
Tang Chao: Knowledge blockchain and digital culture city

author:Longyuan Digital Media Group Tang Chao

Tang Chao, chairman of Longyuan Digital Media Group, delivered a speech entitled "Knowledge Blockchain and Digital Culture City" at the main forum of the Digital Expo, and the following is the full text of the speech.

Today's speech mainly wants to talk about two concepts or keywords: one is the knowledge blockchain, and the other is the digital culture city. Both are fundamentally related to our digital publishing and distribution.

Let's start with the knowledge blockchain:

Blockchain as a new technology has been included in the national development strategy. It is characterized by "as an integrated application of distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, encryption algorithm and other technologies". The basic functions and characteristics of blockchain can be simply summarized as "confirmation of rights", "traceability" and "incentives".

In the field of digital publishing, the issue of copyright that bothers us the most is the issue of copyright. In the case of, a communication platform that brings together thousands of humanities and popular periodicals, the number of articles updated every month involves tens of thousands of authors, and it is almost impossible to obtain the prior authorization of tens of thousands of different authors every month. This problem can be comprehensively solved through the blockchain confirmation and traceability mechanism.

What is a knowledge blockchain?

The knowledge blockchain is the content blockchain of knowledge + the blockchain of knowledge people. The so-called intellectual person is the creator, user and disseminator of knowledge as a carrier. The knowledge blockchain will not only infinitely revitalize the value of knowledge content through rights confirmation and traceability, but also fully activate the great value of knowledge people. Everyone is a person of knowledge to varying degrees. There is only the difference between quantity and value. Today, we recognize the value of the so-called "intellectual masters" and "opinion leaders". But "big coffee" may only account for one in ten thousand or even one millionth of the "intellectual" crowd. Taking China's nearly 20 million teachers as an example, there are only a few hundred famous teachers who can actually realize their own value. Yet we all know that every teacher has his own intellectual value, and his natural fans are his students, hundreds or thousands, but this scale does not meet the needs of commercial value and so it becomes a huge silent value. The knowledge blockchain will be able to bring together all the knowledge people, large and small, and manifest their value through the technology and value of the blockchain. How is the intellectual value of ordinary people reflected? I think it can be achieved through the mechanism of the blockchain society

The second concept is the digital culture city.

We summarize the development history of the Internet in the past as the Information Internet, to the Commercial Internet and then to the Industrial Internet. But our future is moving towards the regional Internet. The regional Internet has two characteristics, a geographical distance defined by the area, and an administrative jurisdiction as the area of the range. We call this area a "digital city."

There are three conditions and backgrounds for the digital city: one is the upgrading of the government governance model, and the other is the integration of online and offline services. The Internet is no longer extralegal and must be placed within the regional jurisdiction of the government; the mobile Internet brings together our re-virtual and real worlds.

Digital cities are characterized by deep integration and convergence. It's easy to think of "digital cities" and "smart cities" as the same thing. In fact, smart city is a foreign word "SMART CITY", which originally means "smart city", which is a technical term that mainly refers to the city's digital infrastructure, water circuits, and cloud services. The digital city also includes superstructures and living services beyond infrastructure, which we summarize in terms of "cultural city". The digital city is the integration of smart cities and cultural cities, the integration of government services and commercial services, and the integration of online and offline.

The basic carrier of digital city integration is the service terminal with mobile phone as the core. We call it the "urban mainstream, super client." "Mainstream" means that this client will be led by the government and all residents are inseparable, and "super" means that this client will accommodate and carry all the "content sources" and "service sources" needed by the city's services. Whether it is government services, knowledge services, or commercial services, they will be accommodated according to demand.

This client will use artificial intelligence, big data and other technologies to push all the "sources" to everyone, forming a thousand faces and personalized "service flow".

In the construction of a digital city, content becomes the entrance and connector of the super client. Content connects services together. An article, a video in addition to its own content, the more important value becomes a recommendation and guidance, connecting various content sources and service sources.

The value of the knowledge content here is reflected in two aspects. One is its own value. One is the value it brings. That is, selling content and content marketing. For example, in the past, we sold a book for the benefit of a book, but the knowledge blockchain will make a book a tool to carry goods and drive a service system.

The knowledge blockchain is the value amplifier of the cultural city and the amplifier of the value of the knowledge person. In the service of the whole city, the value of content and the value of people are identified through blockchain rights confirmation and traceability, whether it is producers or consumers. More importantly, another feature of the blockchain is "incentive" to reflect. That is, the token characteristics and securitization of knowledge.

The significance of the knowledge blockchain can not only recognize and magnify the value of knowledge itself. Its potentially huge significance is also that it can become a "hard currency" or "token". Just as the U.S. dollar once used gold as collateral to become a hard currency, blockchain-based digital currencies will use knowledge as a backing for digital currencies, making the city's so-called content-serving currencies tokens. The metered knowledge coin as a token of digital currency will serve as a value evaluation system and incentive system for society. Consensus mechanisms will form the basis for community co-governance under the jurisdiction of national legal and political systems.

Finally, introduce the preparation that Longyuan has made for the knowledge blockchain and digital culture city. After 20 years of accumulation, we will represent China's mainstream knowledge content humanistic mass journal content digitization, in accordance with the knowledge architecture, the formation of tens of millions of articles of knowledge base, through the blockchain mechanism for authors and journals to create greater value. This morning, Longyuan signed a strategic agreement with the Beijing Copyright Protection Center and the Copyright Chain National Operation Center to jointly build and operate the knowledge blockchain. Wang Yefei, minister of the Beijing Municipal Propaganda Department, also attended and delivered a speech, which is a great encouragement to us. In 2017, we established the "Beijing Normal University Knowledge Blockchain Research Center" with the School of Technology and the School of Finance of Beijing Normal University to solve the technical problems and financial policy problems faced by the traceability and securitization of knowledge. In 2018, we established the Digital Culture City Research Center with the China Press and Publication Research Institute to study the theoretical issues and development models of digital cities. After 6 years of hard work, with the support of China Press and Publication Research Institute, China Press, Publication and Media Group, People's Daily Digital Communication Company and other institutions, we have completed the construction of 300 super clients in prefecture-level and city-level cities, of which 110 have been launched, and all of them can be launched by the end of the year. Among them, the "Digital Beijing" super client was launched last year under the direct guidance of the Beijing Municipal Propaganda Department. Please have time to download and try. It should be noted that the owner of the digital city client is the government, and we are only the providers and operators of technology and content. Of course, at present, the content and services that everyone sees are only part of it, and most of them are still gradually improving. Our vision is to make the urban super client a new culture and a new economy. Gather the power of knowledge and let reading connect everything in the city. Finally, take a look at a video. Thank you.

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