
Southern California university student petitioned to remove X-Men director Brian Singer from the academy

author:Interface News

On November 8, according to the Hollywood Reporter, students from the School of Motion Picture Arts at the University of Southern California launched a petition campaign calling for the removal of X-Men: Apocalypse director Brian Singer from the film and media department. Since the petition was issued, more than 1,700 individual signatures have been received.

After graduating from high school, Brian Singer attended the New York City School of Visual Arts and later transferred to the University of Southern California's Film Department. After becoming famous, he donated money to the School of Motion Picture Arts at the University of Southern California and became an honorary alumnus of the Film and Media Department.

On April 17 of this year, Brian Singh was exposed to a sex scandal: a man named Michael Egan held a press conference in Los Angeles to accuse Brian Singh of sexually assaulting him several times in 1999, when he was an underage, and said that he was by no means the only underage male who had been sexually assaulted by Singer.

The University of Southern California School of Motion Picture Arts issued a statement today. "We have read about this petition and would like to thank students and alumni for their attention. We assure them that we are taking this issue seriously. ”

Excerpts from the petition are as follows:

"It's completely unacceptable that our school, a prestigious department, still has the name of Brian Singer. He has been accused of multiple sexual harassment, sexual assault and paedophilia. Although he did charity for our academy, his name is associated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts, giving the impression that we are as an institution, as members of the entertainment industry. Putting his contribution above the safety, respect, and future of his students, it sets a precedent for leniency in sexual offences. Sexual harassment and assault are a pervasive problem in Hollywood, the entertainment industry, and the U.S. workplace as a whole. This requires action to promote change little by little, to continue to connect Mr. Singh's name to our university, which is to publicly support a man who has been publicly accused of misconduct, and as a student and alumnus of USC, we stand by our standards. And the behavior of the USC School of Motion Picture Arts does not represent this standard. As students of the USC School of Motion Picture Arts, we implore Dean Elizabeth Daly and some management. Remove Brian Singer's name from our Academy's Film and Media Studies Division. Our colleges should promote education and respect and make students role models at THE UNIVERSITY of Southern California and the entertainment community, and ties to Mr. Singer openly deny these values. ”

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