
Founding General Zhou Shidi: Because he went to the toilet in the middle of the night and saw a bright light, the revolutionary years of Zhou Shidi, who saved the life of the whole army, found the bright light and quickly retreated to conclude

author:Awang reads

Although the end of the revolutionary road leads to the light embellished with flowers, its long road is full of mud and bumps. The revolutionary fighters stood up and stood up in the midst of one storm after another.

The battles between our army and the enemy have been skillfully maneuvered again and again, and those who are brave and good at war not only need a brutal force, but sometimes they need some wisdom and spirituality.

Founding General Zhou Shidi: Because he went to the toilet in the middle of the night and saw a bright light, the revolutionary years of Zhou Shidi, who saved the life of the whole army, found the bright light and quickly retreated to conclude

Nowadays, when selecting soldiers, all countries in the world regard vision and physical fitness as the primary criteria. Therefore, "looking at the six roads and listening to the eight directions" is also an essential quality for excellent soldiers.

A sharp-eyed, accurately judged warrior can become the best on the battlefield, and it is likely to become a person who turns the tide in serendipity.

Founding General Zhou Shidi: Because he went to the toilet in the middle of the night and saw a bright light, the revolutionary years of Zhou Shidi, who saved the life of the whole army, found the bright light and quickly retreated to conclude

Such was the case with Zhou Shidi, who was a founding general. Once, he woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and keenly noticed a beam of light. After discovering the enemy situation, he quickly led a group of comrades to set out and avoided great losses.

In 1900, Zhou Shidi was born into an ordinary family in Guangdong. Although he grew up in the village, he received a good education. Because his parents deeply realized that reading can change a person's destiny.

Founding General Zhou Shidi: Because he went to the toilet in the middle of the night and saw a bright light, the revolutionary years of Zhou Shidi, who saved the life of the whole army, found the bright light and quickly retreated to conclude

Therefore, Zhou Shidi was sent to a private school to read and read at the age of seven. Even though the tuition fees in the private school were somewhat expensive, the Zhou family's parents still saved enough tuition for Zhou Shidi.

Zhou Shidi, who knows that his parents are not easy, cherishes the opportunity to study, and his hard work, coupled with his already good intelligence, he can always achieve excellent results.

Reading books allows people to know the world and understand the world. Zhou Shidi, who studied hard in a private school, no longer limited his gaze to the small village where he lived, he began to see farther and had a new understanding of the motherland.

Founding General Zhou Shidi: Because he went to the toilet in the middle of the night and saw a bright light, the revolutionary years of Zhou Shidi, who saved the life of the whole army, found the bright light and quickly retreated to conclude

He wanted to study hard and then serve his country. At some point on, the dream of dedicating himself to the revolution was quietly sown in his heart. As the days passed, Zhou Shidi at that time had grown into a very handsome teenager.

When Zhou Shidi was in college, the May Fourth Movement broke out, and he, like many students, did not stay out of the matter, but actively responded to the call and marched everywhere.

Later, he graduated from college. Zhou Shidi returned to his hometown and worked as a primary school teacher. Every day is uneventful, but the calm of life may have laid the groundwork for the bloody years of the revolution.

Founding General Zhou Shidi: Because he went to the toilet in the middle of the night and saw a bright light, the revolutionary years of Zhou Shidi, who saved the life of the whole army, found the bright light and quickly retreated to conclude

At that time, China was like a small boat with a fluttering wind and rain, and Zhou Shidi seemed to recognize the uneasiness of the motherland. So he couldn't wait to stand up, bid farewell to the original stable life, and joined the army.

Zhou Shidi's more than ten years of study has made Zhou Shidi grow a lot, and he knows that a good soldier must be a combination of culture and martial arts. Therefore, while advocating a strong physique, he also paid great attention to improving his military quality.

Later, he was fortunate to get out of trouble, but also thanks to his good military quality.

Founding General Zhou Shidi: Because he went to the toilet in the middle of the night and saw a bright light, the revolutionary years of Zhou Shidi, who saved the life of the whole army, found the bright light and quickly retreated to conclude

When it was, the Whampoa Military Academy was established. Zhou Shidi also confidently took the entrance examination and became a member of this cradle of military talents.

Later, he successfully graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy with excellent results, firmly joined the Communist Party, and then became an excellent general.

Founding General Zhou Shidi: Because he went to the toilet in the middle of the night and saw a bright light, the revolutionary years of Zhou Shidi, who saved the life of the whole army, found the bright light and quickly retreated to conclude

It is not an exaggeration to describe Zhou Shidi with the term "outstanding military achievements", he has indeed created a lot of merit. Some of the stories even make the listener can't help but be happy.

