
"Head, the house of shrewdness", Wang Mianzhi's characteristics of medication for the treatment of encephalopathy

author:Zhang Ruonan of Gansu

Chinese medicine master Wang Mianzhi is a famous Chinese medicine practitioner and TCM educator in China. Wang Mianzhi studied the scriptures intensively, paid attention to practice, and in his 70-year clinical career, he always worked the word enlightenment. The encephalopathy described in this article is not a general functional encephalopathy, such as headache, dizziness, but refers to the diseases diagnosed by Western medicine, there is no good treatment method at present, such as cerebral infarction, sequelae of cerebral hemorrhage, multiple sclerosis, optic nerve myelitis, brain tumor, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, motor neuron disease, olive pontocerebellar atrophy, sequelae of brain trauma, sequelae of viral encephalitis, etc. Wang Mianzhi has unique dialectical treatment of these diseases, the author is a consultant to study, and the experience is summarized as follows.

Understanding of brain structure, physiology, and pathology

Wang Mianzhi believes that in terms of structure: the brain is the sea of marrow. The "Lingshu Meridian" points out: "Man is born first, first becomes a sperm, and the essence is formed and the brain marrow is born." The main bone of the kidney is marrow, and the marrow is concentrated in the brain for the sea of marrow. "Su Qing And Five Visceral Generation" Yun: "All the marrows belong to the brain." "Therefore, the brain is formed by the convergence of the marrow born of the kidneys. At the same time, the brain can only complete its physiological functions by injecting and nourishing the essence of the five internal organs, such as the "Lingshu Great Confusion Theory" cloud: "The essence of the five internal organs and six intestines is focused on the eyes and is refined." "The generation and change of vision is closely related to the brain, and the essence of the brain originates from the internal organs. Therefore, the brain is the house of the Yuan God, and it needs the nourishment of qi and blood. The qi and blood are sufficient, and the gods are clear and clear; the brain is also inseparable from the nourishment of the marrow, "Lingshu Hai Theory" Cloud: "If there is more than enough in the sea of marrow, it is light and powerful, and it is too much." Wang Mianzhi believes that although the brain was not explicitly proposed as the house of the Yuan God in the era of the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, it was not until Li Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty and Wang Qingren of the Qing Dynasty proposed that the brain is the place of spirituality and memory, but in the "Su Qing Pulse Subtle Theory" it is recorded that "the head, the house of shrewdness", the word shrewd points out the function of the yuan god, so in Chinese medicine, the heart and brain are the same as the main god. Pathologically, due to the lack of the sea of medullary, the lack of qi and blood, so that the yuan god is lost and various symptoms appear, the "Lingshu • Sea Theory" records that "the sea of the marrow is insufficient, then the brain turns to tinnitus, shin acid dizziness, blindness, sluggishness and lying down", etc., are all indications of the various symptoms that occur due to the loss of brain nourishment.

The Brain Hides the Yuan God, which is a place of pure emptiness, and the Yuan God relies on essence, qi, and blood to nourish it. The brain is afraid of cold and afraid of heat, cold is easy to hurt the marrow and headache, heat is disturbing the gods and dizzy; where does the cold come from, "Su Qing Qi Disease Theory" pointed out: "There is a great cold, inside to the bone marrow." "Heat is endogenous, or angry blood stasis, heart and liver fire, or Yang Ming Zhenshi, evil heat inner dry gods; in the later generations of Wen Disease, turbidity and evil harm are clear, and the qing is blinded, mostly seen in phlegm wet, phlegm fever, damp heat; blood stasis is blocked in the brain network, qi and blood loss, easy to cause headache and dizziness. The drainage of the liver helps the spleen to rise to the glory of the brain, but if the drainage is too much, the liver and yang are hyperactive, and every phlegm can be carried out, and internal turmoil will arise. Wang Mianzhi believes that the characteristics of encephalopathy are that it is easy to be virtual and easy to be real, and the hypocrisy is that there are many lines of sperm, qi, and blood deficiency, and empirical evidence is mostly manifested as phlegm, fire, blood stasis, and hyperphotome; from the perspective of the relationship between the internal organs, the deficiency is related to the kidney and spleen, but in fact it is closely related to the heart, liver and stomach.

