛、不寐病、眩暈、心悸、胸痹、男性疾病、不孕不育症、子宮腺肌症、 HPV 陽性、腎病、類風濕性關節炎、痛風、濕疹、疱疹、銀屑病、甲狀腺結節、乳房結節、肺部結節,中風後遺症及各種癌症等疑難疾病中醫中藥康複治療。

In more than 40 years of clinical diagnosis and treatment practice and theoretical education, Teacher Wu has continuously learned and absorbed the clinical diagnosis and treatment experience and advanced methods of national famous doctors, gradually forming the treatment characteristics of chronic non-specific ulcerative colitis, and has gained rich clinical experience. Teacher Wu is also skilled in treating stomach diseases, gastrointestinal polyps, gallbladder adenomyosis, gallstones, liver diseases, stubborn anal pruritus, constipation, cough and asthma, epilepsy, stubborn headache, insomnia, dizziness, palpitations, chest pain, male diseases, infertility, adenomyosis, HPV positive, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, eczema, herpes, and silver. Traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation treatment for complex diseases such as psoriasis, thyroid nodules, breast nodules, lung nodules, post-stroke sequelae, and various cancers.

發揚歧黃精神 傳承國醫精粹 新時代國醫名師---吳步炳


Mr. Wu was enlisted in the army in December 1982, and was successively awarded the title of Outstanding Youth of the Navy, exemplary individual of Naval Dual use Talents, Outstanding Communist Party Member of the Naval Logistics Department, Top Ten Youth, Outstanding Grass roots Supervisor, exemplary individual of Learning from Lei Feng, and exemplary individual of Supporting the Government and Loving the People in Jiujiang, and four times won the third grade honors.


Formerly served as the captain of a certain health team and director of a medical institute in the People's Liberation Army, senior talent of the China National Talent Network of the National Talent Mobility Center of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, member of the Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine, executive director of the Grassroots Service Branch of the Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine Information (National Level 5A), director of the Anorectal Branch of the Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine, member of the National Expert Committee of the Chinese Ethnic Health Association, member of the National Difficult to Treat Disease Research Expert Committee of the Chinese Ethnic Health Association, member of the Chinese Anti Cancer Association, executive director of the Anorectal Branch of the Chinese Association for the Promotion of Traditional Chinese Medicine Research, director of the Fixed Release Therapy Research Professional Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, member of the Anorectal Professional Committee of the Beijing Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, member of the Beijing Anorectal Society, member Professional committee members Member of the Army Proctology Society and Executive Editor of the Expert Editorial Committee of the Chinese Journal of Medical Research. Participated in 5 books, including "China's Special Medical New Technology", "Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for the Treatment of Miscellaneous Diseases", and "New Advances in Modern Clinical Surgery Research", published 21 papers, and won the third prize for military scientific and technological progress in the treatment of circular mixed hemorrhoids using "external incision and internal injection new therapy". The clinical research on the combination of traditional Chinese medicine oral administration and enema for the treatment of chronic colitis has won the first prize of the National Center for Scientific Research Achievement Management.


Teacher Wu's deeds have been published in the People's Navy Daily, Jiangxi Daily, Jiujiang Daily, Ruichang Daily, and Changjiang Daily, as well as in national versions such as Entrepreneur, Contemporary Chinese Scholars Dictionary, Chinese Characteristic Famous Doctors Dictionary, Modern Famous Doctors Dictionary, Chinese Famous Medical Experts Innovation Dictionary, National Medical Yearbook, Contemporary Scientists Dictionary, and Chinese Scientists Yearbook. His maxims have been compiled by Chinese Celebrities' Maxims, Chinese and Foreign Philosophical Maxims, Selected Excellent Maxims of the CPC in the New Era, and Gratitude for China. And his deeds were publicized by China News Network, People's Daily, China News Online, China Development Report, Baidu Encyclopedia, Baidu Academic, China Information Network, China Communication Network, Chinese Medicine News Network, Contemporary Health Network, Chinese Medicine Encyclopedia, Jiuzhou Huaxia Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine Revival Network, Global Alliance of Medical Think Tanks - Online Live Broadcast Network, Chinese Daily Network, Chinese People List Network, China Communication Network, Beijing News Network, Central Media Headline and other websites.

