
11 "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", Ding Guansen's version "saved" Huo Jianhua's version, and now the ranking is like this

author:Spoiler life

After 5 years, Jin Yong's big BIG IP drama "Smiling Proud of the River" was remade and released again, and this time the cast can be described as unprecedentedly "powerful", and none of them even knew. The protagonist this time is Ding Guansen, who was born in 93, another generation of Ling Guchong after Huo Jianhua in the cloth harun pants. So far, it has achieved a "high score" of 2.4, successfully saving Huo Jianhua's version and winning the first place in the rating. This version has no power to complain, I really don't know what the people who made this drama picture?

11 "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", Ding Guansen's version "saved" Huo Jianhua's version, and now the ranking is like this

Since Jin Yongda created "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu" in the 1960s, this novel has become a must-read for Jin Yong fans. Until 1984, TVB produced the first drama version of "Smiling Proud of jianghu", that is, Zhou Runfa's version of "Laughing Proud of Jianghu", at that time, Fa Ge was not very famous, but he alone took on the TVB ratings guarantee. The fa ge version of Ling Guchong, who has a bit of a deep look in his eyes, can still convince the audience, but he lacks the vitality that Ling Guchong should have.

11 "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", Ding Guansen's version "saved" Huo Jianhua's version, and now the ranking is like this

In the same year, Taiwan also filmed the TV series "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", but the performance of The Taiwanese in the costume TV series is obviously not as good as that of the Hong Kong people, and this version of "Laughing Proud of the Jianghu" starring Leung Ka-jen, Liu Xuehua and so on did not let the audience pursue, and few people know this version until now. In the play, Ling Guchong, played by Liang Jiaren, is too serious, and his stiff face is not at all in line with the temperament of Ling Guchong, who loves to joke and worship freedom.

11 "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", Ding Guansen's version "saved" Huo Jianhua's version, and now the ranking is like this

12 years later, TVB remade "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu" again, and this time Ling Guchong was Lu Songxian, which can be said to perfectly make up for the lack of temperament and demeanor of Chow Yun Fat and Liang Jiaren. In the play, Lu Songxian's unworldly, simple kindness, optimism and liveliness revealed by Lu Songxian make people feel that it is still very appropriate for Ling Guchong, who is indifferent to fame and fortune and has a promiscuous personality. Therefore, this version of "Smiling Proud of the River" can be described as a great success.

11 "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", Ding Guansen's version "saved" Huo Jianhua's version, and now the ranking is like this

In 2000, Taiwan and Singapore each filmed a version of "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", and this version of Taiwan's China Television was starred by Ren Xianqi, Yuan Yongyi, and Chen Derong, but the ratings were very low, especially Ren Xianqi, making everyone feel that what he played was himself, and there was no way to integrate into the role. The Singapore version of "Smiling Proud of the River" is starring Ma Jingtao and Fan Wenfang, and the plot adaptation is relatively large, and the rating is not ideal.

11 "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", Ding Guansen's version "saved" Huo Jianhua's version, and now the ranking is like this
11 "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", Ding Guansen's version "saved" Huo Jianhua's version, and now the ranking is like this

The 2001 CCTV remake of this version of "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", in terms of plot, is a high degree of consistency with the original work, and on the whole, it is completely second-killed the two versions of Taiwan's China Television and Singapore. Whether it is the scene or the costume, it cost a lot of money, but Li Yapeng's Role of Ling Guchong is less chivalrous, and sometimes the traces of the performance are slightly heavier, but the careful shooting has been unanimously praised.

11 "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", Ding Guansen's version "saved" Huo Jianhua's version, and now the ranking is like this

In 2013, "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", starring Huo Jianhua and Chen Qiaoen, "saved" Ren Xianqi's version and successfully took the penultimate ranking in his hand. It is to make a good martial arts drama into a romance drama.

11 "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", Ding Guansen's version "saved" Huo Jianhua's version, and now the ranking is like this

Of course, there are also many versions of the movie, such as the first film version of "Smiling Proud of jianghu" in 1978, Xu Ke's "Smiling Proud of Jianghu" 3-part, and "Laughing Proud of Jianghu" starring Jet Li, Lin Qingxia, Guan Zhilin starring "Laughing Proud of jianghu oriental undefeated", which of these 11 "Smiling Proud Jianghu" is everyone's favorite? If you name the drama version, I think it should be like this: Lu Songxian version> Li Yapeng version> Ma Jingtao version> Ren Xianqi version> Fa Ge version> Liang Jiaren version> Huo Jianhua version> Ding Guansen version, I don't know what everyone thinks?

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