
Short film "The Gate of Life": From the door of life to the door of death, how many invisible doors do people have to cross in their lives through the first door of ignorance, through the second door of inferiority, through the third door of doubt

author:Delight yourself with your words

"The Gate of Life" is a French animated short film about Gary Wu, who has a huge head, clings to the cell like a mentally ill person, refusing to walk out of the door of light no matter how much the doctor persuades him. Every time the doctor opened the door and told him how wonderful the outside world was, he shouted like an electric shock: "No door!" No doors! ”

Short film "The Gate of Life": From the door of life to the door of death, how many invisible doors do people have to cross in their lives through the first door of ignorance, through the second door of inferiority, through the third door of doubt

Gary never understood that the place he was staying in was so beautiful, with flowers, grass, and an aquarium he liked, and that he could swim freely in it, so why did he have to go out? He didn't know the world outside the door, he didn't know what it meant to him to go out of that door, the unknown world made him feel frightened and helpless, especially the glare that shot out of the door made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

As you will know at the end of the story, this is actually a door to life, and the place where Gary stays is the warm and comfortable womb of his mother, and he is an unborn fetus.

The Old Testament of the Bible. Genesis says, "God said there would be light, and so there was light." ”

Light is the direction of life, but in the short film "Gate of Life", Gary is so afraid of light in the initial state of life. Although the world of light outside has to enjoy endless fame, wealth, peace, luxury, you can enjoy flowers, birds, insects and fish, and the colors that spread throughout every corner. But for Gary, the novel world outside is far less comfortable than her mother's dark, occluded womb.

Short film "The Gate of Life": From the door of life to the door of death, how many invisible doors do people have to cross in their lives through the first door of ignorance, through the second door of inferiority, through the third door of doubt

Is it true that this short film is trying to express that the instinct of life is to resist the light?

Children are excusable for fear of the dark; the real tragedy of life is that adults are afraid of the light. — Plato

I think it is not that life instinctively resists the light, but that life often does not have the courage and ability to meet its own light. If walking out of the first door of life is so frightening to us, then how can we embrace the light in the long journey of life to the door of death?

Looking back on our human lives, we have taken the door of life, but there are still many doors of ideological imprisonment that cannot be stepped out, and these imprisoned doors of thought have been imprisoning our bodies and minds with invisible ropes, forcing us to have no way to approach the true light of the heart.

There are many doors that block our minds, such as ignorance, timidity, inferiority, greed, and all other human vices. But of all the vices, I think the door of ignorance is the most difficult to cross, because ignorance is the culprit that creates all vices.

Wang Xiaobo said in "The Pleasure of Thinking": "Assuming that good and evil can be judged, then the premise of distinguishing between right and wrong is to develop intelligence and expand knowledge. I think that low intelligence, bigotry, and poor thinking are the greatest evils. ”

There are many manifestations of ignorance, but the most terrible thing is to recognize only what you know, and to have an incomparably repulsive and indifferent attitude towards the field of knowledge that you have not yet touched. How many prophets and foresights have been misunderstood and banned in human history for discovering true knowledge that has not yet been touched by mankind.

As early as the Renaissance, the Italian thinker and natural scientist Giordano. Bruno is an example of martyrdom for truth. He bravely defended and developed Copernicus's Sun Center and spread it throughout Europe.

But at the time of ecclesiastical rule, his seminal actions seriously threatened the dominance of geocentrism in ecclesiastical theology and scholasticism. So in 1592 Bruno was imprisoned for propagating heliocentrism, cosmology, and religious philosophy, and was finally convicted of "heresy" by the Inquisition, and burned to death in Campo de' Fiori, Rome, on February 17, 1600.

Short film "The Gate of Life": From the door of life to the door of death, how many invisible doors do people have to cross in their lives through the first door of ignorance, through the second door of inferiority, through the third door of doubt

This reminds me of Dr. Li Wenliang, the whistleblower of this year's new coronavirus. Dr. Li Wenliang, a physician at Wuhan Central Hospital, was one of the first eight doctors to warn of the dangerous disease last December. However, the warning he issued about the new coronavirus at that time was not immediately taken seriously by the local government, but was reprimanded that he was a rumor. Because in December last year, people's understanding of COVID-19 was still very limited, and no one thought it was a fuss. Therefore, when Li Wenliang took the lead in spreading the news, the government did not immediately sound the alarm in order to avoid causing unnecessary panic.

Although the wheels of history are rolling forward, the tragedy of the times comes from the same root. For the truth is always in the hands of a few. To hear that if we want to live a valuable and meaningful life, we must first pass through this door of ignorance that imprisons people's minds, and only in this way can we see the light of truth.

When we cross the gate of ignorance, we will be greeted by a large bright and beautiful world. Our minds are finally no longer rotten and rusty because we are able to accept a different world. We have seen the incomparable wisdom of the prophets, with the ability to truly absorb knowledge. But as we know the world more and more, the truth, we feel more and more small and humble. At this time, the door of inferiority will unceremoniously block our way.