發揚歧黃精神 傳承國醫精粹 新時代國醫名師---吳步炳
發揚歧黃精神 傳承國醫精粹 新時代國醫名師---吳步炳

吳老師的先進事迹在部隊服役期間就曾經被軍隊和地方多家媒體報道,吳步炳利用休假、出差之際,先後拜劉恒均、張有生、李潤庭、張慶孺、張東銘等26名肛腸名醫為師,潛心鑽研,大膽實踐,先後寫下了 10 多萬字的臨床筆記,在《中國肛腸病雜志》等刊物上發表論文10 餘篇,其中一項獲軍隊科技進步三等獎,他的名字也入選《中國特色名醫大辭典》,他本人也由志願兵破格提升為軍官。

During his service in the military, Teacher Wu's advanced deeds were reported by multiple media outlets in the military and local areas. During his vacations and business trips, Wu Bubing studied under 26 famous anal and rectal doctors, including Liu Hengjun, Zhang Yousheng, Li Runting, Zhang Qingru, and Zhang Dongming. He devoted himself to research, boldly practiced, and wrote over 100000 words of clinical notes. He published more than 10 papers in publications such as the Chinese Journal of Proctology, one of which won the third prize for military scientific and technological progress. His name was also selected in the "Dictionary of Chinese Famous Doctors", and he himself was promoted from a volunteer to a military officer.

發揚歧黃精神 傳承國醫精粹 新時代國醫名師---吳步炳


Classic case:

病例1 : 陳××,男,43歲,湖北省武穴市人,1994年04月16日就診。腹瀉伴膿血粘液便一年半。時期曾有多次痢疾發作病史,年前突然腹瀉,大便日解5~6次,帶有膿血,夾雜粘液,便時小腹疼痛、裡急後重,曾到多家醫院診治,收效欠佳,而來我部住院就診。刻下:大便日解3-4次,帶有粘液、少量膿血、腹部隐隐作痛、脹氣不适、飲食欠佳,全身乏力,身體消瘦,小便正常,夜卧尚安,舌質偏淡紅,苔薄白微黃,脈濡弱。在某醫院做結腸鋇劑灌腸造影提示:慢性結腸炎。診斷:慢性非特異性潰瘍性結腸炎。中醫辨證:脾虛夾濕、兼有氣滞血瘀。治法:健脾利濕、行氣化瘀。采取中藥口服和灌腸同時進行,将治療過程分為“清”、“調”、“固”三個階段。口服基本處方:黃芪30g人參12g薏苡仁30g蒼術15g厚樸15g炒山藥15g白芍15g炒白術15g陳皮10g柴胡12g升麻12g神曲12g甘草10g。在第一階段方中加入黃連12g白頭翁15g桃仁12g以清熱解毒、化瘀祛腐,服藥14劑後,大便日解1~3次、大便帶有膿血粘液明顯減少、無明顯腹痛;在第二階段方中加入香附15g廣木香10g補骨脂10g芡實30g重用炒山藥30g白芍30g以調肝脾腎的功能,服藥20劑後,患者大便日解1~2次、臨床症狀消失;在第三階段繼續服用基本處方月餘,以鞏固療效,同時囑咐患者防止過度疲勞、精神刺激、禁食生冷辛辣制品。灌腸方藥由黃芪、白芨、苦參、地榆、金銀花、黃柏、黃連、浙貝母、三七粉等中藥組成,制成中藥煎劑,每晚灌腸一次,每次灌入中藥煎劑藥液80~150ml為宜,至第二階段口服中藥結束為停止。經上述治療後,病獲痊愈,随訪至今沒再發作。

