
"Small teams" play a "big role"! The Xiangxiang Township Fire Brigade guards the gate of rural life

author:Red Net

Rednet Xiangxiang Station, May 7 (Correspondent: Liu Min) "Is it the town government? We have a fire in three groups and one house in Zhidong Village, please come and extinguish the fire as soon as possible..." At 6:40 p.m. on February 7, the Hutian Town Fire Brigade acted quickly after receiving a call from the masses, organized firefighters and fire fighting vehicles to rush to the scene at the first time, and put out the fire with the villagers.

"Small teams" play a "big role"! The Xiangxiang Township Fire Brigade guards the gate of rural life

Township fire brigade rescue scene.

All along, the Xiangxiang Municipal Party Committee and the Xiangxiang Municipal Government have attached great importance to the construction of township fire brigades. At present, all 18 townships in the city have set up township fire brigades, and in 2020, each township fire brigade will be equipped with 100,000 yuan of fire fighting and rescue equipment, and the five townships of Qizi, Yueshan, Hutian, Jinshi and Yutang will be equipped with fire fighting vehicles, and the future plan will be equipped with fire fighting vehicles in all 18 townships within two years. Taking Hutian Town as an example, before the establishment of the township fire brigade, the fire that occurred in the town needed to rely on the Xiangxiang Rescue Brigade, which was nearly an hour away, to go to the scene to deal with it, and the establishment of the township fire brigade greatly shortened the time for emergency rescue and rescue in the town. Due to the close distance and rapid dispatch, the township fire brigade has truly achieved the "early and small" fire in the face of rural fires, and the fire losses have been controlled to the minimum as much as possible.

"Small teams" play a "big role"! The Xiangxiang Township Fire Brigade guards the gate of rural life

Daily training.

Intensive training Focuses on ability improvement

In order to enhance the fire fighting and rescue capabilities of the township fire brigade, the Xiangxiang Fire Rescue Brigade takes the initiative to come forward, and regularly organizes township firefighters to come to the team every year for business skills training, using on-site teaching, on-the-spot demonstration, team member operation and other methods, starting from the most basic fire fighting knowledge, hand in hand to teach team members how to use fire extinguishers, two-plate water belt connection, cutting machines, expansion tongs and other fire fighting skills, as well as various types of fire fighting methods. Among them, the Quantang Town Fire Brigade also organized members to visit and study with the Hunan Provincial Fire Rescue Corps to enhance their vision.

In addition, the municipal fire rescue brigade according to the actual situation to go deep into the township fire brigade to carry out door-to-door guidance service work, in the improvement of fire fighting and rescue actual combat ability at the same time, guide all township full-time team members to carry out daily fire inspection, the establishment of fire ledgers and other work, in the "winter and spring fire prevention and control" "under the store on the house, before the store and the back of the house" rectification and other work, the township fire brigade has played an important role.

"Small teams" play a "big role"! The Xiangxiang Township Fire Brigade guards the gate of rural life

Supervision and inspection.

Fire propaganda, building a rural "firewall"

"When the big mother's home is roasting and heating, you must pay attention to ventilation" "Uncle, you must always check the electrical wiring at home if it is damaged, you must replace it in time"... Rural fire safety has always been a weak link in fire safety, coupled with the weak rural fire fighting infrastructure, the villagers' fire awareness is not strong, a little careless, fire followed. To this end, the establishment of the township fire brigade has played an important role in the publicity of rural fire protection. Firefighters rely on the advantages of regional familiarity and good popularity to organize activities such as "sending fire knowledge into the village" and "winter heating safety publicity" every week, they go deep into the whole town to go from village to village to village in a way that combines feelings, reason and law, constantly explain fire safety knowledge to villagers, and combine the fire cases that have occurred in rural areas across the country in recent years, carefully compile fire broadcast stories, and use the "village sound" loudspeaker, mobile propaganda vehicles, etc. to carry out fire propaganda. In the way of storytelling to the villagers to explain the importance of fire hazards and daily fire prevention, they with warm greetings, professional tips, affectionate service, villagers more trust, very "ground gas", formed a good atmosphere of fire prevention, household fire, everyone to ensure safety.

"Small teams" play a "big role"! The Xiangxiang Township Fire Brigade guards the gate of rural life

Advocacy training.

Guard the gate of rural life

With strong skills, we can really play a role in rescue. Since the distribution of fire fighting and rescue equipment, the fire brigades of all townships and towns in Xiangxiang City have given full play to the style of dispatching the police, responding quickly, being flexible, and fighting heroically. According to statistics, the fire brigades of various townships have participated in fire fighting and rescue 86 times, minimizing the loss of life and property caused by fire accidents to the local people, and have been widely praised by the people.

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