From the perspective of psychological counseling, inferiority psychology is an emotional experience due to lack of understanding of themselves, and people with inferiority often feel inferior to others and feel ashamed of themselves.

I have a profound experience of this, for the simple reason that, growing up, I didn't have the same achievements that I could do. Apart from the judgment of the outside world, I myself have never been satisfied with myself. The ancients often said that thirty stood, but I was about to turn thirty and still had a lot of trepidation. To put it mildly, I still don't know what I can do or what I will do. I've always wanted to let my life shine through, but the darkness is always there.

I admit that although I do not have any outstanding talent and talent, I may not be able to do even one thing well, and I think there is always one thing that I like and am willing to do well, because I never give up the search for the light in my heart. So I chose to use my free time to write on the headlines, because I felt that writing was the most suitable thing for me, not only to exercise the ability to carry pens, but also to sort out the messy thoughts. The initial motivation to write was that, never thinking too much.

However, in the process of writing recently, that inferiority complex has surged into my heart, and I am deeply tormented, and I almost dare not pick up the pen again. As I learned more and more, I found that writing is not an easy task, especially if you have to be happy with yourself and others, and you have to ensure the quality of the article. The more I read the articles written by those excellent creators, the more I feel that I have written poorly, and even doubt that I will have a way out in this regard. The inferiority complex made me almost lose the courage to continue creating, and I felt uneasy about it.

Short film "The Gate of Life": From the door of life to the door of death, how many invisible doors do people have to cross in their lives through the first door of ignorance, through the second door of inferiority, through the third door of doubt
Hegel said: "Inferiority is often accompanied by laziness, often to justify one's own survival in the vicious atmosphere of its limited purposes." Such a modesty is worthless. ”

I felt like I had been looking up at the stars, but I had forgotten to bow my head and walk the road under my feet. As Hegel said, my inferiority and laziness coexist, and giving up on myself without much effort is to justify my continued harsh life.

After much thought, I felt that I should regain my strength and keep going, because I wanted to give my thirty-year-old an explanation, and I wanted to make myself feel that I was useful and capable. I can't let myself be trapped in the hindrance of my own mind, cut off from the light, cut off from the future, like Gary. So today I wrote this article again and continued to work towards the light in my mind.

To gain the courage and will to take the path to light, you must cross this seemingly terrifying door of doubt. Just as Gary always suspected that the doctor was seducing him, there was an empty door frame in front of him, and he could walk over effortlessly, but Gary was overly suspicious and regarded the ordinary door frame as a devil with a sharp weapon.

Short film "The Gate of Life": From the door of life to the door of death, how many invisible doors do people have to cross in their lives through the first door of ignorance, through the second door of inferiority, through the third door of doubt

This reminds me of the Armor Knight in Journey for Yourself. In order to remove this overwhelmed armor, the knight embarked on the path of searching for truth. To reach the Top of Truth, the knight must cross three castles. The first is the Castle of Silence, the second is the Fort of Knowledge, and the third is the Fort of Will and Courage. When the knight crosses the Castle of Silence and the Fortress of Knowledge, he arrives at the last castle that will test his will and courage, and is waiting for him is a fierce dragon that will constantly spew flames.

With each step forward, the dragon unleashed more flames with more power and kept intimidating the knight into trying to defeat it and get out of the castle. Whenever the knight had a strong suspicion, the dragon became even more arrogant. After several retreats, the knight finally plucked up the courage to defeat the dragon. Every time he strengthened his conviction and took a step forward, the dragon shrank a little smaller, and the flames spewed out became less and less powerful. Finally, when the knight no longer doubts himself at all, the dragon has also been completely disillusioned and returned to nothingness.

The knight realized that he did not need to prove anything at all, and he was born a knight of integrity, kindness and love. He didn't have to feel fear or doubt, the dragon was just an illusion. ”
Short film "The Gate of Life": From the door of life to the door of death, how many invisible doors do people have to cross in their lives through the first door of ignorance, through the second door of inferiority, through the third door of doubt

So only when we break through this door of doubt, which is full of fear and illusion, can we meet the god of will and courage and finally obtain the energy to ascend to the top of the light.

Rousseau said: "Man is born free, but he is always in chains." ”

The short film "The Gate of Life" tells us that in fact, the door of life has always been open to us, and the god of light is always ready to welcome us. The reason why we are in darkness is because our minds are trapped by the ever-pervasive shackles, and we cannot gain true freedom without breaking through this door that imprisons our minds.

Ignorance, inferiority, and doubt are just three major doors of ideological imprisonment between the door of life and the door of death, and there are many that we have not been aware of but have been standing in front of us. Every time we step out of an invisible door, we are one step closer to true enlightenment and one step closer to light. I hope that each of us can take the initiative to cross these doors that block the light, rather than being pushed by the waves of fate. Only in this way can we be truly free people.

Short film "The Gate of Life": From the door of life to the door of death, how many invisible doors do people have to cross in their lives through the first door of ignorance, through the second door of inferiority, through the third door of doubt

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