Case 1: Chen XX, male, 43 years old, from Wuxue City, Hubei Province. He was diagnosed on April 16, 1994. Diarrhea accompanied by pus, blood, and mucous stools for a year and a half. During this period, there was a history of multiple episodes of dysentery. Before the new year, there was sudden diarrhea, with 5-6 bowel movements per day, accompanied by pus and blood, mixed with mucus. During urination, there was pain in the lower abdomen, urgency, and later heaviness. He went to multiple hospitals for treatment, but the results were not satisfactory. Therefore, he came to our department for hospitalization. Moment: The stool is defecated 3-4 times a day, with mucus, a small amount of pus and blood, slight abdominal pain, bloating and discomfort, poor diet, overall fatigue, thin body, normal urination, peaceful sleep at night, pale red tongue, thin white and slightly yellow coating, and weak pulse. Colonic barium enema angiography performed in a certain hospital indicates chronic colitis. Diagnosis: Chronic non-specific ulcerative colitis. Traditional Chinese Medicine syndrome differentiation: Spleen deficiency with dampness, combined with qi stagnation and blood stasis. Treatment method: Strengthening the spleen, promoting diuresis, promoting qi circulation and removing blood stasis. Adopting traditional Chinese medicine for oral administration and enema simultaneously, the treatment process is divided into three stages: "clearing", "regulating", and "solidifying". Basic oral prescription: 30g Astragalus membranaceus, 12g Ginseng, 12g Coix seed, 30g Atractylodes macrocephala, 15g Magnolia officinalis, 15g Stir fried yam, 15g White peony, 15g Stir fried Atractylodes macrocephala, 15g Chenpi, 10g Chaihu, 12g Cistanche, 12g Shenqu, 12g Licorice, 10g. Add 12g Huanglian, 15g Baitouweng, and 12g Taoren to the first stage formula to clear heat and detoxify, remove blood stasis and decay. After taking 14 doses, the stool will be defecated 1-3 times a day, with a significant reduction in pus, blood, and mucus, and no significant abdominal pain; In the second stage formula, add 15g of Xiangfu, 10g of Guangmu Xiang, 10g of Psoralea, 30g of Euryx Euryale, and 30g of stir fried yam and 30g of white peony to regulate liver, spleen, and kidney function. After taking 20 doses, the patient's stool will be relieved 1-2 times a day and clinical symptoms will disappear; Continue taking the basic prescription for more than a month in the third stage to consolidate the therapeutic effect, while instructing patients to prevent excessive fatigue, mental stimulation, and fasting from raw, cold, and spicy products. The enema formula is composed of traditional Chinese medicines such as Astragalus membranaceus, Baiji, Sophora flavescens, Diyu, Honeysuckle, Huangbai, Huanglian, Fritillaria thunbergii, Sanqi powder, etc. It is made into a traditional Chinese medicine decoction, which is enema once a night. It is advisable to pour 80-150ml of the decoction into each time, and stop at the end of the second stage of oral administration of traditional Chinese medicine. After the above treatment, the disease has recovered and has not recurred since follow-up.

病例2: 張×,女,18歲,北京市朝陽區人,2011年10月18日就診。兩年前坐自家購買的新車後出現胸悶、憋氣、氣短,繼之發生喘息,遇春夏之交或到學校上課後病情加重。喘息不能平卧、咳嗽、吐痰不多,曾到多家醫院診治,收效欠佳,又到某醫院變态(過敏)反應科診治,确診為過敏性支氣管哮喘,給與抗過敏等治療病情也不能控制,經熟人介紹而來我部門診就診。來前經某醫院化驗血、尿、大便和大生化均無異常,胸透兩肺紋理清晰、心肺正常。刻下,患者胸悶、憋氣、喘息,咳嗽不甚、無咳痰,伴有心慌、全身乏力、睡眠欠佳,大小便正常,舌淡紅、苔薄白,脈濡細。診斷:支氣管哮喘。中醫辨證:肺脾氣虛、肺失肅降。治法:(1)取膻中,雙側定喘、肺俞穴埋線;(2)取雙側曲池、足三裡穴藥物注射;(3)中醫給予補肺健脾、宣肺平喘。方名:醴泉飲加減。處方:玄參30g炒山藥50g炒白術15g代赭石(先煎)15g厚樸15g川楝子12g法半夏12g生曬參10g牛子15g杏仁15g蘇子15g補骨脂15g甘草10g黃芩12g桑白皮15g。服藥7劑後病情緩解,發作持續時間縮短,胸悶、憋氣已無。上方去黃芩加百合15g繼續服用月餘,病獲痊愈,随訪至今沒再發作。