Therapeutic medication characteristics

Commonly used to tonify kidneys and benefit qi, nourish blood and invigorate blood, rationalize phlegm and other treatment methods

Kidney tonic is often used raw ground yellow, cooked yellow, huai beef knee, cistanche, fried eucommia, mulberry parasitism, tiandong, wheat winter, goji berries, deer antler cream, deer horn gum, etc., flat supplemental temperature supplementation, supplementation and not dryness, cover kidney is the dirt of water and fire, two water contains a fire, although the water and fire of the house, the real yin, so even the kidney yin medicine is also partial temperature, aimed at clarifying the relationship between yin and yang water and fire, but the warm medicine to supplement the kidney is easy to provoke the fire, so it is often equipped with peony skin to prevent fire, with sand to prevent cooked yellow and other kidney obstruction, affecting the spleen and stomach transport.

Tonic qi with four jun, four jun healthy spleen and qi, Wang Mianzhi especially like to use raw astragalus, cover raw astragalus supplement and rise, supplement the spleen and lungs of the qi, have the meaning of sheng Qing Rong brain, often with Sichuan qian and so on. Chuanqi is a blood qi medicine, "ascending to the top, down to the blood sea", here take its upward characteristics, the two drugs have the effect of replenishing qi and activating blood, so that the deficiency of cerebral qi can be replenished, the brain network can be reached, the qi and blood run smoothly, the yuan god of the brain can be nourished; Ran ShengQing must not be excessive, excessive per-ignition fire to help yang and wind, high blood pressure, yang hot physique is not suitable, if you want to use, you can cooperate with huai ox knee to supplement the liver and kidneys, activate blood stasis, induce blood to ignite fire, magnetite heavy town to supplement the kidney and sperm, the two drugs both to supplement the liver and kidney to cure the deficiency of the brain marrow, It also uses its downward characteristics to prevent the growth of astragalus and Sichuan root from rising too much. The combination of the four medicines, the combination of qi and blood essence, the vitality of qi and blood, and the natural restoration of normal functions of the yuan god of the brain are the profound thoughts of Wang Mianzhi in the treatment of encephalopathy, and it is the divine stroke of his combination.

To activate the blood and nourish the blood, use the peach four things soup, to supplement the vitality, or combine the danshen, which contains the work of the four things, the meaning of the heart and brain. Of course, raw ground yellow with ripe ground yellow, red peony with white peony, peach kernel with red flower are the matching medicine pairs that Wang Mianzhi likes to use.

Heavy town products, for the liver and yang and set, such as raw stone cassia, raw keel, raw oysters, raw dragon teeth, mother of pearl, magnet, generation of ochre, hot turtle shell, although all have the role of latent yang, the use of also pay attention to, raw stone cassia and clear liver and laxative, raw keel, raw oysters, mother of pearl and tranquility, magnet and kidney filling. Ochre, tortoiseshell, and dragon teeth are also important medicines. Wang Mianzhi pointed out: "The ochre is the medicine of the Yang Ming Sutra and the medicine of the pulse. Rushing into the sea of blood, so all those who have qi and blood up, using ochre to cure it is a good medicine, better than a magnet, but it is the medicine of the Yang Ming Sutra and the medicine of the Liver Sutra, and it is a town but not a supplement." In fact, clinically, "the role of keel and oysters is too slow, if used as a hepatic breathing wind, the head swelling and pain are severe, and when there is a precursor to stroke, it is better to use dragon teeth and raw stone cassia." This is the crystallization of Wang Mianzhi's decades of clinical experience.

Clear liver breath wind medicinal tianma, hook vine, etc., Wang Mianzhi's prescription dosage is relatively small, general tianma 3g, hook vine 6g, the teacher believes that if used in large quantities, these extinguishing wind medicinal properties are dispersed, which is suspected of helping the wind. For such as Sichuan Root, Qiang Huo and other spicy and fragrant ascending drugs, that is, exorbitant drugs, the use must be small in quantity, and at the same time, it must be contained with cool and settled products, so as to achieve a system of lifting and descending, so as not to disperse the Yang and hurt the wind.

Different medications for encephalopathy are not the same

Treatment of brain tumors, while activating blood, pay attention to sputum, cover sputum stasis is the root of the tumor. Phlegm likes to use erchen soup, polyester phlegm soup, stone calamus with raw pu huang is Wang Mianzhi's classic medicine for the treatment of brain tumors, stone calamus open sputum open, raw pu huang live blood stasis, two drugs combined, phlegm stasis and treatment; phlegm stasis cement is also often equipped with insects, such as full scorpion, zombie silkworm, earth dragon, the use of insects to walk around, clear the evil out.

