
Zhao Benshan's apprentice Tang Chao was missing for 5 days, and his wife was anxious to call the police, and now she has found the speculation that has been questioned

author:Brother Dai Jun

Speaking of Tang Chao, many people may feel a little strange, but I believe that many post-80s and post-90s have heard a song he composed and sung, "Wolf loves sheep", and can even hum out the lyrics of "Wolves love sheep, love crazy, who let them really love a game, wolves fall in love with sheep is not absurd, they say that there is love and direction".

Zhao Benshan's apprentice Tang Chao was missing for 5 days, and his wife was anxious to call the police, and now she has found the speculation that has been questioned

Tang Chao is a native of Heilongjiang, who has loved music since he was a child, launched his first solo music album "Lisa" at the age of 23, and quickly became popular on the Internet at the age of 25 with the song "Wolf Loves Sheep". After that, he also released singles such as "The Power of Smiles", "Once People Change Their Hearts", and "Good Boys". In 2009, at the age of 29, Tang Chao joined Benshan Media and became the first pop music disciple to worship under Zhao Benshan's door.

Zhao Benshan's apprentice Tang Chao was missing for 5 days, and his wife was anxious to call the police, and now she has found the speculation that has been questioned

Tang Chao not only developed on the road of music, but also involved in the film and television circle, he has starred in "Everything is Good", "Not a Matter of Money", "Drifting in Beijing and other film and television works. The movie "Drifting in Beijing" means a lot to Tang Chao, which is a true portrayal of him along the way, and he is very grateful to have his wife Yan An by his side.

Zhao Benshan's apprentice Tang Chao was missing for 5 days, and his wife was anxious to call the police, and now she has found the speculation that has been questioned

Tang Chao and Yan An met and fell in love in Lijiang, Yan An is an executive of a media company, although the two received a license but did not hold a wedding, after the marriage the two conceived a son. Not long ago, the two small families also founded a "Wolf Loves Sheep True Love Investigation" column on the live broadcast platform, the column is mainly to listen to the true story to solve the emotional confusion, and the column quickly accumulated a lot of fans after the start of the broadcast.

Zhao Benshan's apprentice Tang Chao was missing for 5 days, and his wife was anxious to call the police, and now she has found the speculation that has been questioned

However, after a live broadcast on September 9, Tang Chao disappeared, and Tang Chao's wife Yan Anlian sent multiple videos and even reported to the police, hoping to find the whereabouts of Tang Chao, and the outside world also speculated about it. Some people believe that the content of the column created by the two families angered the parties, causing Tang Chao to be personally attacked or threatened.

Zhao Benshan's apprentice Tang Chao was missing for 5 days, and his wife was anxious to call the police, and now she has found the speculation that has been questioned

Because just two days before Tang Chao disappeared, the column intervened in a dispute between a takeaway brother and the rich second generation, when the rich second generation left a harsh word: you don't let me feel better, and I don't let you have a good time! Some people also think that Tang Chao does not want to do live broadcasting anymore and goes out to hide for a few days to clean up.

Zhao Benshan's apprentice Tang Chao was missing for 5 days, and his wife was anxious to call the police, and now she has found the speculation that has been questioned

Until September 13, Yan An said that Tang Chao had been found, drunk and unconscious at a friend's house, and was ready to take Tang Chao back, this statement once again triggered heated discussion among netizens. Since they are friends, why not inform Tang Chao's wife, at least it can be said that people are safe.

Zhao Benshan's apprentice Tang Chao was missing for 5 days, and his wife was anxious to call the police, and now she has found the speculation that has been questioned

So many netizens began to question the authenticity of this incident, whether it was a script hype, for the sake of heat, some netizens believe that Tang Chao was pierced by some people's words, so they wanted to be quiet. Anyway, you can find it, after all, the column founded by the little two has really helped people in need.

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