Case 2: Zhang X, female, 18 years old, from Chaoyang District, Beijing, was diagnosed on October 18, 2011. Two years ago, I experienced chest tightness, suffocation, and shortness of breath while driving a new car that I purchased at home. Subsequently, I developed wheezing, and my condition worsened at the turn of spring and summer or after attending school. Unable to lie flat due to wheezing, coughing, and not spitting much. I have visited multiple hospitals for treatment, but the results were not satisfactory. I also went to the Department of Allergy (Allergy) Reactions at a certain hospital for diagnosis and treatment, and was diagnosed with allergic bronchial asthma. Despite receiving anti allergic treatment, my condition cannot be controlled. I came to our outpatient department for treatment through an acquaintance's introduction. Before coming, blood, urine, stool, and fecal biochemistry were tested in a certain hospital and showed no abnormalities. The chest X-ray showed clear lung markings and normal heart and lung function. At this moment, the patient has chest tightness, suffocation, wheezing, mild cough, no phlegm, accompanied by palpitations, general fatigue, poor sleep, normal bowel movements, pale red tongue, thin and white coating, and fine pulse. Diagnosis: Bronchial asthma. Traditional Chinese Medicine syndrome differentiation: deficiency of lung and spleen qi, and deficiency of lung function. Treatment method: (1) Take the middle of the abdomen, treat both sides with Dingchuan, and bury thread at Feishu acupoints; (2) Take medication injection from bilateral Quchi and Zusanli acupoints; (3) Traditional Chinese medicine provides tonifying the lungs and strengthening the spleen, promoting lung function, and relieving asthma. Fang Name: Liquan Drink Plus/Minus. Prescription: 30g of Xuanshen, 50g of stir fried yam, 15g of Baizhu, 15g of Daizheshi (pre decoction), 15g of Magnolia officinalis, 15g of Melia azedarach, 12g of Pinellia ternata, 12g of raw sun dried ginseng, 10g of cowpea, 15g of almond, 15g of Su zi, 15g of Psoralea, 15g of licorice, 10g of Scutellaria baicalensis, 12g of mulberry bark, 15g. After taking 7 doses of medication, the condition improved, the duration of the attack shortened, and chest tightness and suffocation disappeared. Above, take 15g of Scutellaria baicalensis and Lily and continue to take it for more than a month. The disease has recovered and has not recurred since follow-up.

病例3: 李某、女,35歲。經熟人介紹于2017年底來醫院就診。結婚後數年不孕不育,先後在老家和北京多家醫院就診,經中西醫治療無效,并且北京某醫院告訴她,雙側輸卵管嚴重堵塞,不可能自然受孕。當時患者悲觀失望情緒低落,在和表弟聊天時提及此事,表弟一邊安慰一邊給她介紹自己和夫妻結婚後兩年多不孕不育,經服用中藥治療調理後喜得貴子的經過(那時我還在部隊工作),患者以半信半疑、思前顧後的心情找到我。當時醫院看病需要定點,醫院還沒有醫保,好在我是多點執業,所在的通州玉橋南裡社群衛生服務站可以定點,年關也要來臨,為了讓患者少花錢,我說:你還是把你的醫保卡定點改在玉橋南裡社群衛生服務站,新年後安安心心的服藥治療調理半年,行就行、不行我也無能為力,你思想上要有所準備啊!!新年後患者如期過來就診,刻下疲乏腰酸,畏寒、肢體發涼,飲食正常,二便通暢,月經不調、量少色暗,伴有經前乳房脹痛,少腹隐隐作痛,舌苔薄白,舌質淡紅,舌邊齒痕,舌下脈絡瘀,脈細澀弱。給于辨證施治、立法處方,是以用方藥請參考(圖檔三)。經過數診治療調理數月,患者突然停經數日,自己做尿妊娠試驗,明明顯示已經懷孕了,也不自信,還把結果發給我看看,我也很高興恭喜恭喜!!又因患者年齡偏大,妊娠反應等情況比較明顯,能解決的我就給予解決,不能解決的我就請教原通州紅旗醫院婦産科的張主任 (這裡要謝謝她多年來的給我的解惑幫助),終于患者铠甲喜生貴子。