For multiple sclerosis and inflammatory demyelinating disease, attention is paid to supplementing the kidneys, covering the main bone of the kidney, the pulp is infused to the spine as the spinal cord, and the upper pool is in the brain as the sea of the medulla. To supplement the kidneys, avoid brute replenishment, advocate less fire and anger, seek yang in the yin, seek yin in the yang, and avoid brute replenishment and move the door of life to fire. Such as cooked ground yellow, mountain meat, shou wu, tianmaidong, schisandra and so on. After the repeated attacks of multiple sclerosis, the myelin sheath is constantly damaged, can not be repaired, motor function is limited and unable to walk, Wang Mianzhi classified it into the category of "impotence", while supplementing the kidneys, but also taking into account the treatment of Yang Ming Qi and blood.

Elderly Parkinson's disease, cerebellar ataxia to supplement the yin of the liver and kidneys, commonly used raw ground yellow, ripe ground yellow, tiandong, wheat winter, xuan ginseng, raw keel, raw oysters, hot turtle shells, etc., have the meaning of nourishing yin and breathing wind.

Motor neuron disease, limb muscles, tongue body weakness atrophy, sperm blood loss, on the basis of replenishing vitality, every use of antler cream, antler gum and other flesh and blood sentient products, tonify sperm. Qi replenishment is mainly based on strengthening the spleen, because the spleen is the source of qi and blood biochemistry, the basis of the day after tomorrow, the main limb muscles, limb muscle weakness, and healthy spleen.

For epilepsy, the sputum of the liver is blamed for multiple responsibilities. Children with epilepsy and spleen deficiency and phlegm are mostly wet, with the meaning of half-summer white art tianma soup in and out; yin blood is insufficient, liver body is out of nourishment, liver yang wind, with raw ground yellow, white peony, angelica, dendrobium, white chrysanthemum flower nourishing liver, raw stone cassia, magnetite, summer dry grass to clear the liver and flat liver, with tianma, earth dragon through the wind.

Cerebrovascular disease includes cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, post-acute blood stasis, its common pathological characteristics, under the premise of dialectics, to strengthen the activation of blood stasis, and even with blood-breaking drugs, such as earth turtles, leeches and so on. Wang Mianzhi believes that the blood of the menstrual period is stasis, so the treatment of cerebral hemorrhage should also activate the blood and dissolve the stasis, and it should be early, but the operation of the blood must rely on the promotion of qi, and the blood is bloody, so it is often used to replenish qi and activate blood. This treatment is also applicable to traumatic brain injuries. Wang Mianzhi pointed out: "Hemiplegia is easier on the left side than on the right side, and the symptoms of the lower part (lower body) recover faster than the upper body (upper body), and if the hand is flexed and not extended, it is even more difficult to treat." Sincerity is a matter of experience, and the clinical test is still applicable today.

For common symptoms such as headache, dizziness, numbness, trembling, convulsions and other common symptoms of nervous system diseases, dialectical treatment is given, such as headache, dizziness, obvious when getting up in the morning, alleviated after a little activity, but then aggravated, Wang Mianzhi believes that this is caused by qi deficiency, because when Fang wakes up, qing qi does not rise, Qing Qi loses glory, headache dizziness manifests obviously, after activity Qing Qi rises Rong Brain, so dizziness and headache are alleviated, but Labor is gas consumption, continued activity Qi deficiency is more obvious, headache dizziness is aggravated, so it is commonly used to add or subtract tonic qi soup. Numbness is caused by the abnormal behavior of the camp guard, the skin loss, Wang Mianzhi often uses guizhi soup in and out to reconcile the camp guard, the amount of guizhi is small, or use astragalus guizhi wuwu soup plus minus qi to activate blood paralysis. Shivering, convulsions often blame the yin deficiency blood is small, muscle and vein loss, liver wind internal movement, take Wu Jutong's triple compound pulse soup or Dading wind beads plus and minus treatment, clinical has a good effect.

Typical medical cases

Patient, male, 35 years old. Initial consultation: September 30, 1994. Complain of walking instability with unfavorable language for half a year. Half a year ago, the patient developed unprovoked walking instability, accompanied by verbal discord, and the symptoms gradually worsened. In the outer hospital, the head MRI shows olive-pontine-cerebellar atrophy, and there is no significant improvement in symptomatic treatment. In the past 1 month, it has become increasingly difficult to walk, it has been impossible to walk, the language is difficult to understand, and urination is frequent, and nocturnal urination is very beneficial. Diagnosis: difficulty walking, barely able to stand, slowly move 2 to 3 steps, and shaking unsteadily, slightly swollen lower limbs, language astringent, urinary urgency, nocturia, sometimes incontinence, tongue reddish, petechiae on the side, thin white moss, yellow greasy moss, fine pulses.