In 1934, Zhou Shidi participated in the Long March as a Soldier of the Red Army. As we all know, the Long March of the Red Army was very difficult and distant. Every Red Army soldier endured hunger and cold, filling his stomach with grass-roots bark.

Founding General Zhou Shidi: Because he went to the toilet in the middle of the night and saw a bright light, the revolutionary years of Zhou Shidi, who saved the life of the whole army, found the bright light and quickly retreated to conclude

And Zhou Shidi, as one of them, never complained about half a point. He could have lived the teacher's stable life, but he did not, and he still participated in the Long March without hesitation.

In the course of his Long March, an interesting thing happened, and it was precisely because of Zhou Shidi's acumen that he was able to make the whole team avert the danger.

At that time, Zhou Shidi led the team to a meadow, where he camped and prepared to spend the night.

Founding General Zhou Shidi: Because he went to the toilet in the middle of the night and saw a bright light, the revolutionary years of Zhou Shidi, who saved the life of the whole army, found the bright light and quickly retreated to conclude

The weather on that day was also not good, so there was no moonlight or starlight in the night sky, and it was pitch black all around. Zhou Shidi and his comrades-in-arms stretched out their tired bodies and fell into a deep sleep.

Zhou Shidi has a habit of getting up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. This habit seemed to be an almost fortunate habit on that day.

Zhou Shidi got up as usual, and during this time, he did not forget to observe the situation around him. Suddenly, he caught a fleeting light.

Founding General Zhou Shidi: Because he went to the toilet in the middle of the night and saw a bright light, the revolutionary years of Zhou Shidi, who saved the life of the whole army, found the bright light and quickly retreated to conclude

This light, which was fleeting in the middle of the desolation, sounded the atrium of Zhou Shidi's heart like a heavy alarm bell. Zhou Shidi struck a wit from his drowsiness, and he quickly realized what this light meant.

He understood that the enemy was probing the position of our army and was trying to keep getting closer. Zhou Shidi, who remained calm, immediately informed all the comrades and asked them to quietly and quickly evacuate together.

Founding General Zhou Shidi: Because he went to the toilet in the middle of the night and saw a bright light, the revolutionary years of Zhou Shidi, who saved the life of the whole army, found the bright light and quickly retreated to conclude

Soon, the team withdrew. Not long after they had left, the meadow where they had just been stationed was bright and occupied by the enemy. As Zhou Shidi expected, the enemy was trying to carry out a sneak attack plan, but unfortunately the bamboo basket was empty.

Later, zhou Shidi's deeds were appreciated and praised by the leaders.

That time the incident was indeed thrilling, and it also contained many elements of luck. If Zhou Shidi did not have the habit of waking up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, if Zhou Shidi woke up late for a while, their entire team would probably be wiped out.

Founding General Zhou Shidi: Because he went to the toilet in the middle of the night and saw a bright light, the revolutionary years of Zhou Shidi, who saved the life of the whole army, found the bright light and quickly retreated to conclude

This incident has always been imprinted in Zhou Shidi's heart, and it has also been remembered by countless warriors. The battlefield has never been a stable place, wind, frost, snow and rain, swords and swords are common things, so we must always maintain a sense of vigilance in order to increase the possibility of winning the battle.

In fact, from another point of view, if Zhou Shidi's team arranges the plan of night duty, is it more secure? Each member of a team is on duty for a period of time in turn, which allows everyone to rest and avoid danger well.

Founding General Zhou Shidi: Because he went to the toilet in the middle of the night and saw a bright light, the revolutionary years of Zhou Shidi, who saved the life of the whole army, found the bright light and quickly retreated to conclude

Marching and fighting often requires extremely high vigilance and judgment, and excellent military literacy can enable soldiers to overcome dangers, escape from death, be invincible, and return home.

In any case, Zhou Shidi and his troops were very lucky, if no one woke up in the middle of the night when the crisis was dark, I am afraid that the entire team would be completely destroyed.

The acumen of Zhou Shidi's predecessors is still the military quality that our descendants should learn, and the battlefield where the smoke of war is everywhere never only needs the arbitrary strength of the humble man, but also needs some soft conditions.

Founding General Zhou Shidi: Because he went to the toilet in the middle of the night and saw a bright light, the revolutionary years of Zhou Shidi, who saved the life of the whole army, found the bright light and quickly retreated to conclude

Although the revolutionary years are glorious, they are extremely arduous, and we can now have such a happy and stable life, which is inseparable from the heroic battles of our predecessors. Our descendants should pay tribute to their ancestors!

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