
"Thank You Doctor" released the "Human Doctor" edition of the special edition Yang Mi Baiyu led the full lineup to debut

author:Jiahang Media

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Adapted from the Stellar Project contracted author Sheng Li's novel "ICU 48 Hours", the medical emotional care drama "Thank You Doctor" officially released the "Human Doctor" version of the special edition today, and the full cast led by Yang Mi and Bai Yu also made a surprise appearance for the first time, and how a group of powerful actors will interpret the moving story around the EICU (Emergency Intensive Care Unit) of Tongshan Hospital is worth looking forward to.

"Thank You Doctor" is jointly produced by Jiaxing Media, Wanda Pictures, New Media Eslite, Stellar Gravity and the Population and Culture Development Center of the National Health Commission, exclusively produced by Jiaxing Media, with Gao Chen as the chief producer, Zhou Yong as the screenwriter, Zhang Rui as the director, Yang Mi and Bai Yu starring, Xi Meijuan, Zhang Zhijian, You Benchang, Liu Jia, Wu Yufang, Bai Zhidi, Qiao Zhenyu, Fan Lei starring, Wang Yinan, Li Xie, Li Dongheng, Jiang Ruijia and Guo Xiaoting.

The special edition focuses on medical and human nature, and the heavy joining of powerful actors has aroused expectations

"Thank You Doctor" tells the story of the medical workers in the EICU who put the needs of patients first, save one acutely ill patient after another, but also give them the greatest respect and understanding, and help patients and families rebuild hope for life. The "Human Doctor" edition of the exposed special edition focuses on a large number of behind-the-scenes preparations and shooting details, and also presents the thinking of the entire creative team on life and death, medical nature and human nature in the preparation and filming process.

The special edition shows the daily work content of medical staff in the EICU in a figurative way, and takes it as the logical main line of the entire special series. After undergoing a series of processes such as receiving patients for emergency admission, carrying out various rescue operations, and communicating with the family members in critical condition to make choices, patients can finally be discharged from the hospital in a healthy physical and mental state and return to normal life, which is actually the scene that every medical worker wants to see most. At the same time, the special edition also calls for people on the same front, while doctors and patients have a better understanding of each other, they must also recognize the importance of respecting professionalism, empathy, and reverence for life. At the end of the special series, the participants of "Thank You Doctor" held the field note board that wrote the words "Thank You Doctor" in their own handwriting, and said a sentence of "Thank You Doctor" full of sincere emotions to the camera, while pointing out the theme of the series, but also making the creative team's gratitude to the angel in white emotionally concentrated expression.

With the completion of the whole drama, "Thank You Doctor" also surprised the official announcement and released the single-person theme stills of the full cast of actors, and the structure of medical staff within EICU and related departments was unveiled for the first time. Doctor Xiao Yan (Yang Mi) listens attentively and carefully, talking warmly with colleagues in the department, doctor Bai Shu (Bai Yu) is nervously concerned about the physical condition of the patients in the hospital bed, head nurse Jiang Shan (Wang Yinan) listens to the work arrangement with a serious expression, department director Lu Pingan (Li Xie) smiles, doctor Xu Yiran (Li Dongheng) focuses on operation, doctor Tang Hua (Jiang Ruijia) holds X-rays, and anesthesiologist Zheng Yajie (Guo Xiaoting) has a serious face.

"Thank You Doctor" released the "Human Doctor" edition of the special edition Yang Mi Baiyu led the full lineup to debut
"Thank You Doctor" released the "Human Doctor" edition of the special edition Yang Mi Baiyu led the full lineup to debut
"Thank You Doctor" released the "Human Doctor" edition of the special edition Yang Mi Baiyu led the full lineup to debut
"Thank You Doctor" released the "Human Doctor" edition of the special edition Yang Mi Baiyu led the full lineup to debut
"Thank You Doctor" released the "Human Doctor" edition of the special edition Yang Mi Baiyu led the full lineup to debut
"Thank You Doctor" released the "Human Doctor" edition of the special edition Yang Mi Baiyu led the full lineup to debut
"Thank You Doctor" released the "Human Doctor" edition of the special edition Yang Mi Baiyu led the full lineup to debut

At the same time, as a TV series with many case units, "Thank You Doctor" also officially announced the joining of Xi Meijuan, Zhang Zhijian, You Benchang, Liu Jia, Wu Yufang, Bai Zhidi, Qiao Zhenyu, Fan Lei and other powerful actors, who will play the role of doctors, patients and patients' families in a number of different case units, and work with medical workers in the EICU to fight against the disease. It is believed that these powerful actors will also add color to the quality of the series with solid acting skills and accurate grasp of the plot content.

"Thank You Doctor" released the "Human Doctor" edition of the special edition Yang Mi Baiyu led the full lineup to debut
"Thank You Doctor" released the "Human Doctor" edition of the special edition Yang Mi Baiyu led the full lineup to debut
"Thank You Doctor" released the "Human Doctor" edition of the special edition Yang Mi Baiyu led the full lineup to debut
"Thank You Doctor" released the "Human Doctor" edition of the special edition Yang Mi Baiyu led the full lineup to debut
"Thank You Doctor" released the "Human Doctor" edition of the special edition Yang Mi Baiyu led the full lineup to debut
"Thank You Doctor" released the "Human Doctor" edition of the special edition Yang Mi Baiyu led the full lineup to debut
"Thank You Doctor" released the "Human Doctor" edition of the special edition Yang Mi Baiyu led the full lineup to debut
"Thank You Doctor" released the "Human Doctor" edition of the special edition Yang Mi Baiyu led the full lineup to debut

Focus on humanistic and emotional care in medical relations The gold medal team quenches the creation as a quality escort

Under the guidance of the Population and Culture Development Center of the National Health Commission, "Thank You Doctor" takes the emotional care of doctors, patients and patients' families in the contemporary medical environment in the face of illness and even life and death as an entry point, actively disseminates the positive energy and emotional relationship between doctors and patients in the medical process, and between doctors and patients' families, and calls on doctors, patients and patients' families to think more empathetically and build a harmonious and efficient medical environment. The medical workers in the play actively communicate with patients and patients' families, and the emotional care of doctors, patients, and patients' families in the face of illness and even life and death give full play to their professional skills and professional qualities, while saving patients' lives in danger, they also realize their professional value.

The medical emotional care drama "Thank You Doctor" is composed of Gao Chen, a gold medal producer of many popular high-quality dramas such as "Three Lives and Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms", "Storm Eye", "Madame Hu Zhu", "Dear Translator", etc., as the chief producer, Zhou Yong, a famous screenwriter who created "Too Late to Say I Love You" and "The Naked Marriage Era", as the screenwriter, Zhang Rui, the director who has directed quality type dramas such as "Residual Sin" and "Moscow Action", as the director of this drama, and the gold medal team has been painstakingly created and checked the content of the work layer by layer. It will showcase the professionalism and heart-warming style of contemporary medical workers. "Thank You Doctor" has officially entered the intense post-production stage, and more exciting content is waiting for you.

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