Diagnosis: (renal deficit with less blood, qi deficiency and sputum stasis, hypothermia) sign of ingress (called olive-pondulate-cerebellar atrophy in Western medicine).

Treatment: tonify the kidneys and benefit the qi, nourish the blood and invigorate the blood, and dissolve the phlegm and the wind.

Prescription medicine: raw astragalus 30g, Huai beef knee 10g, Sichuan root 3g, magnet (first fried) 25g, zombie silkworm 6g, Hot Yuanzhi 6g, Poria 18g, whole scorpion 3g, stone calamus 12g, safflower 9g, peach kernel 9g, angelica 18g, cistanche 12g, stir-fried citrus aurantium 9g, tianma 3g. 10 doses.

On October 11, 1994, the second diagnosis: taking 10 doses above, the strength of the lower limbs increased after the drug, 2 to 3 steps before the drug, 20 to 30 steps after the drug, the foot swelling and dissipation, light walking, and decreased urination frequency. Take effect on the top, add 12 g of salvia, followed by 30 doses.

After 4 months of continuous treatment, the symptoms continued to improve, can walk 50 meters continuously, walk slowly indoors more steadily than before, can go to the toilet on their own, the feet are not swollen, the language is clearer than before, the urination is urgently improved, and the urine is reduced from 5 to 6 times to 2 to 3 times per night.

According to Olive-pondulo-cerebellar atrophy is one of the hereditary ataxia diseases, characterized by chronic ataxia, and there is currently no effective clinical treatment. The disease in TCM is called prickly heat, which is characterized by unfavorable language and unsteady walking. The liver and kidneys are mainly scorched, and if the muscles and bones are weak, they cannot walk. The SuQin Pulse Solution says: "The sun is so-called... Those who enter the middle are fistulas, and the yangsheng has declined, so they are fistulas. If you take it inside, it is a limp, and this kidney deficiency is also. Those who are less yin and not to the yin, also. "It shows that the kidney deficiency of this disease is ben. If the water is down, the wind will shake on the top, so it is unstable to walk. The kidneys are opened in the second yin, the main bladder vaporization is opened, and the kidney deficiency is the bladder vaporization loss, so urination is urgent, and nocturnal urination is frequent. Of course, limb paralysis and language disadvantage are also related to insufficient qi and blood, and insufficient qi and blood are not used for limbs and tongues. Qi deficiency and blood line weakness is stasis, qi deficiency and liquid running weakness is stopped into phlegm, water drinking, tongue side petechiae, tongue moss in the yellow, for phlegm, bruising; lower limb swelling and water drinking stop. Treatment should be tonify the kidneys, nourish the blood, and dissolve the phlegm. Use a large amount of raw astragalus to replenish qi, supplement and can rise; Sichuan Qianxinwen, is a blood qi medicine, walking strongly, upward and downward, everywhere, with astragalus to replenish qi and activate blood, up to the brain, with angelica tonic qi and blood, so that the qi and blood in the brain can be nourished; Huai ox knee tonify the liver and kidneys, invigorate the blood and stasis; magnet tonify the kidneys, both drugs can supplement the kidneys to cure the root causes, but also because of its downward characteristics, to prevent the raw astragalus, Sichuan qi ascending excessively, help the fire and wind; cistanche to supplement the kidneys and intestines; stone calamus, hot yuanzhi, poria, phlegm to open the trick, calm the mind and calm the mind; zombie silkworm, tianma, The whole scorpion insect medicine is good at entering the network, entering the network to eliminate evil, dissolving phlegm and breathing wind; stir-frying citrus to implement qi, dissolve phlegm and eliminate phlegm, which helps to activate blood and eliminate phlegm. Combination of drugs, corresponding to the drug certificate, taking into account the laxative, taking 10 doses to see the effect, and then appropriately adjusting the medication for 4 months, the symptoms continue to improve, can walk slowly indoors, and take care of themselves.

In summary, it can be seen that Wang Mianzhi advocates that the brain and heart are the same as the main god theory, and encephalopathy has the characteristics of being easy to be virtual and easy to be real, easy to be cold and easy to heat, and the weakness is mainly based on the deficiency of spleen and kidneys and the deficiency of qi and blood; in fact, it is caused by phlegm stasis and wetness. The treatment of disease evidence is both, tonifying the spleen and kidneys, improving qi and blood, dissolving phlegm and stasis, and achieving satisfactory clinical efficacy, and the remaining symptoms are alleviated.