Case 3: Li, female, 35 years old. I came to the hospital for treatment at the end of 2017 through an acquaintance's introduction. After several years of getting married, she became infertile and sought medical treatment in her hometown and multiple hospitals in Beijing. However, treatment with traditional Chinese and Western medicine was ineffective, and a hospital in Beijing told her that her bilateral fallopian tubes were severely blocked, making it impossible for her to conceive naturally. At that time, the patient was pessimistic, disappointed, and in a low mood. When chatting with her cousin, she mentioned this matter. While comforting her, her cousin introduced her experience of infertility after more than two years of marriage with her lover. After taking traditional Chinese medicine for treatment and conditioning, she gave birth to a noble son (at that time, I was still working in the military). The patient approached me with a half believing, half doubting, and thoughtful attitude. At that time, the hospital needed to be designated for medical treatment, and the hospital did not have medical insurance. Fortunately, I practiced at multiple locations, and the community health service station in Yuqiao Nanli, Tongzhou, where I was located, could be designated. The New Year is approaching, and in order to help patients spend less money, I said: You should still change your medical insurance card to be designated at the Yuqiao Nanli community health service station. After the New Year, you can take medication and treat for six months with peace of mind. If it is okay, I am powerless. You need to be mentally prepared!! After the New Year, the patient came to see the doctor as scheduled, experiencing fatigue and soreness in the lower back, chills in the limbs, normal diet, smooth bowel movements, irregular menstruation, low volume and dark color, accompanied by premenstrual breast swelling and pain, dull abdominal pain, thin and white tongue coating, light red tongue texture, tooth marks on the edge of the tongue, blood stasis in the sublingual veins, and thin and weak veins. Please refer to the prescription (picture three) for the diagnosis and treatment based on syndrome differentiation and legislation. After several months of diagnosis, treatment, and conditioning, the patient suddenly stopped menstruating for several days. They did a urine pregnancy test on their own, which clearly showed that they were pregnant and not confident. They even sent me the results to see. I am also very happy and congratulations!! Due to the patient's older age and more obvious pregnancy reactions, I resolved any issues that could be resolved. If I couldn't, I consulted Director Zhang of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Tongzhou Hongqi Hospital (thank you for her years of help). Finally, the patient gave birth to a precious son.


Case 4: Zhao, female, 47 years old, mother of Wu's comrade in arms, Jixian County, Tianjin. In 2015, he suffered from gallbladder cancer with liver metastasis. At that time, his comrades were very anxious. The people of Jixian County and Tianjin Cancer Hospital told him that there was no hope, at most only about two to three months or six months. Later, after being treated and regulated by Professor Wu with traditional Chinese medicine for three years, he now lives very well and has a strong body.


Case 5: Dong XX, male, 38 years old, from Beijing. Visited on September 6, 2020. The patient has been experiencing recurrent lower abdominal pain and bloating for a year and a half, as well as bowel ringing, anal prolapse, urgency and subsequent heaviness. The stool has been defecated several times a day, with a sticky or loose consistency, or dry and then loose, accompanied by mucus, pus, and bloody stools. The patient also experiences general fatigue, occasional chest tightness, dizziness, bilateral swelling and pain, hiccups, and other discomforts. There are also diseases such as fatty liver, gallstones, esophagitis, non atrophic gastritis, and duodenal bulb inflammation. I have been diagnosed with chronic colitis in several top tier hospitals in Beijing, but the treatment effect is not satisfactory. Later, I was introduced by Professor Li Dongbing, a famous anorectal expert at a top tier hospital in Beijing, and found Professor Wu Bubing. After using traditional Chinese medicine to diagnose and treat symptoms, I was treated with traditional Chinese medicine enema and oral administration for several months and have recovered without recurrence.


