
Kunlun Duel Ring Change Concert Scene Tang Chao Hao Ge took turns singing

author:Kunlun decides
Kunlun Duel Ring Change Concert Scene Tang Chao Hao Ge took turns singing
Kunlun Duel Ring Change Concert Scene Tang Chao Hao Ge took turns singing
Kunlun Duel Ring Change Concert Scene Tang Chao Hao Ge took turns singing
Kunlun Duel Ring Change Concert Scene Tang Chao Hao Ge took turns singing
Kunlun Duel Ring Change Concert Scene Tang Chao Hao Ge took turns singing
Kunlun Duel Ring Change Concert Scene Tang Chao Hao Ge took turns singing
Kunlun Duel Ring Change Concert Scene Tang Chao Hao Ge took turns singing
Kunlun Duel Ring Change Concert Scene Tang Chao Hao Ge took turns singing

On November 21st, Jiangsu Satellite TV's "Kunlun Decision, Shenzhen Station, Hailong Reproduction" jointly created by Liu Hailong Champion Elite Hui and Kunlun Decision came to a successful end at the Shenzhen Gymnasium. At the scene of the competition, Tang Chao, the founder of the story love song, sang the latest songs with deep feelings and interacted warmly with the audience. In the evening, Liu Huan's disciple Hao Ge also came to the scene of the event and presented several good songs to the audience.

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