
This Shaqua, Zhang Ziyi, Yang Mi, good songs, sweet songs, Bao Shangen, want to form a Jin Yong girl group with Chen Duling and Meng Ziyi

author:Sohu Entertainment
This Shaqua, Zhang Ziyi, Yang Mi, good songs, sweet songs, Bao Shangen, want to form a Jin Yong girl group with Chen Duling and Meng Ziyi

Sohu Entertainment News (Text/Yuzu Photo/Tongtong) The 183rd issue of the star interactive variety show "Star Colleagues" created by Sohu Video will be officially launched on July 2, 2024! In this issue, Chinese mainland actor Ben Sha and Chinese mainland actress Bao Shangen were invited to participate in the challenge of fox factory star colleagues. This sand bag on En chatted about the shooting experience of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World Iron Blood Pill Heart", sharing the front and back of the stage of the two-person double horse ride, this sand imitated Bao Shangen's classic selfie, the painting style is humorous and witty, Bao Shangen responded to his nickname of "scumbag harvester", saying that this sand is the existence of the TOP1 boyfriend.

In addition, the two also challenged the small game of listening to the singing voice and guessing people, this sand second recognized Zhang Ziyi, Nicholas Tse, and Yang Mi's singing, and praised Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi not only acting well and singing well; Bao Shangen recognized Yang Zi and Luo Yunxi's singing voices in seconds, saying that he was very familiar with the songs of "Sauvignon Blanc".

This Shaqua, Zhang Ziyi, Yang Mi, good songs, sweet songs, Bao Shangen, want to form a Jin Yong girl group with Chen Duling and Meng Ziyi

[You dare to ask, I dare to answer]

Sohu Entertainment: Excuse me, what is the most difficult rivalry in the play?

This Sha: It's the breakup one, right?

Bao Shangen: After the filming, the two of us didn't recover for a long time, and he cried very much, like a child, and felt like a baby. It's a contrast, my first impression of him is that kind of tough guy type, after contacting him, I found that he is very cute, that is, very innocent, the feeling of a child, he is a very soft boy at heart.

THISSHA: Thank you.

Bao Shangen: Don't do that.

Sohu Entertainment: Before the two cooperated, did they watch each other's plays?

Bao Shangen: When I watched the rustling "Fengshen", I was really handsome.

THISSHA: Thank you.

Bao Shangen: I still remember the appearance that came out of the window.

This Sha: I often brush up on videos, and I always say bags, bags, bags.

Bao Shangen: "Flowers Towards the Autumn Moonlight Night".

This Sha: Yes, "Flowers Towards the Autumn Moon Night", as soon as that pipa came, she (blinked), right, that one is very beautiful.

This Shaqua, Zhang Ziyi, Yang Mi, good songs, sweet songs, Bao Shangen, want to form a Jin Yong girl group with Chen Duling and Meng Ziyi

Sohu Entertainment: The two-person horse ride gave the audience a great shock, how did you maintain a tacit understanding when filming the two-person horse ride?

Bao Shangen: Was the horse out of control or something...

This sand: Yes, yes, yes.

Bao Shangen: At the beginning, I didn't grab the reins, and all of a sudden, the reins went out, and then he drove and pulled him next to me, and that's it, that's it, jumped over and grabbed the reins of my horse, and made the horse stop. So that scene is still, I think it's...

This sand: It gives you a sense of security.

Bao Shangen: I'm very moved, I'm really moved, I think I feel scared.

Qi Sha: Actually, this is also a mutual trust between the two of us.

Sohu Entertainment: If you want to match Jingrong CP's horse riding with an exclusive BGM, what would you choose?

Bao Shangen: Let us be the companion of Hongchen and live a chic life.

This sand: The man who sets the horse, I think of it, the man who sets the horse, or "The Song of the Good Man", the big river flows eastward!

Bao Shangen: I feel like we've both sung this song.

This Sha: Yes, the two of us love rap on the spot.

Bao Shangen: I love to sing very much, and I start singing when I don't agree with each other.

This Shaqua, Zhang Ziyi, Yang Mi, good songs, sweet songs, Bao Shangen, want to form a Jin Yong girl group with Chen Duling and Meng Ziyi

Sohu Entertainment: Teacher Wu Xing said that Bao Bao can kill a cow?

Bao Shangen: This is a rumor.

Chesha: Really?

Bao Shangen: I think I still have to go to the gym again, I can't beat my small body hard, at most a little more regular, but now I think I may also lack strength and need to lift irons.

This Sha: In this way, the next drama can really bring down a cow.

This sand: Lift it up.

Bao Shangen: Lift the iron!

Bao Shangen: I'll show you your muscles later.

This Sha: Wow! Wow! It's huge! Oh, my God!

Bao Shangen: Help!

Sohu Entertainment: What do the two of you call each other in private?

Bao Shangen: Brother Sha.

This sand: Brother Bao, Bao Bao.

Bao Shangen: Okay, okay, Sister Sha.

This Shaqua, Zhang Ziyi, Yang Mi, good songs, sweet songs, Bao Shangen, want to form a Jin Yong girl group with Chen Duling and Meng Ziyi

Sohu Entertainment: The hugging scene on the roof is so far apart, I feel like I can stuff Nezha, why should my official CP avoid suspicion?

This Sha: That scene is also very difficult to sit on, it is a beam, but it is a fake beam, it is a fragile one. So the two of us are all kinds of awkward there, but because the director and the cinematographer are in control, this feeling (in the play) is right, Jing Rong can't be that kind (very intimate), come all at once, we are the kind of very pure.

Bao Shangen: We are still very pure.

This Sha: Actually, it's more than that, more than just a Nezha, we are.

Bao Shangen: You can also stuff a Yang Jian.

You see, two, these two, and you can stuff these two.

Bao Shangen: Not only can you stuff Nezha, but you can also stuff Yang Jian.

This sand: You can stuff two little foxes, and later after Jing Rong arrived to protect Xiangyang City, she did give birth to a couple, oh more than that.

Bao Shangen: Three.

This sand: three three.

Bao Shangen: Add one more.

This sand: One more is fine.

This Shaqua, Zhang Ziyi, Yang Mi, good songs, sweet songs, Bao Shangen, want to form a Jin Yong girl group with Chen Duling and Meng Ziyi

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