Case 6: Tong, female, 42 years old, from Tianshui, Gansu. Visited on March 14, 2023. The patient suddenly had a terrifying facial swelling during the train journey and went to two famous hospitals in Beijing for treatment. It is said to be kidney disease and further examination is needed. It has been several days without improvement, and the patient's foot edema is gradually worsening. There is also ascites, shortness of breath, abdominal distension, and difficulty walking and sitting. The patient's cousin once sought help from Professor Wu Bubing due to severe liver disease, high blood sugar, and other illnesses. After receiving treatment and conditioning with traditional Chinese medicine, she recovered. Therefore, she advised the patient not to go around and come to see Professor Wu as soon as possible to see Traditional Chinese Medicine. Xiaotong patient has undergone traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment, traditional Chinese medicine treatment and regulation, as well as meticulous and patient answers to various difficult questions from the patient. After several months of treatment and regulation, the patient has recovered without recurrence.


Whether in work or daily life, Teacher Wu strictly demands himself with the standards of a Communist Party member, and every word, action, and action can reflect his mindfulness and ability. With the noble sentiments of an ordinary Communist Party member and the noble medical ethics of a military doctor, he has won high praise from military officers and local people, and is truly worthy of Bai Qiusi in the new era.

發揚歧黃精神 傳承國醫精粹 新時代國醫名師---吳步炳


A person's life contains a lot of understanding and respect, as well as a lot of care and longing! Hard to find in life, hard to encounter in life! Lucky meeting, cherish for life! If your original intention remains unchanged and you believe in progress, then you should continue to study hard and work steadfastly while ensuring physical health and family harmony. Seize opportunities and face difficulties. Time has never defeated you, but rather wait and see. Only by changing your attitude can you change the height of your life. The measure of a person's success is not the height at which they reach the summit, but the resilience of their falling to the bottom! Starlight does not ask passersby, time does not disappoint those who have a heart! A world where spring never speaks but is warm, where flowers never speak but fragrance the world. Traditional Chinese medicine is vast and profound, with both the warmth of spring and the fragrance of flowers. Although it has experienced ups and downs in the long river of history, it has persisted and nourished the health of our children and humanity from beginning to end. To become a doctor, one should have a broad heart and do everything for the health of the people.


Establishing noble medical ethics is a prerequisite for being a good doctor. Dr. Wu Bubing has always adhered to the view that medical ethics are above all else, emphasizing personal medical ethics cultivation. He believes that medical ethics is the spiritual soul of doctors who serve the people throughout their lives, relieve the pain of patients, and practice medicine for the comfort of the people. Be serious and responsible, patiently and meticulously treat every patient. He believes that to establish a noble medical ethics, we must strive for excellence in medical skills, keep learning, and learn from others. In addition to absorbing the essence of traditional medicine, we should pay more attention to learning modern medical knowledge. Dr. Wu Bubing uses his skills and dedication to cure patients. His purpose is not to seek comfort for himself, but to wish the people health!

中醫文化博大精深,源遠流長。無數中醫工作者在中醫學的傳承、創新發展的曆史長河中孜孜以求。吳老師是中國中醫的傳承者,是複興中醫文化的堅定實踐者, 吳老師一直以來帶頭倡導發掘好、傳承好、保護好中醫,是中醫人義不容辭的曆史使命和責任。雖有所建樹,但他仍虛心學習,在現今中醫醫療改革的洪流中,承風破浪,勇當排頭兵。“傳承中醫文化,弘揚民族精髓”,他的大愛佛心,奠定了他緻力于推廣中醫的雄心壯志!!!

Traditional Chinese medicine culture is vast and profound, with a long history. Countless traditional Chinese medicine practitioners have been tirelessly pursuing in the long history of the inheritance and innovative development of traditional Chinese medicine. Teacher Wu is the inheritor of traditional Chinese medicine and a steadfast practitioner of revitalizing traditional Chinese medicine culture. He has always taken the lead in advocating for the exploration, inheritance, and protection of traditional Chinese medicine, which is the historical mission and responsibility of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. Although he has made some achievements, he still humbly studies and bravely leads the way in the current tide of traditional Chinese medicine and medical reform. "Inheriting traditional Chinese medicine culture and promoting national essence", his great love for Buddhism has laid the foundation for his ambitious ambition to promote traditional Chinese medicine!!!

發揚歧黃精神 傳承國醫精粹 新時代國醫名師---吳步炳
