
The self-confidence of a generation of Taiwanese fans stems from arrogance and blindness

author:Onyx fairy
The self-confidence of a generation of Taiwanese fans stems from arrogance and blindness

Are there any people in Taiwan who understand? Yes! In particular, some people in the academic circles understand both the world and the mainland, and they have personally experienced or profoundly studied what the current situation is, what they are like, what others are like, and what changes the mainland is experiencing or have experienced, so they see the problem more clearly.

But it must be said that such people are in the minority. And they are very isolated in Taiwan, and they are in a situation of "being scolded" at any time.

So why are the majority of Taiwanese people very resistant, even hostile to, the mainland, and have a very strong resistance to cross-strait reunification? The sense of self-superiority and the feeling that unity is "dimensionality reduction" and looking down on the mainland from the bones are important factors.

Can't afford to eat tea eggs – it's a joke, but it's representative, and many people, especially young people, do think like they do. In their eyes, the mainland is not a compatriot, but a low-class, poor, backward, ignorant... A group that cannot sit on an equal footing with them.

You told him that the mainland's economy has grown by leaps and bounds, that the mainland's science and technology has moved towards the high-end, that the mainland's living standards are not bad, and that the mainland's infrastructure is very advanced... They were neither willing to believe nor listen, and they said it was a propaganda tactic.

The mainland has a good epidemic prevention and control, and there are few patients, they say that this is barbaric, it is a low-level physical way. Americans get sick a lot and die a lot, they think this is advanced, people are sick so much, just like living and working in peace, indicating that the United States is advanced.

That's it.

Such Taiwanese are in the majority.

The self-confidence of a generation of Taiwanese fans stems from arrogance and blindness

In fact, to put it bluntly, there are two points:

One is arrogance. In the past, the mainland was indeed poor, indeed backward, and even poor, so the condescending posture of the people on the island was already accustomed to seeing the mainland, and the inertial thinking of "I am more noble than you" that was cultivated was difficult to change, and it was not willing to change. Naturally arrogance freezes.

Everyone has the gene of "looking at each other" to gain psychological advantage, and over the years, a collective, habitual arrogance psychology has occupied most Taiwanese cognition, so it is difficult to change. You let them admit that the mainland is developing fast, that many places are already ahead, and that he would rather be killed than admit it.

Anyway you're behind. Not to fall behind is to fall behind.

In fact, this is very absurd, the mainland has the characteristics of the mainland, Taiwan has the characteristics of Taiwan, there is nothing about development and backwardness, Myanmar is still backward, do we look down on Myanmar? Some parts of the mainland, some aspects, are indeed not yet developed, these are objective existence, yangyang big country, imbalance is also a long-term reality, no matter what things have a development process, but this is worth your arrogance? To put it bluntly, this is a manifestation of narrowness.

The second is blindness. To what extent is some Taiwanese's perception ridiculous? It's hard to imagine that they even think the mainland is still too far behind to have no phone booths!! Telephone booths are a symbol of development!!!

In fact, jokes like this are not all, but they have a certain warning effect: we must know - Taiwan does not want to know our current situation, you don't have to tell him, it is useless, he will cover his eyes.

Don't tell him.

What he wants to think, then think.

Explain to him, brain cells.

In fact, for the general trend of the world, China's rise has been unstoppable, is a clear and accelerating fact, if you can not see this, and the blind are similar, those who shouted "our family harvest has lost a hundred pounds, where is the rise?" "Man, did you explain usefully to him?"

Whether in terms of economy, science and technology, military, and influence, China is in a momentum of riveting forward, and it can repeatedly maintain a world-class speed under the difficult external environment.

Therefore, the great cause that China upholds must be realized, and there is not the slightest doubt about this.

Nothing can stop it.

Is there anything else that can unify the great cause? No matter how difficult it is, no matter how dangerous and obstructive it is, China will not give up on this goal, and it will definitely achieve it.

It's just a point in time.

For arrogant and blind people, don't explain, don't argue, don't do what to do, farmers never listen to the clams when they plant the land. For those lara who obstruct the plough, a pickaxe is enough.

The self-confidence of a generation of Taiwanese fans stems from arrogance and blindness

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