
The straw that overwhelmed Netanyahu, the Israeli Supreme Court issued a decree aimed at Haredi

author:Science Jun, under Beacon Mountain

Netanyahu can be said to be an "old acquaintance" of Israel, having been elected prime minister four times and served as prime minister for ten years.

But just recently, Israel's Supreme Court issued a new decree that immediately terrified Netanyahu, knowing that if it was implemented, it would seriously threaten his position.

What exactly is the content of the decree?

Why is it a threat to Netanyahu?

How will he respond to this challenge?

Netanyahu is back in power.

Netanyahu is a heavyweight in Israeli politics.

Since entering politics, his career has been smooth sailing, not only in a number of important positions, but also in four prime ministers.

His wisdom and courage are evident!

This has also made him quite influential at home and abroad, and he is known as "the superstar of Israeli politics".

However, over the past few years, Netanyahu's career seems to have had some twists and turns.

In the Knesset elections, his right-wing party, the Likud-Israel coalition, won the election, but did not win an absolute majority.

Therefore, he needs to form a coalition with other parties to ensure that he can be re-elected as prime minister.

However, just as he was close to success, a major incident occurred.

The Israeli police investigated it for months and finally announced a criminal case against it.

The news caused an immediate uproar, with many believing it to be a conspiracy.

The straw that overwhelmed Netanyahu, the Israeli Supreme Court issued a decree aimed at Haredi

Despite this, in the parliamentary elections, Netanyahu still won by a narrow margin and was successfully re-elected.

But with the pressure of criminal proceedings, he soon faced the uncertainty of his fate.

However, the challenges he faced in the following months did not end there.

He again led the coalition Likud-Israel party to the election, but the results were not satisfactory.

Although his coalition won the most seats in the elections, it did not win an absolute majority.

As a result, the road to re-election as prime minister has encountered difficulties.

Fortunately, he eventually managed to form a coalition authority by striking an agreement with other parties and was re-elected prime minister.

However, in the process of forming a government, he relinquished some powers and positions and agreed to hand over power to Benjamin Netanyahu by November next year.

It looks as if Netanyahu has completely lost the initiative.

Recently, however, the Israeli Supreme Court issued a new decree!

The Supreme Court of Israel issued a new decree.

Recently, Israel's Supreme Court issued a new decree requiring all Haredi personnel to perform military service.

The news immediately caused an uproar in the country, with many people protesting.

Netanyahu supported it.

When this decree is implemented, it will have a significant impact on Haredi's personnel.

The Haredi are one of the largest religious groups in Israel.

They strictly follow the teachings of Judaism and regard religious beliefs as the most important thing in life.

Since Haredi personnel usually do not have formal education, most have no military training.

The straw that overwhelmed Netanyahu, the Israeli Supreme Court issued a decree aimed at Haredi

They usually focus on studying the Bible and Jewish teachings and passing on this knowledge to the next generation.

In the past, the Israeli authorities have adopted a tolerant and inclusive attitude towards such a group.

In the early days of the statehood, the Haredi had objected and believed that the Jews should rely on miracles to gain the state.

Despite this, after the official establishment of Israel in 1948, the Haredi personnel gradually accepted the reality and began to fulfill their civic duties.

The straw that overwhelmed Netanyahu, the Israeli Supreme Court issued a decree aimed at Haredi

However, due to their rejection of the military and modern life, as well as their dedication to religious learning, most Haredi personnel did not serve in the military or enter the workforce.

Instead, they choose to concentrate on their religion and make ends meet through government allowances.

This special treatment has also sparked controversy in all sectors of society.

It has been argued that Haredi personnel should fulfill their civic duties and participate in nation-building and security.

However, there are also those who believe that the authorities should respect the freedom of belief of different religious groups and give them special treatment.

The straw that overwhelmed Netanyahu, the Israeli Supreme Court issued a decree aimed at Haredi

However, as times change and the national security situation changes, more and more people have begun to question whether Haredi personnel should be exempt from military service.

In particular, with the deteriorating situation in the Middle East and the growing threat of terrorism, Israel faces unprecedented security challenges.

The exemption of these citizens from military service will undoubtedly weaken the country's security capabilities and military strength.

As a result, many began to call on the authorities to change the current policy and require Haredi personnel to serve in the military.

Netanyahu expressed support for the decree and called it "fair and reasonable."

The straw that overwhelmed Netanyahu, the Israeli Supreme Court issued a decree aimed at Haredi

He believes that every citizen has a responsibility to contribute to national security and calls on Haredi personnel to participate in military training and service.

However, there have been disagreements and protests within the Haredi community.

Some fear the impact of military life and modern society on their religious lifestyles.

They believe that the authorities should respect the religious beliefs and traditional way of life of the Haredi community and give them special treatment.

It can be seen that the internal and external difficulties!

Trapped at home and abroad!

Since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel has faced unprecedented challenges and pressures.

Although the conflict has subsided temporarily, the crisis has not really been resolved.

Israeli intelligence chief Hussein Fadari said: "The situation in the Palestinian areas has not stabilized.

We need to further assess the current situation.

At the same time, there are also voices in the international community calling on both sides to exercise restraint and resolve differences through dialogue and negotiation.

But in the face of pressure and challenges from public opinion at home and abroad, Netanyahu chose to swim against the current.

He tweeted: "We will continue to move forward! We will continue to defend our homeland and our people!"

This statement immediately caused an uproar.

Some see Netanyahu's move as an "iron-fisted" gesture against Palestine;

Others have accused him of taking a tough stance that only adds to tensions;

There are also fears that the move could trigger a new round of violence.

In the face of opposition from all sides, Netanyahu has not given up on his position and determination.

In an interview, he said: "We will continue to take resolute measures to ensure that the Palestinians cannot attack again."

This kind of domineering behavior has caused public outrage!

As a matter of fact, in the international community, many countries have expressed concern and criticism of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned: "The two sides should exercise restraint and resolve their differences through peaceful negotiations."

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell also said: "Both sides should end the violent conflict and resume the negotiation process.

The straw that overwhelmed Netanyahu, the Israeli Supreme Court issued a decree aimed at Haredi

It can be seen that there are already many voices in the international community calling on the two sides to resolve their differences through negotiations.

However, in the face of such pressure, Netanyahu has chosen to swim against the current.

He tweeted: "We will continue to move forward! We will continue to defend our homeland and our people!"

This kind of domineering behavior has caused public outrage!

In the face of opposition from all sides, Netanyahu has not given up on his position and determination.

The author thinks

In the face of many voices in the international community, there have been many calls for the two sides to resolve their differences through negotiations.

So how should Netanyahu respond?

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